patrick gomez md patient portal

by Dr. Raphael Johnson 4 min read

Dr. Patrick J. Gomez , MD -

28 hours ago Work History: After completing his fellowship, Dr. Gomez worked in hematology and oncology services for the U.S. Army at Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, Washington. He served as the medical director for St. Johns Comprehensive Community Cancer Center in … >> Go To The Portal

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Does Dr. Patrick Gomez, MD offer telehealth services?

Dr. Gomez has indicated that they offer telehealth. Contact the office to check for eligibility for your needs.

What are Dr. Patrick Gomez, MD's top areas of care?

Dr. Gomez frequently treats Lymphatic System Disorders, Blood Disorders, and Blood Cancers. See all practice areas where Dr. Gomez specializes.

Where is Dr. Patrick Gomez, MD's office located?

Dr. Gomez's office is located at 3105 Magory Dr, Bloomington, IL 61704. Find other locations and directions on Healthgrades.

How can I make an appointment with Dr. Patrick Gomez, MD?

Find contact information here to make an appointment.

Experience and Background Checks

Based on treatment records, we have identified the following as areas of care that Dr. Gomez treats more often than their peers. If you are unsure whether Dr. Gomez treats other conditions, please contact the office at (915) 779-5866.

Insurance Check

Accepted insurance can change. Please double-check when making an appointment.

Affiliated Hospitals

Dr. Gomez is affiliated with the following hospitals. Select a hospital below to learn more.

About Me

Dr. Patrick Gomez, MD is a Hematology Specialist in Bloomington, IL and has over 39 years of experience in the medical field. Dr. Gomez has more experience... Read more

Insurance Check

Accepted insurance can change. Please double-check when making an appointment.

Affiliated Hospitals

Dr. Gomez is affiliated with the following hospitals. Select a hospital below to learn more.


Dr. Patrick Gomez is an ENT-otolaryngologist in El Paso, Texas and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Hospitals of Providence Sierra Campus-Tenet Healthcare and Hospitals of Providence Memorial Campus-Tenet Healthcare.


Otolaryngologists (also known Ear, Nose & Throat doctors) specialize in disorders of the head and neck ranging from hearing loss to cancer.

Insurances Accepted

Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment.


Dr. Gomez graduated from the Duke University School of Medicine in 1983. He works in Bloomington, IL and 3 other locations and specializes in Internal Medicine, Hematology/Oncology and Medical Oncology. Dr.


Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently.


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About Patrick J Gomez MD

Patrick J Gomez, MD is a health care provider primarily located in El Paso, TX, with other offices in El Paso, TX and El Paso, TX ( and 2 other locations ). He has 39 years of experience. His specialties include Otolaryngology, Plastic Surgery.

Rating Overview

The overall average patient rating of Patrick J Gomez is Good. Patrick J Gomez has been rated by 13 patients.From those 13 patients 3 of those left a comment along with their rating.The overall rating for Patrick J Gomez is 3.1 of 5.0 stars.

Not good

Had a terrible experience with this doctor, does not show that he cares, was rude. Don't go there, period. I found another ENT that my primary sent me to after this one and HE was great!

Pain in troat after surgery and infection ear

It doesn't deserve any star, my husband had a surgery 2 weeks ago, Dr Gomez didn't prescribe any pain killers, he has a pain in his throat and when he went for a review told the Dr and at this day any prescribed medication for the pain or antibiotic for his ear! Any help with a REAL doctor that see their patients as a human being not a number $$$?😡.

very rude unprofessional

I forgot why I stopped seeing this doctor I had surgery 10 years ago with him. I showed up again and gave me antibiotics and was supposed to go back in 15 days but couldn't showed up 2 months later and I told him I read my swollen eyes I had read on internet that could be due to sinusitis. He told me to go see Dr.

More about Dr. Patrick J Gomez

Dr. Gomez graduated from the University of New Mexico School of Medicine in 1983. He works in El Paso, TX and 3 other locations and specializes in Otolaryngology and Plastic Surgery. Dr. Gomez is affiliated with Hospitals Of Providence Sierra Campus, Hospitals Of Providence Memorial Campus and Del Sol Medical Center.

Similar Doctors

The Vitals website is provided for your informational use only. Nothing contained or offered by, on or through Vitals should be construed as medical advice or relied upon for medical diagnosis or treatment. Vitals does not recommend or endorse any particular healthcare provider whose information or ratings appear on this website.


Dr. Patrick L. Gomez is an oncologist in Peoria, Illinois and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Veterans Affairs Illiana Health Care System-Danville and OSF St. Joseph Medical Center. He received his medical degree from Duke University School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years.


Oncologists diagnose and treat cancers of all types. They use diagnostic tools like biopsies, endoscopies, X-ray and other imaging, nuclear medicine, and blood tests. Cancer surgeons, or surgical oncologists, remove tumors, while medical oncologists treat cancers with chemotherapy.

Patient Experience

Provides clear information and answers questions in a way patients understand.

Insurances Accepted

Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment.

Where is Dr. Gomez?

Dr. Patrick L Gomez, MD is a doctor primarily located in Bloomington, IL, with other offices in Pekin, IL and Kewanee, IL ( and 2 other locations ). He has 38 years of experience. His

Is Vitals a medical website?

The Vitals website is provided for your informational use only. Nothing contained or offered by, on or through Vitals should be construed as medical advice or relied upon for medical diagnosis or treatment. Vitals does not recommend or endorse any particular healthcare provider whose information or ratings appear on this website. We encourage you to read our full Terms of Service.

Make an Appointment

Dr. Patrick Gomez is a hematologist / oncologist in Peoria. He is a cancer specialist trained in blood disorders and the medical treatment of malignancies.

Insurance Accepted

NOTE: Please contact the doctor’s office to confirm your coverage before making an appointment.


As a hematologist / oncologist in Illinois, Dr. Gomez is capable of diagnosing and treating patients with blood-related disorders, malignancies, or cancers. Dr. Gomez may treat a range of conditions ranging from the the common to the very rare and complex. As a result, Dr.
