patient volume report

by Domingo Ziemann 5 min read

Patient Volume | Health Data

5 hours ago The report for this 90 day period of patient encounters is as follows: Line 1. % # of Medicaid Encounters (Primary and Secondary) *Do not deduct KCHIP total from this line on form* Line 2. %KCHIP3 Total Line 3. %Total Medicaid Encounters for 90 day pt vol period: (Subtract Line 2 from Line 1 and enter total here and report on Line 6 on >> Go To The Portal

Volume Reporting Period: The volume reporting period is based on any continuous full three-month period or 90-day period in the previous calendar year or in the most recent 12 months before attestation. For EPs using the group patient volume calculation, all EPs in the group will have the same reporting period.

Full Answer

What is the purpose of the patient volume and statistics form?

The Patient Volume and Statistics Form serves as the tool that provides necessary data/statistics to determine if the sleep facility accepts, evaluates, treats and manages all sleep disorders.

How do you calculate patient volume in a 90 day period?

The total for all patient encounters in the same 90-day period. ( A90) FQHCs calculate patient volume by adding Needy encounters in the same 90-day period (N90): DO NOT COUNT multiple claims for services for the same patient by the same provider on the same day.

How is patient volume calculated for needy encounters?

FQHCs calculate patient volume by adding Needy encounters in the same 90-day period (N90): DO NOT COUNT multiple claims for services for the same patient by the same provider on the same day.

What is the appropriate patient volume methodology calculation for an EP?

The clinic or group practice's patient volume is appropriate as a patient volume methodology calculation for the EP (for example, if an EP only sees Medicare, commercial, or self-pay patients, this is not an appropriate calculation); So long as the practice and EPs decide to use one methodology in each year.


How many patient encounters do you need to be eligible for an incentive payment?

To qualify for an incentive payment, an EP must have at least 30 percent patient encounters (20 percent for pediatricians) over a selected 90-day reporting period. EPs can report their individual patient volume, or if they are part of a large practice group they can attest using the group’s patient volume. To attest using group volume, certain ...

Can EPs use individual volume?

When a group practice chooses to use the group patient volume calculation, all attesting EPs in the group must use the group volume. It is not possible for some EPs in the group to use their individual volume and others to use the group volume. However, if an EP practices at multiple locations, the EP can choose to not participate in one group’s ...

Is Medicaid encounter included in patient volume?

All Medicaid encounters included in patient volume: When calculating patient volume, all Medicaid encounters that are seen at the group location are included for every practitioner in the group/clinic, even those who are not eligible for the program, or those who are not participating. If the encounter is outside the group practice, ...

Will ED volumes lag in 2021?

TransUnion projects that ED volumes will continue to lag, with Q2 2021 likely remaining at the pandemic-era baseline. “However, visits may gain some ground as patients become more comfortable returning to hospitals due to widespread vaccination administration,” the report states.

Is telehealth part of peak performance?

Telehealth also may be part of the path back to peak performance for hospitals and other providers. “What we saw was how much the consumer behavior impacted some of the operations and finances early on” in the pandemic, Swanson said.

What is the purpose of the Patient Volume and Statistics Form?

The Patient Volume and Statistics Form serves as the tool that provides necessary data/statistics to determine if the sleep facility accepts, evaluates, treats and manages all sleep disorders. This form, along with the Patient Acceptance Policy, assists the AASM in ensuring the facility scope of service meets compliance to the Standards for Accreditation.

What do facilities need to document in the medical record?

Facilities must document in the medical record ongoing evaluation, management and follow-up of each patient with sleep disorders. Facilities must be able to show medical records to demonstrate management of an adequate range of sleep disorders.

Can EPs choose one or more clinical sites of practice?

EPs may choose one (or more) clinical sites of practice to calculate patient volume (i.e., the calculation does not need to be across all of an EP’s sites of practice)

Is patient volume appropriate for EP?

Practice's patient volume is appropriate as a patient volume methodology calculation for the EP (i.e., if an EP only sees Medicare, commercial, or self‐pay patients, this is not an appropriate calculation)

What is PVH report?

The PVH section allows a user to run the report for Eligible Hospitals. The user may run an automated 90-day report that looks for the first period in which a hospital meets the 30% minimum threshold during the Federal Fiscal year or may run a 90-day report where the user specifies the start date, or may run a report where both start and end dates are user specified.

What is the Needy Individual calculation in the Third Party Billing Patch 7 and 8?

The Needy Individual calculation in the Third Party Billing Patch 7 and 8 Patient Volume Report for Eligible Professionals calculates and reports on Medicaid and CHIPs encounters. At the time of programming, the way to count other types of “Uncompensated Care” was still under debate.

What happens if a facility does not meet the required threshold?

If the facility did not meet the necessary threshold, the not eligible output will print, listing the date ranges and the percentages that were found.

When can a 90 day report be used?

If the report is not for a full 90-day period, or the end date for the 90-day is after December 31, then the report cannot be used to attest for MU, but may be used for informational purposes.

Is EP reporting informational?

This section lists definitions of terminology used specifically for the EP reports, but many of the terms are generic to both reports. There is no functionality associated with this option, it is informational only.
