patient safety report program

by Kim Mraz 7 min read

Patient Safety Program | Cleveland Clinic

1 hours ago The Cleveland Clinic Patient Safety Program focuses on the continuous enhancement of safety for all patients, visitors and employees. We are committed to a just culture of safety in which employees are encouraged to come forward when they or others make mistakes, allowing us the opportunity to improve the care we deliver and prevent potential ... >> Go To The Portal

The Patient Safety Reporting System (PSRS) is a non-punitive, confidential, and voluntary program which collects and analyzes safety reports submitted by healthcare personnel. Staff can report close calls, suggestions, and incident / event related information and data to improve patient safety.

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How to use data to improve patient safety?

Use health IT to improve patient safety. Improve the usability of your EHR. Improve healthcare quality with EHR technology. Quality healthcare means doing the right thing — for the right patient, at the right time, in the right way — to achieve the best possible results. Patient safety practices protect patients from accidental or ...

How to manage patient safety?

  • Appropriate use of prophylaxis to prevent venous thromboembolism in patients at risk
  • Use of perioperative beta-blockers in appropriate patients to prevent perioperative morbidity and mortality
  • Use of maximum sterile barriers while placing central intravenous catheters to prevent infections

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How do you improve patient safety in hospitals?

PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- ObservSMART, a patient safety compliance system, announced today that Day Kimball Hospital in Putnam, Connecticut, has begun using its technology to ...

How to talk about patient safety?

  • Ask team for safety concerns or successes from previous day
  • Identify safety concerns for patient on today’s schedule
  • Provide any updates on organization safety or quality projects
  • Ask team for reactions on the use of the huddle: Plus/delta (record and reflect). Plus: What worked, and what should we keep doing? ...


What is patient safety report?

Patient Safety Reporting (PSR) gives military treatment facility personnel the ability to anonymously report medical events that impact the safety of patients.

What is a patient safety program?

The goals are designed to ensure accredited hospitals are affording patients the best care possible. Medication safety measure, following hand hygiene guidelines and preventing patient falls are examples of these goals.

Why is patient safety reporting important?

It helps identify root causes: All healthcare incidents have a cause. The root causes must be identified—and corrected—to try to prevent adverse events from recurring. A patient incident report is a detailed, written account of the chain of events leading up to an adverse event.

Which types of events should be reported in a safety report?

All team members are required to participate in the detection and reporting of any error, medication error, near miss, hazardous/unsafe condition, process failure, injuries involving patients, visitors and staff or a sentinel event.

What are the goals of the patient safety program?

What Are the 7 National Patient Safety Goals for Hospitals in 2021?Identify patients correctly. ... Improve staff communication. ... Use medicines safely. ... Use alarms safely. ... Prevent infection. ... Identify patient safety risks. ... Prevent mistakes in surgery.

What are examples of patient safety?

The Nurse's Role in Patient SafetyIdentify “wrong site, wrong procedure, wrong patient” errors. High quality hospitals view nurses as the physician's partner in avoiding errors such as these. ... Catch medication mistakes. ... Educate patients about their medications. ... Reduce patient falls. ... Monitor patients for deterioration.

What is the purpose of reporting in healthcare?

Public reporting of health care quality data allows consumers, patients, payers, and health care providers to access information about how clinicians, hospitals, clinics, long-term care (LTC) facilities, and insurance plans perform on health care quality measures.

What are the 4 elements you should try to get when reporting an adverse event to patient safety?

The minimum dataset required to consider information as a reportable AE is indeed minimal, namely (1) an identifiable patient, (2) an identifiable reporter, (3) product exposure, and (4) an event.

How do you write a patient report?

III. Patient case presentationDescribe the case in a narrative form.Provide patient demographics (age, sex, height, weight, race, occupation).Avoid patient identifiers (date of birth, initials).Describe the patient's complaint.List the patient's present illness.List the patient's medical history.More items...•

PSRP reports

Our reports show that an organization’s capacity for responding to, and learning from, safety issues is critical in our complex and constantly changing healthcare system.

Our current community of participating facilities

Ambulatory surgery centers, hospitals, nursing facilities, and community pharmacies licensed in Oregon are eligible to join PSRP.

What is AHRQ in healthcare?

AHRQ has developed tools that can help organizations build the capacity for change to make health care safer. By understanding patient safety concepts and how team and individual behaviors and attitudes influence safety culture, teams build the foundations for a future of safer care.

What is AHRQ free?

AHRQ offers free tools to help prioritize concerns and maximize interactions between providers, patients, and families. Guide to Patient and Family Engagement in Hospital Quality and Safety. Guide to Improving Patient Safety in Primary Care Settings. About AHRQ's Quality & Patient Safety Work. AHRQ is the lead Federal agency for patient safety ...

What is patient safety event reporting?

Patient safety event reporting systems are ubiquito us in hospitals and are a mainstay of efforts to detect patient safety events and quality problems. Incident reporting is frequently used as a general term for all voluntary patient safety event reporting systems, which rely on those involved in events to provide detailed information. Initial reports often come from the frontline personnel directly involved in an event or the actions leading up to it (e.g., the nurse, pharmacist, or physician caring for a patient when a medication error occurred), rather than management or patient safety professionals. Voluntary event reporting is therefore a passive form of surveillance for near misses or unsafe conditions, in contrast to more active methods of surveillance such as direct observation of providers or chart review using trigger tools. The Patient Safety Primer Detection of Safety Hazards provides a detailed discussion of other methods of identifying errors and latent safety problems.

What is the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act?

The legislation provides confidentiality and privilege protections for patient safety information when health care providers work with new expert entities known as Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs). Health care providers may choose to work with a PSO and specify the scope and volume of patient safety information to share with a PSO. Because health care providers can set limits on the ability of PSOs to use and share their information, this system does not follow the pattern of traditional voluntary reporting systems. However, health care providers and PSOs may aggregate patient safety event information on a voluntary basis, and AHRQ will establish a network of patient safety databases that can receive and aggregate nonidentifiable data that are submitted voluntarily. AHRQ has also developed Common Formats —standardized definitions and reporting formats for patient safety events—in order to facilitate aggregation of patient safety information. Since their initial release in 2009, the Common Formats have been updated and expanded to cover a broad range of safety events.

What is AHRQ common format?

AHRQ has also developed Common Formats —standardized definitions and reporting formats for patient safety events— in order to facilitate aggregation of patient safety information. Since their initial release in 2009, the Common Formats have been updated and expanded to cover a broad range of safety events.

How is event reporting used in health care?

A 2016 article contrasted event reporting in health care with event reporting in other high-risk industries (such as aviation), pointing out that event reporting systems in health care have placed too much emphasis on collecting reports instead of learning from the events that have been reported. Event reporting systems are best used as a way of identifying issues that require further, more detailed investigation. While event reporting utilization can be a marker of a positive safety culture within an organization, organizations should resist the temptation to encourage event reporting without a concrete plan for following up on reported events. A PSNet perspective described a framework for incorporating voluntary event reports into a cohesive plan for improving safety. The framework emphasizes analysis of the events and documenting process improvements arising from event analysis, rather than encouraging event reporting for its own sake.

What is PSNet perspective?

A PSNet perspective described a framework for incorporating voluntary event reports into a cohesive plan for improving safety. The framework emphasizes analysis of the events and documenting process improvements arising from event analysis, rather than encouraging event reporting for its own sake.

Why are event reports limited?

The spectrum of reported events is limited, in part due to the fact that physicians generally do not utilize voluntary event reporting systems.

Is there a voluntary event reporting system?

Voluntary event reporting systems need not be confined to a single hospital or organization. The United Kingdom's National Patient Safety Agency maintains the National Reporting and Learning System, a nationwide voluntary event reporting system, and the MEDMARX voluntary medication error reporting system in the U.S.

What is PSRS in healthcare?

It therefore serves as an “honest broker” that is an objective and trustworthy recipient of reports submitted by healthcare personnel. The PSRS is available to act as a reporting system that is complementary to a medical facility’s internal reporting or other reporting sytem. Additionally, this can serve as the primary system responsible ...

What is PSRS in medical?

PSRS is an external, independent system administered by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and is available to collaborate with both private and federal medical facilities. Staff in all sectors of medical systems can voluntarily report any close calls, events or concerns they have which involve patient safety.

Who can submit reports to the PSRS?

Doctors, nurses and others involved in medical and healthcare settings through prior arrangement with their organization and NASA may submit reports to the PSRS when they are involved in, or observe, an incident or situation in which patient safety may have been compromised. All submissions are voluntary. Reports sent to the PSRS are held in strict ...

Is NASA a safety reporting agency?

NASA is using its experience from developing and managing the highly successful Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS). NASA has administered the ASRS, a similar and very successful program, since 1976 without ever violating a reporter’s confidentiality.

Is the PSRS held in strict confidence?

Reports sent to the PSRS are held in strict confidence. Of all the reports submitted to date no reporter's identity has ever been breached by the PSRS. PSRS de-identifies reports before entering them into the incident database. All personal and organizational names are removed.

What is AHRQ research?

AHRQ is the lead federal agency for patient safety research. We invest in research and implementation projects that make care safer by bridging the gap between basic and clinical research and the actual health care that reaches patients.

How does AHRQ work?

The AHRQ Patient Safety Research program is conducted through the Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (CQuIPS). CQuIPS is charged with: 1 Conducting and supporting user-driven research on patient safety and health care quality measurement, reporting, and improvement. 2 Developing and disseminating reports and information on health care quality measurement, reporting, and improvement. 3 Collaborating with stakeholders across the health care system to implement evidence-based practices, accelerating and amplifying improvements in quality and safety for patients. 4 Assessing its own practices to ensure continuous learning and improvement for the Center and its members.

What is CQuIPS in healthcare?

CQuIPS is charged with: Conducting and supporting user-driven research on patient safety and health care quality measurement, reporting, and improvement. Developing and disseminating reports and information on health care quality measurement, reporting, and improvement.

What is a patient safety plan?

A patient safety plan is a document that is used by medical staff in keeping patient safety within the hospital premises. It contains information such as rules and guidelines in what to do when an individual is admitted to a hospital. A patient safety plan is created so that medical facilities around the world can improve ...

Why is a patient safety plan important?

A patient safety plan can assure that the patients’ safety and security are looked after by the hospital administration. It can erase the worries of experiencing medication and operation errors that might lead to the harm of patients’. That is why a patient safety plan is essential in every medical institution so that they can provide premium ...

Why is it important to keep a record of your safety plan?

Keeping a record of your current safety plan can give you ideas on how to improve in developing your next patient safety plan since you already know the effects of your first plan. Hospitals are the only place in the world where we get proper medical treatment for our physical and mental illnesses.

How many doctors were sued for malpractice in 2015?

The Statista Research Department revealed that 31% of the physicians in the United States was sued for malpractice back in 2015. To avoid such drastic events, a patient safety plan must be used so that all medical staff can provide exceptional quality healthcare services.

What is the purpose of conducting safety observations?

You can conduct safety observations or surveys so that you will have an insight as to what area or department needs the utmost improvement.

Does a patient safety plan cover the cleaning crew?

Yes, a patient safety plan covers the safety of the parties that are going to be affected or included upon its development. Staff safety is also essential as they are the ones who take care of the patients. From the nursing department down to the cleaning crew, they are all covered upon creating a patient safety plan.



Patient safety event reporting systems are ubiquitous in hospitals and are a mainstay of efforts to detect patient safety events and quality problems. Incident reporting is frequently used as a general term for all voluntary patient safety event reporting systems, which rely on those involved in events to provide detailed infor…
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Characteristics of Incident Reporting Systems

  • An effective event reporting system should have four key attributes: While traditional event reporting systems have been paper based, technological enhancements have allowed the development of Web-based systems and systems that can receive information from electronic medical records. Specialized systems have also been developed for specific settings, such as th…
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Limitations of Event Reporting

  • The limitations of voluntary event reporting systems have been well documented. Event reports are subject to selection bias due to their voluntary nature. Compared with medical record review and direct observation, event reports capture only a fraction of events and may not reliably identify serious events. The spectrum of reported events is limited, in part due to the fact that ph…
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Using Event Reports to Improve Safety

  • A 2016 article contrasted event reporting in health care with event reporting in other high-risk industries (such as aviation), pointing out that event reporting systems in health care have placed too much emphasis on collecting reports instead of learning from the events that have been reported. Event reporting systems are best used as a way of identifying issues that require furth…
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Current Context

  • At the national level, regulations implementing the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act became effective on January 19, 2009. The legislation provides confidentiality and privilege protections for patient safety information when health care providers work with new expert entities known as Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs). Health care providers may choose to wo…
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