patient report and quality of nursing care

by Miss Tiana Friesen 10 min read

Patient satisfaction with the quality of nursing care - PMC

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Nurses are in an ideal position to report on the quality of care in hospitals. They are the de facto surveillance system overseeing the patient care experience.

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How does patient perception of quality of nursing care influence nursing care?

Nursing care most closely influences patients’ satisfaction with the overall quality of care, and therefore, the importance of measuring patient perception of quality of nursing care cannot be emphasized enough [ 10, 15 ].

How many items are in the quality of nursing care questionnaire?

Quality of Nursing Care Questionnaires-Patient has 43 items organized in five subscales: physical care (12 items), emotional care (17 items), nurse physician team work (1 item), preparation for home care (7 items), and nursing administration (6 items).

How many patients are satisfied with the quality of nursing care?

We evaluated perception of quality of nursing care in 340 patients among whom only 125 (36.8%) were satisfied with the quality of nursing care. The remaining majority were dissatisfied or neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

What constitutes quality nursing care?

There is considerable discussion in the healthcare field about what constitutes quality nursing care. For instance, the Institute of Medicine has defined quality care in terms of standards for populations and individuals that "increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge."


What is the quality of nursing care?

Quality nursing care was characterized as competence and personal caring supported by professionalism and delivered with an appropriate demeanor.

How do patients define quality of care?

In 2001, the Institute of Medicine outlined six key attributes that define effective health care: safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable.

Why is report important in nursing?

Most importantly, communication supports the foundation of patient care. So, hand-off reporting during shift change is a critical process that is crucial in protecting a patient's safety. Throughout the hand-off report, it is vital to provide accurate, up-to-date, and pertinent information to the oncoming nurse.

How do you write a nursing patient report?

How to write a nursing progress noteGather subjective evidence. After you record the date, time and both you and your patient's name, begin your nursing progress note by requesting information from the patient. ... Record objective information. ... Record your assessment. ... Detail a care plan. ... Include your interventions.

Why is quality patient care important?

Quality care is important because it focuses on improving health outcomes. The healthier you are, the happier we are. HQW not only celebrates the progress of the healthcare industry, but also uses this time to find new ways we can improve upon our existing care.

What are the 6 domains of quality?

Six domains of quality exist within health care (safety, timeliness, effectiveness, efficiency, equitability, patient-centeredness), and quality improvement projects should seek to improve the patient experience in at least one of these domains.

What is the importance of reports?

Reports present adequate information on various aspects of the business. All the skills and the knowledge of the professionals are communicated through reports. Reports help the top line in decision making. A rule and balanced report also help in problem solving.

What is the purpose of reports in healthcare?

Reporting is one of the most important ways to view and track whether patient outcomes are auspicious, and if the organization is financially sound. Healthcare reporting is also a means of earning reimbursements and avoiding penalties in the case of groups under value-based care contracts.

What is a report in nursing?

Report or handoff involves providing information to the nurse who will be taking over the care of your patients. It should be given anytime patient care is transferred to another nurse. This may include at the end of your shift or if a patient is being transferred to another unit in the hospital.

How do you write a patient report?

III. Patient case presentationDescribe the case in a narrative form.Provide patient demographics (age, sex, height, weight, race, occupation).Avoid patient identifiers (date of birth, initials).Describe the patient's complaint.List the patient's present illness.List the patient's medical history.More items...•

How do you give a good report?

1:2020:45How to Give a Nursing Shift Report - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd what I do with my report should sheet. At the end of the day I always tread it so tip alwaysMoreAnd what I do with my report should sheet. At the end of the day I always tread it so tip always shred your report sheet whenever you're done giving a report you don't want to stick it in your locker.

What are the types of reports in nursing?

There are different types of nursing reports described in the literature, but the four main types are: a written report, a tape-recorded report, a verbal face-to-face report conducted in a private setting, and face-to-face bedside handoff.

What is the most important contribution of nursing to patient safety?

The most critical contribution of nursing to patient safety, in any setting, is the ability to coordinate and integrate the multiple aspects of quality within the care directly provided by nursing, and across the care delivered by others in the setting.

What is the cornerstone of high quality health care?

Conclusion. Patient safety is the cornerstone of high-quality health care. Much of the work defining patient safety and practices that prevent harm have focused on negative outcomes of care, such as mortality and morbidity. Nurses are critical to the surveillance and coordination that reduce such adverse outcomes.

What are the practices considered to have sufficient evidence to include in the category of patient safety practices?

Practices considered to have sufficient evidence to include in the category of patient safety practices are as follows:12. Appropriate use of prophylaxis to prevent venous thromboembolism in patients at risk. Use of perioperative beta-blockers in appropriate patients to prevent perioperative morbidity and mortality.

Why are nurses important?

Nurses are critical to the surveillance and coordination that reduce such adverse outcomes.

Is quality an abstraction?

This conceptual definition reflects the fact that quality is an abstraction and does not exist as a discrete entity. Rather it is constructed based on an interaction among relevant actors who agree about standards (the norms and values) and components (the possibilities).


Background: The patient is observed to acquire a passive role and the nurse an expert role with a maternalistic attitude. This relationship among others determines the capacity for autonomy in the decision making of patients.

1. Introduction

In general, most of the literature does not deal with behaviours and communication skills between the nurse-patient relationship and the role of both. There has been a large amount of documentation on self-care strategies, medication adherence, psychological interventions, and patient and nurse satisfaction [ 1, 2, 3, 4]

2. Background

The most concurrent topics in the literature reviewed on nurse-patient relationship are the (a) role of the patient, (b) role of the nurse, and (c) type of nurse-patient relationship.

3. Materials and Methods

A phenomenological qualitative study was conducted. A discourse analysis was conducted for two sources. On the one hand, through in-depth interviews with nurses, and on the other hand, nursing records about the clinical evolution of patients from internal medicine and specialty departments in a general hospital.

4. Results

Singular characteristics of the construction of nurses’ discourse on the clinical evolution of a patient are observed. The set of nursing registers are, for the most part, brief, unstructured, centred on clinical plots of the patient, and without connection to each other.

5. Discussion

This study reveals that the patient is not autonomous in making decisions about their care due to the characteristics of the nurse’s relationships with the patient, as an important factor among others.

6. Conclusions

The passive role of the patient acquires its maximum expression in hospitalization units, in which the context is assumed to lack autonomy to participate in their care and decisions regarding treatment.

Is quality nursing important?

Although quality nursing care is vital to patient outcomes and safety, meaningful improvements have been disturbingly slow. Analysis of quality care literature reveals that practising nurses are rarely involved in developing or defining improvement programs for quality nursing care.

Can nurses modify their curricula?

Nurse educators could modify education curricula to model and teach students the intrinsic qualit …. Nurse managers could develop strategies that support nurses better in identifying and delivering quality nursing care reflective of responsibility, caring, intentionality, empathy, respect and advocacy. Nurse educators could modify education ...


Nursing care closely influences patients’ satisfaction with the overall quality of care, and the importance of measuring patient satisfaction with nursing care cannot be emphasized enough. Data are however scarce regarding patients’ perception of quality of nursing care in Ethiopia.


Patients’ perception of care quality refers to patients’ view of services received and the results of the treatment and are monitored to assess the delivery and quality of healthcare, while patient experiences is a reflection of what actually happened during the care process [ 1, 2 ].


The study was conducted in SPHMMC departments of pediatrics and child health, obstetrics/gynecology, internal medicine and surgery.


A total of 340 patients were included in our study. Patients included were different group of population with any disease requiring admission to the departments of Pediatrics (care givers satisfaction taken as client satisfaction), Obstetrics and gynecology, Internal medicine and Surgery with nearly equal distribution from each unit.


We evaluated perception of quality of nursing care in 340 patients among whom only 125 (36.8%) were satisfied with the quality of nursing care. The remaining majority were dissatisfied or neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.


Patients perceived low quality of physical care, education and preparation for home care but better nurse physician relation and nursing administration in our study. The overall quality of nursing care was however neither satisfying nor dissatisfying.


We would like to acknowledge SPHMMC for funding the research and all the participants for their response.


Quality nursing care is a multidimensional concept that has attracted the interest of nurse professionals and healthcare organizations globally as it is a vital component of overall healthcare quality at all times.

References (42)

ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.

What is quality care?

Similarly, the World Health Organization defines quality care as "the extent to which health care services provided to individuals and patient populations improve desired health outcomes.".

What are the topics of nursing?

Some of the issues and topics centered around quality care that nursing students might encounter in the classroom setting are as follows: 1 Treatment of wounds by offering timely diagnosis and evaluation 2 Focusing attention on patient needs in order to maintain safety, independence, recovery, or peaceful death 3 Basing nursing practices on systematic, planned, knowledge-based education and experience 4 Traceability of medical procedures 5 Offering patient education, motivation, monitoring, and early recognition of causes and risk factors 6 Reducing or removing causes and risk factors of health issues through necessary, safe medical treatment 7 Maintenance and optimization of health status, as well as prevention of complications from existing diseases and conditions 8 Appropriate wound treatment that increases satisfaction, reduces pain, increases mobility, reduces aggravating factors, and achieves a satisfactory outcome 9 Scientific research and knowledge about pathology of wound formation and healing 10 Modern achievements that accelerate independence, reduce pain, encourage faster wound healing 11 Practices that develop awareness, knowledge, and relevant experience

How has nursing education improved?

Nursing educators recognize that continuous education goes hand in hand with improving the quality of nursing health care and patient safety.

What to expect as a nursing student?

As a nursing student, you will likely be introduced to lectures and literature that stress quality care. Once you graduate, you will likely strive to work for health care facilities that offer quality care. For that reason, it's important that you understand what some of the parameters mentioned above should look like. Effective care.

What are the parameters of health care?

For that reason, it's important that you understand what some of the parameters mentioned above should look like. Effective care. Services should be based on scientific knowledge and evidence-based guidelines. Safe care. Quality health care should minimize risks, harm to users.

How should health care be delivered?

Health care should be delivered in a way where waste is avoided and resources maximized. People and culture centered. The health care should take into account the individual and cultural preferences and aspirations of the community that is being served.

What is the American Association of Colleges of Nursing?

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing has led the way in enhancing nursing faculties' ability to develop quality and safety competencies among nursing program graduates. Faculty development programs have been designed to train and improve curricula so that they can meet the standards of the core competencies listed above.
