1 hours ago The patient or the patient's legal representative must sign the Authorization of Use and Disclosure. If you are the patient's legal representative, we require proof that you may sign on behalf of the patient (example: Copy of the Medical Power of Attorney papers). ... CAMC's free and secure patient portal. >> Go To The Portal
The patient or the patient's legal representative must sign the Authorization of Use and Disclosure. If you are the patient's legal representative, we require proof that you may sign on behalf of the patient (example: Copy of the Medical Power of Attorney papers). ... CAMC's free and secure patient portal.
Patient Information. Welcome to CAMC! We look forward to caring for you. On this page you'll find links and information that will be helpful before, during, and after your stay.
PatientLink Account Request. If you would like to request a CAMC PatientLink account, please complete the information below. Our team will create your account and send you an email to complete the process. Please note that this is completed Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
You may electronically request your medical record, or you may print forms and mail them to request your medical record.
You can also access many documents and results related to your care online with PatientLink, CAMC's free and secure patient portal. Visit our PatientLink site to learn more or sign up for access.
The release of information office is currently closed to in-person traffic due to COVID-19. You can reach the office to request records by calling (304) 388-1308.
Please refer to the CAMC Notice of Privacy Practices for more detailed information regarding how medical information about you may be used and disclosed.
The CAMCgo App makes it easy to find CAMC doctors and locations, You can even find directions to CAMC departments when you're at one of our hospitals.
Find physicians and providers, locations, access your health information, pay your bills, and more...