patient portal sierra medical

by Jacinthe Nicolas 3 min read

For Patients & Visitors | Sierra View Medical Center

35 hours ago Patient Portal - SIERRA VISTA FAMILY MEDICAL CLINIC Patient Portal What is Patient Portal? The The Patient Portal is a valuable tool that allows you to go online and request appointments, view lab results, send secure messages to your care team, and see a summary of medications, allergies, immunizations, and medical issues. >> Go To The Portal

What is my portal (patient portal)?

Patient Portal - SIERRA VISTA FAMILY MEDICAL CLINIC Patient Portal What is Patient Portal? The The Patient Portal is a valuable tool that allows you to go online and request appointments, view lab results, send secure messages to your care team, and see a summary of medications, allergies, immunizations, and medical issues.

How do I access the RRH patient portal?

To access your patient portal, give your email address to a team member of Sierra Family. Within 24 hours, you will receive an email with instructions on setting up your personal patient portal. View Review your visit summaries, current medications, upcoming appointments, lab results, educational materials and messages from the practice. Update

How do I make sure I am receiving patient portal emails?

With the portal, patients are able to access their visit history, health summary report, lab results and imaging reports as well as update personal information. All of the information in the portal comes from your SVMC Electronic Health Record. This ensures that you have access to the most accurate and up-to-date information.

How do I get technical help with the patient portal?

My Portal (Patient Portal) is a website that allows you a convenient and secure way to view portions of your medical records and in some locations communicate with participating provider’s health care team. Within your My Portal account, you will be able to do the following: View summaries of your electronic health record


How can I get access to my health records on the Apple Health app?

If you use an an iPhone, you can access this hospital’s health records. Follow these steps: Open the Health app on your iPhone. Select Health Recor...

How will My Health Rec benefit me?

My Health Rec allows you to view, download and transmit your up-to-date health information. Specifically, you can: View some pathology, radiology a...

Who is eligible to use the patient portal?

All patients can sign up for patient portal access. Signing up for the patient portal is quick, easy, and only takes a few minutes. Self-registrati...

How do I sign up for the patient portal?

You can enroll in the patient portal while completing the registration process at the hospital. During registration, simply tell our staff that you...

What do I need to enroll in the patient portal?

Enrolling in the patient portal only takes a few minutes. You simply need to provide a valid email address and an acceptable form of ID, which can...

What lab results will be viewable in the patient portal?

Most common lab test results will be viewable in the patient portal, such as Labs, Radiology and Pathology results. Some sensitive results are not...

When will I see my results?

Some results will be delivered into the patient portal as soon as they are resulted and entered into your electronic health record. Please see belo...

Is a mobile version of the patient portal available?

The patient portal can be accessed on any browser and any device with internet. The patient portal is also available as an app, or you can access y...

Will My Health Rec allow me to make online appointment requests or cancellation requests?

Currently, making online appointment and/or cancellation requests is not an available option with My Health Rec.

Will My Health Rec allow me to make online prescription renewal requests?

Currently, prescription renewal requests are not an available option with My Health Rec.

Connecting My Portal With Other Apps

Dignity Health Medical Foundation - Woodland and Davis is committed to providing the tools you need to better manage your health. If you’re enrolled in our My Portal patient portal, you’ll soon have the ability to connect select health management apps to your personal health information. To learn more, click here .

General Enrollment FAQs

What is My Portal (Patient Portal)?#N#My Portal (Patient Portal) is a website that allows you a convenient and secure way to view portions of your medical records and in some locations communicate with participating provider’s health care team. Within your My Portal account, you will be able to do the following:

Patient Portal & Forms

It’s your body. It’s your life. At Sierra Madre Community Medical Group, we put you in charge of your health by proving you access to your medical records. Review your lab results, request prescription refills, or schedule an appointment through our convenient patient portal.

Take Control of Your Health

It’s your body. It’s your life. At Sierra Madre Community Medical Group, we put you in charge of your health by proving you access to your medical records. Review your lab results, request prescription refills, or schedule an appointment through our convenient patient portal.


Seamlessly message your provider and care team from the comfort of your home with our secure Patient Portal.

Did You Receive Your New MEMBER Packet?

All new members with Heritage Sierra Medical Group will receive a New Member Packet in the mail.

Register for the FollowMyHealth patient portal

At your next hospital or clinic visit, we will ask you to provide information including your email address for registration. You will then receive an email with a personalized link to the Patient Portal.

Getting Started

Please note, some options in this video may vary depending on the settings selected by the healthcare organization.

Welcome to My Health Rec, Our Patient Portal

My Health Rec is a great way to view, download and transmit your up-to-date health information, all from the convenience and privacy of your own home, or anywhere Internet access is available — 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

How to Get Started

Get started today by enrolling in My Health Rec at your next inpatient visit. You can also set up your own patient portal account by using our self-enrollment tool.
