patient portal salina family healthcare

by Heidi Spencer 4 min read

SFHC | Salina Family Healthcare Center

30 hours ago Leave your own review. Salina Family Healthcare Center (SFHC) is a community health center dedicated to providing a broad array of comprehensive healthcare services for Salina area … >> Go To The Portal

Why choose Salina family healthcare center?

Salina Family Healthcare Center (SFHC) offers comprehensive services for all, no exceptions. SFHC’s roots in equitable, full-service healthcare date back to our founding in 1979. Over time, our team has added dental, behavioral health, and pharmacy to our offerings to better serve our patients.

Where can I get dental care in Salina?

I would recommend The Salina Family dental care to family & friends. Salina Family Healthcare Center (SFHC) is a community health center dedicated to providing a broad array of comprehensive healthcare services for Salina area residents.

What is the patient portal and how does it work?

A. Family HealthCare Network’s Patient Portal will allow you to access and manage your health information any time of the day, any day of the week. This service is free to you, provided by Family HealthCare Network. Q. How do I enroll? A.

What is MyMy health portal?

My Health Portal is an online service of Salina Regional Health Center and its affiliates. The portal is one of the latest technology enhancements implemented that empowers patients to take an active role in managing their health.


Sign in to your portal!

Family HealthCare Network’s patient portal will give you access to manage and view your health information any time of the day, any day of the week. This service is free to you, provided by Family HealthCare Network.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I am a patient at the Koligian Ambulatory Care Center, Disease Management Center, and/or Surgical Services Center, can I use the Patient Portal? A. At this time, you will continue to use MyChart as a means to communicate with your doctor, access test results, request prescription refills, and manage appointments.

How to enroll in the patient portal?

To enroll in the patient portal, you must receive services at one of our locations. To create an account, you may self-enroll here. Alternatively, you may contact the location where you received care and tell them you would like to make an account. Registration requires an email and a valid ID.

How are messages sent to your provider's office transferred?

All messages sent to your provider’s office are transferred via a secure server compliant with HIPAA standards.

Can you access read only medical records?

At the hospital patient portal, you can access read-only medical information through our secure server. This includes educational materials, information on your current medications, allergies, immunizations, health issues, and lab test results. All information is pulled directly from your electronic health records. Due to the sensitive nature of radiology and pathology test results, these are not available on the patient portal and must be obtained through the hospital’s Health Information Department.

Is RWJBarnabas Health a centralized portal?

RWJBarnabas Health is in the process transitioning all of our hospitals to a centralized patient portal called MyChart where all hospitals’ records will eventually be contained within one system for your convenience. Please be assured that you will always have access to your medical records.

What is the priority of Salina Regional Health Center?

Preventing infections is a top priority at Salina Regional Health Center. Our staff and physicians are well educated in the techniques to prevent infections. We encourage you to wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer before touching your baby. Please encourage your family and friends to do the same.

What is the phone number for birth center?

Once you’re home and getting settled, you may have questions. Please feel free to call the Birth Center any time of the day or night for assistance at (785) 452-6555. Our staff will be happy to help.

What level of intensive care is the birth center?

Should your baby develop any problems before, during or after delivery, the Birth Center has a Level II Neonatal Intensive Care Nursery. This is a special care nursery with facilities and staff to care for premature, high risk and other babies requiring close observation.

What happens after a caesarean delivery?

Following the skin-to-skin and recovery time after a caesarean delivery, your new family will be moved to a room with a postoperative surgical bed for your comfort. In either type of delivery, your baby will stay with you during your entire stay.

Is Salina Regional Health Center smoke free?

Salina Regional Health Center is a smoke-free healthcare facility. Our smoke- free policy prohibits smoking within the hospital and complies with the city of Salina and state of Kansas statutes. The policy provides a smoke-free environment for patients, visitors and employees.

Is Salina Regional a good place to have a baby?

Our family-centric Birth Center is a great place to have your baby. With one whole floor in the patient tower dedicated to having babies, Salina Regional really delivers. Spacious birthing rooms can accommodate your complete labor-to-recovery experience, including doting family and eager visitors. We have a neonatal intensive care unit right here, just in case. And we’ll provide you with the comforts and care of home within this secure area.
