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Patient Portal is the secure and convenient access to your Radiology Images and Results
Our aim at Queensland Radiology Specialists is to provide the best quality scans and patient experience while keeping out of pocket patient costs low. We perform almost all medicare eligible scans with no out of pocket cost (bulk billed). These include:
Electronic access to your written reports after 7 days, giving you time to return to your Doctor for review.
About the Quality Rating System (QRS) Section 1311 (c) (3) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) directs the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Secretary to develop a system that rates qualified health plans (QHPs) based on relative quality and price.
Please direct QHP issuers with questions regarding the QRS or the QHP Enrollee Survey should contact the CMS Marketplace Service Desk (MSD) (CMS_FEPS@cms.hhs.gov) and reference the Marketplace Quality Initiatives or "MQI-QRS.”
CMS has posted the 2021 Quality Rating System Proof Sheet User Guide (PDF), which provides detail for QHP issuers and state Exchange administrators regarding the methodology used to produce the QRS scores and ratings as shown in the 2021 QRS Proof Sheets. The 2021 QRS Proof Sheet User Guide reflects updates to the QRS rating methodology finalized via the Final Call Letter for the 2021 Quality Rating System and Qualified Health Plan Enrollee Experience Survey.
The Quality Rating Information Bulletin (PDF) announces guidance for public display of quality rating information by all Exchanges, including Federally-facilitated Exchanges (FFE), inclusive of FFE states where the state performs plan management functions , State-based Exchanges on the Federal Platform (SBE-FPs), and State-based Exchanges (SBEs) that do not use HealthCare.gov during the 2020 Open Enrollment Period (OEP) for the 2021 Plan Year.
In 2017, 2018, and 2019, CMS displayed QRS star ratings on HealthCare.gov in select FFE) states as part of a limited, phase-in pilot program.
Approximately 656,000 Community Medical Centers Healthcare Network patients were recently notified their health information was compromised during a systems hack in early October. CMC is a nonprofit community health center in California.
Nonprofit Sea Mar Community Health Centers in Seattle recently notified a number of patients of a serious hacking and data exfiltration incident that began in December 2020, but was not detected until June 24, 2021.
The healthcare system in Newfoundland and Labrador are just now resuming some chemotherapy services four days after a cyberattack forced the province’s public provider to cancel appointments, as the network was shut down at all four of the province’s care sites.
On. Nov. 3, Prairie Lakes Healthcare System (PLHS) in South Dakota reported it was investigating a cyberattack launched on Oct. 6 that disrupted some network and IT systems.
More than five months after it was hacked, JEV Plastic Surgery and Medical Aesthetics in Maryland is notifying certain patients that their data was accessed and likely acquired during a malware attack in the spring.
Tennessee-based Professional Healthcare Management recently notified an undisclosed number of patients that their data was compromised during a September ransomware attack. PHM primarily supports the home healthcare services industry, providing related healthcare services.
If you’re having issues logging into your patient portal, please contact your medical provider’s office for support.
If you are an authorized caregiver that needs help accessing a family member’s account, you will need to contact that family member’s medical provider for support.
Yes. Using the portal locator doesn’t affect your ability to use other URLs to log in to your patient portal.