patient portal pathology study comment final

by Dan Breitenberg DVM 7 min read

The patient portal and abnormal test results: An ...

29 hours ago The objective of this qualitative study was to explore patients’ experiences related to abnormal test result notifications through patient portals. The authors conducted semi-structured telephone interviews with 13 participants, patients and primary caregivers, between February 2014 and October 2014. Using content analysis, the authors ... >> Go To The Portal

Why does clinical pathology laboratories review my record request?

The objective of this qualitative study was to explore patients’ experiences related to abnormal test result notifications through patient portals. The authors conducted semi-structured telephone interviews with 13 participants, patients and primary caregivers, between February 2014 and October 2014. Using content analysis, the authors ...

What is included in a pathology report?

Aug 25, 2021 · The ONC Final Rule was released in 2020 with a grace period for implementation ending April 2021, requiring that providers and health systems prevent “information blocking,” meaning that patients must have free portable electronic access to their entire health record. ... typically through a patient portal; an innovation that was already in ...

How do patients engage with patient portals to review abnormal results?

Identity confirmation is completed online during the signup process. A social security number is required for the identity confirmation process. If the patient does not have a social security number, please contact Patient Records at 844.280.8484 for assistance. Parents or Guardians may create an account for their minor child, aged 17 or ...

Why is it important to keep copies of my pathology report?

Jul 05, 2016 · The 21st century has seen a strong move toward engagement of patients in their own health care. 1-5 Shared decision making is a well-accepted patient-centric standard and has been accompanied by efforts to share information previously relatively inaccessible to patients. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), for instance, entitles patients …


How is patient portal success measured?

To be successful, they should be assessed using measures that span across improvements in patient and family engagement (e.g., overall use and satisfaction with use and care), clinical outcomes, and operational efficiency.

How do I read my chart results?

0:020:36MyChart: How to Access Test Results - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipResults. Find your test on the test results page click on the tests in bold to see the result scrollMoreResults. Find your test on the test results page click on the tests in bold to see the result scroll through the tabs to see your past results and even graph the latest.

Why does my pathology report say pending?

These pending test results are usually for tests with long turnaround times, such as blood cultures or sexually transmitted diseases. The system populates these events into a list that must be reviewed by the end of each shift (Figure 2).Jan 1, 2013

Do doctors call with pathology results?

They may. If results are concerning, they may call you or have a receptionist call to schedule an appointment. 4 A healthcare provider may also call to assure you everything is okay or discuss any needed follow-up tests.Oct 23, 2021

What does reference range positive mean?

For example, a healthy person's test result would not detect COVID-19, so the reference range would be “negative” or “not detected.” If your test result shows a value of “positive” or “detected,” that falls outside of the reference range and would be considered abnormal or atypical.Jun 2, 2020

What does detected mean on a Covid test?

Positive Result: If you see two lines, Control (C) line and Test (T) line, this means COVID-19 was detected. If positive, please contact your doctor or local health department immediately and follow local guidelines for self-isolation.

What does pending mean for medical results?

A lab test that was ordered during hospitalization for which the result has not returned prior to patient discharge is known as a pending lab test. General medical patients frequently (41%) leave the hospital with pending lab tests2.

Why do biopsy results take 2 weeks?

Need to look at more tissue In these cases, extra pieces of tissue might need processing. Or the lab may need to make more slices of the tissue that has already been embedded in wax blocks. Either case can add 1or 2 days to the testing time.Jul 30, 2015

What happens if biopsy report is positive?

Another important factor is whether there are cancer cells at the margins, or edges, of the biopsy sample. A “positive” or “involved” margin means there are cancer cells in the margin. This means that it is likely that cancerous cells are still in the body.

Do doctors review all test results?

Doctors receive all test results, no matter what the test determines. Doctors must “sign off” on receiving the tests, and then inform patients of the results. The patients are contacted regardless of whether the test results are normal or abnormal.

What do lab results mean?

A positive test result means that the substance or condition being tested for was found. Positive test results also can mean that the amount of a substance being tested for is higher or lower than normal. A negative test result means that the substance or condition being tested for was not found.

Can doctors leave results on voicemail?

Medical Information: It is also essential to NEVER leave test results or other medical information on a patient's voicemail. Instead, request that they call you back to get the information from you directly.Oct 15, 2021

What is the objective of a patient portal?

Objective 1: no follow-up for study outcomes. Objective 2: 2-year follow-up for study outcomes. Patient portals are secure websites where patients can access their health records. In this study, researchers, patients, clinicians, and other health system staff collaborated to design a survey to understand the drivers of and barriers ...

How does a patient portal help?

Article Highlight: Access to a patient portal can increase engagement in outpatient visits by patients with diabetes and those with multiple complex chronic conditions, according to a PCORI-funded study spotlighted recently in PLOS One. The study showed that portal use was associated with significantly fewer emergency room visits and preventable hospital stays for patients with multiple complex conditions. By increasing patient office visits, a portal could potentially help clinicians address unmet clinical needs and reduce health events that lead to emergency and hospital care. The observational study compared visit rates for 165,000 patients with and without portal access in a large healthcare system that implemented a patient portal.

What is patient portal?

Patient portals are secure websites where patients can view their health records, view test results, send messages to their doctor, and ask for prescription refills. Patients with chronic, or long-term, health problems such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease must often coordinate their care across different doctors in multiple locations.

Why don't people use the patient portal?

The research team found that patients with chronic health problems who were younger or white were more likely than others to use the patient portal. Among patients who said they didn’t use the portal, the most common reasons were. Wanting to get care in person or by phone (54 percent)

What is a peer review in PCORI?

Peer review of PCORI-funded research helps make sure the report presents complete, balanced, and useful information about the research . It also assesses how the project addressed PCORI’s Methodology Standards. During peer review, experts read a draft report of the research and provide comments about the report. These experts may include a scientist focused on the research topic, a specialist in research methods, a patient or caregiver, and a healthcare professional. These reviewers cannot have conflicts of interest with the study.

Why are patients not able to interpret results as currently written?

Key points were that (1) patients are not able to properly interpret results as currently written, because reports are written for clinicians, not patients, and (2) patient research of clinical terminology and/or diagnoses in reports often leads to additional misunderstanding and anxiety.

Why is electronic access to medical records controversial?

Although surveys of patients generally support it, this practice is controversial among oncologists, because few empiric data are available for scenarios of potentially life-threatening conditions like cancer.

Does sharing digital radiology and pathology records have a negative impact on patient communication?

Almost half of oncologists reported that sharing digital radiology and pathology records had a negative impact on their communication with patients. Patient surveys in similar cancer populations would complement the physician perspective. Efforts are needed to improve consensus among oncologists and patients on how to best communicate such results in a timely fashion.

Why is it important to keep a pathology report?

Copies of any pathology reports are very important to keep, as your diagnosis and treatment are often based on them. Further, understanding the report will help you and your medical provider (and any future medical providers) better understand your condition.

What is a pathology report?

A pathology report is a medical report about a piece of tissue, blood, or body organ that has been removed from your body. The specimen is analyzed by a pathologist, who then writes up a report for the medical provider who has either ordered the report or performed the procedure.

What is the bottom line of a pathologist's diagnosis?

A detailed description of what the pathologist sees during microscopic exam of the specimen. The final diagnosis, which is the "bottom line" of the testing process. Your medical provider relies on the final diagnosis to help choose the best treatment choices. The name and signature of the pathologist, as well as the name and address ...

What is the integration of device data into patient portals?

The integration of device data into patient portals is an exciting new development. Devices and technologies streamline data movement from patients to providers through patient portals. This can help patients, particularly those with chronic conditions, manage their care and health. Several start-up organizations have or are developing technology to enhance wearable health technology and integrate into the EHR. Some insurance companies, including United Healthcare and Humana, encourage the growth and uptake of wearables through health tracking and incentive programs.

Why is it important to promote portals?

When promoting portals, it is important to emphasize the advantages they provide to the patients in managing their health-related activities more efficiently. It is also important that the advantages be easy to spot, because this affects perceptions of how easy a technology is to use.

What are the future enhancements of portals?

Future enhancements could include links to medical education and disease-specific design.

What is Allscripts EHR?

Allscripts, a company that makes electronic health record (EHR) software , recently announced that they are developing a diverse set of patient engagement tools on one platform. The platform aims to reach more patients and drive more meaningful patient portal adoption by integrating a whole health system’s patient engagement technology suite. The suite will include the patient portal, as well as other patient engagement applications that providers may prescribe.


What Was The Research About?

What Were The Results?

  • The research team found that patients with chronic health problems who were younger or white were more likely than others to use the patient portal. Among patients who said they didn’t use the portal, the most common reasons were 1. Wanting to get care in person or by phone (54 percent) 2. Not often using a computer with access to the internet (41 ...
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Who Was in The Study?

  • The study included adults with chronic health problems. In the first part of the study, the research team surveyed 1,824 patients. Of these patients, 56 percent were white, 13 percent were Asian, 10 percent were black, and 10 percent were Hispanic. About 12 percent of patients were 18–44 years old, and the rest were older. In the second part of the study, the team reviewed patient portal an…
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What Did The Research Team do?

  • The research team worked with patients, doctors, and other health system staff to design a patient survey. The survey asked patients about the reasons they did or didn’t use the portal. The team mailed the survey to patients in the health system and analyzed the results. The research team also looked at the patient portal and health records of patients in the health system. Using …
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What Were The Limits of The Study?

  • The study took place in a single health system in California with an established, free patient portal. Results may be different in other health systems. Also, results may be different for patients who must pay to use a portal. Results may also differ for patients who don’t have chronic health problems. Finally, the research team can’t say for sure if patients’ use of the portal caused the di…
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How Can People Use The Results?

  • Patients can use the results to learn more about how using a patient portal might affect healthcare experiences. People who run healthcare systems could use the results to help decide whether to provide portals for patients with chronic health problems.
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