3 hours ago Oroville Hospital will take the necessary steps to ensure that a person with disabilities, including deaf and hard of hearing or speaking skills, or visually impaired receive appropriate interpreter … >> Go To The Portal
Because of our Electronic Health Records system Oroville Hospital physicians require fewer duplicate tests, faster handling of test orders, more accurate medication tracking and a complete audit trail for clinical charges.
The patient portal can be used to request an office visit, a medicine refill, a referral, - just about any need can be addressed through the patient portal. You can update your insurance information on the patient portal, saving time at the front desk before your visit.
You can update your insurance information on the patient portal, saving time at the front desk before your visit. You can request correspondence be done through the patient portal, saving you the hassle of a missed call and voice mail.
Oroville Hospital is located at 2767 Olive Highway, Oroville, CA. Find directions at US News.
227 providers practice at Oroville Hospital. See a list of providers at US News.
Community access is calculated as the percentage of local patients by race or ethnicity treated at this hospital for elective inpatient procedures compared to their proportion within the community. The hospital’s community is defined as its hospital service area (HSA), a group of surrounding zip codes whose residents receive a majority of care from hospitals in the area.
Shared medical records among your team, leading to better patient safety and coordination of care
At Consensus Health, we believe finding the right treatment team for all of your medical needs should be easy. That’s why we’ve gathered the top primary care physicians and specialists in New Jersey under one banner.
The patient portal can be used to request an office visit, a medicine refill, a referral, - just about any need can be addressed through the patient portal. You can update your insurance information on the patient portal, saving time at the front desk before your visit.
You can request correspondence be done through the patient portal, saving you the hassle of a missed call and voice mail.
You can fill out a patient satisfaction survey on the patient portal and tell us how much you love us - or not.
It's like e-mail, only much more secure. To use our patient portal you must have given us your email address. Your e-mail address is your user name for the patient portal. If we have your e-mail address, we also sent you a password to use at the patient portal. If you are like us, you ignored it or lost it. No problem.