32 hours ago Welcome to Marquette Medical Clinic Patient Portal You may login using your Marqnet username and password. Once logged in you will have access to online services such as: Electronic completion of required immunization forms Electronic completion of TB screening questionnaire Electronic completion of patient intake and health history forms >> Go To The Portal
Welcome to Marquette Medical Clinic Patient Portal You may login using your Marqnet username and password. Once logged in you will have access to online services such as: Electronic completion of required immunization forms Electronic completion of TB screening questionnaire Electronic completion of patient intake and health history forms
UP Health System - Marquette | Hospital Portal For assistance with the UPHS - Marquette Hospital Portal, please contact Syntellis Support at 1.800.851.5043, Option 1. Pay Your Clinic Bill Online Patients can securely pay clinic bills online through the UP Medical Group - Marquette Clinic patient portal. Click here to access the clinic portal.
Welcome to the Exan Group PatientAccess Portal Get access to your important health information PatientAccess lets you update important records and forms, verify personal information, view or confirm upcoming and past appointments, review medical information and securely message providers.
Need help with the Patient Portal? E-mail support is provided at myDentalSupport@marquette.edu Request help using the online form Patient contact Call (414) 288-6790, Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to speak with a representative or schedule your initial screening consultation. Patient emergencies
View personal information; medical information; insurance policy information; and a summary of your health information.
Provide your e-mail address to the registration person at the Dental School.
Children 17 years or younger will not be granted an account to access the information.
Call (414) 288-6790, Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to speak with a representative or schedule your initial screening consultation.
Always make recommendations by determining needed vaccines based on age ( Table 1 ), determining appropriate intervals for catch-up, if needed ( Table 2 ), assessing for medical indications ( Table 3 ), and reviewing special situations ( Notes ).
For vaccination recommendations for persons ages 19 years or older, see the Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule, 2021.
Always make recommendations by determining needed vaccines based on age ( Table 1 ), determining appropriate intervals for catch-up, if needed ( Table 2 ), assessing for medical indications ( Table 3 ), and reviewing special situations ( Notes ).
Always make recommendations by determining needed vaccines based on age ( Table 1 ), assessing for medical conditions and other indications ( Table 2 ), and reviewing special situations ( Notes ).
Marquette Internal Medicine & Pediatric Associates, P.C. has been helping patients in Marquette and the Upper Peninsula for 50 years. To learn more about our practice, visit our About Us page.
Here at MIMPA, we have a number of physicians to help handle all of your primary care needs. Go to Our Staff PAGE to view our physicians and their team members.
For answers to questions about how we are handling the constant changes due to COVID-19, visit our COVID-19 Updates page to see what we’re doing to keep patients safe amid the pandemic.