15 hours ago George Mason Student Health Services uses a secure, online patient portal. Students can view and enter immunization records, upload documents, enter insurance information, read education material from Student Health, and get secure messages from your provider. Other features will be made available as implementation continues. >> Go To The Portal
George Mason Student Health Services uses a secure, online patient portal. Students can view and enter immunization records, upload documents, enter insurance information, read education material from Student Health, and get secure messages from your provider. Other features will be made available as implementation continues.
How to log into the Patient Portal Visit https://gmu.medicatconnect.com. Or, select ‘Patient Portal’ in our navigation menu. You will be directed to the log in page. Select “George Mason University” as your organization from the dropdown menu. Use your Mason Net ID (user ID) and patriot password to login.
Patient Portal; HOME. Have symptoms of COVID-19 or think you have been exposed? Call Student Health (703-993-2831) for medical advice and testing options, even if fully vaccinated. ... ---- Notice: If George Mason University is closed, Student Health is also closed. Click for local urgent care resources. ----Patient Portal. SHS Forms.
INTO Mason Students; J-1 Visiting Scholars; Frequently Asked Questions; Health Insurance Resources; Qualifying Life Event; Health Education. Health Promotion; Featured News; Advance Directives; Birth Control. Emergency Contraception; Depo-Provera Injections; Contraindications; Cold and Flu. Self Care Tips; CDC COVID-19 Info; Dental Care; Eating ...
All George Mason University students were required to submit proof of COVID-19 vaccination by August 1, 2021. Upload your COVID vaccination documentation to the Health Services Patient Portal. Visit our COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement page for frequently asked questions and requirement details. Read Mason’s Policy #1416.
All Mason students must submit COVID vaccination documentation by the deadline.
All newly admitted or newly re-admitted students are required to submit the Mason Immunization Record Form by the deadline. Students must complete Parts 1 – 3. A healthcare professional must fill out (transcribe) the remaining sections for students born after December 31, 1956.
Proof of vaccination or immunity (through blood work) must be supported by documentation. A healthcare professional will complete and sign the Immunization Record Form based on historical documentation or administration of shots. Copies of any lab reports for titers must be submitted with the Immunization Record Form.
Questions from newly admitted or re-admitted students about required immunizations, submitting the Immunization Record Form or supporting documentation. View COVID Vaccination Requirement FAQ for more information about the requirement.