23 hours ago Dr. Salma Saiger in Mesquite, TX is rated 3.72/5 from verified patients. See Ratings. >> Go To The Portal
Dr. Salma Saiger in Mesquite, TX is rated 3.72/5 from verified patients. See Ratings.
Selma Medical Associates, Inc. participates with most regional insurers and PPOs. Please refer to your provider directory to confirm our participation in your plan or, if you do not see your insurance company / plan listed below, call our Billing Department at 540-678-2837 for further information.
Patient Portal - SLMA. Click and log in to schedule appointments and more ….
PATIENT PORTAL. PATIENT RESOURCES. TELEMEDICINE. TELEMEDICINE. The Family Practice Respiratory Clinic is available to new and established Family Practice patients with upper respiratory symptoms by appointment only, Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm. For all other immediate illness not upper respiratory related, contact the appointment line for ...
Yes, you can book an appointment with Dr. Saiger online today. It's simple, secure, and free.
Call Dr. Saiger for more information on telehealth services.
We’ve published patient experience ratings for Dr. Saiger in 6 key categories based on 252 reviews. See ratings .
Check Dr. Saiger's profile to see which insurance they accept.
Dr. Saiger's office is located at 1210 N Galloway Ave, Mesquite, TX....
General internal medicine physicians, or internists, are primary-care doctors who perform physical exams and treat a wide spectrum of common illnes...
To allow anyone other than yourself access to your records or make requests, you must fill out an. Authorization for Disclosure of Health Information form. , listing anyone you wish to have access to your account, and bring the form to Selma Medical or fax it to our Medical Records department at 540-678-2859.
Your "Welcome to Medicare" Exam is a preventive visit within the first 12 months of Part B coverage. This visit is covered by Medicare. If you have further questions, you can visit the Medicare website or feel free to call our billing department at 540-678-2837.
Please refer to your provider directory to confirm our participation in your plan or, if you do not see your insurance company / plan listed below, call our Billing Department at 540-678-2837 for further information. Anthem BCBS Virginia PPO. Anthem Healthkeepers HMO. BCBS PPO Network.
Otherwise you should contact your pharmacy who will work with us to get your medication refilled. Please allow at least 72 hours, or up to 1 week for written prescriptions, to process your refill request.
Often, medical insurance will cover some, but not all, medical costs. Co-payments, deductibles and other non-covered expenses are the responsibility of the patient at the time of service. Your personal check, Visa, Discover, or MasterCard are gladly accepted as forms of payment.