6 hours ago 4501 S 70th St, Lincoln NE, 68516 Make an Appointment (402) 484-4940 Telehealth services available East Lincoln Internal Medicine is a medical group practice located in Lincoln, NE that specializes in Internal Medicine. Providers Overview Location Reviews Providers Christy Snyder, PA Internal Medicine 2 Ratings John Stefkovich, PA Internal Medicine >> Go To The Portal
4501 S 70th St, Lincoln NE, 68516 Make an Appointment (402) 484-4940 Telehealth services available East Lincoln Internal Medicine is a medical group practice located in Lincoln, NE that specializes in Internal Medicine. Providers Overview Location Reviews Providers Christy Snyder, PA Internal Medicine 2 Ratings John Stefkovich, PA Internal Medicine
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To reach the physician on call, (402) 421-3240 and wait on the line for the answering service to assist you. Physician Profiles The physicians in our clinic are specialists in Internal Medicine and all are Board Certified. They have privileges of different levels at both Bryan Medical Centers and CHI-St. Elizabeth’s.
For the safety of our patients and staff we will not be taking Walk-In Appointments at this time.Please call ahead to schedule a telemedicine visit or in-person visit. Medical Care during COVID-19 Pandemic at Lincoln Internal Medicine (Updated) >
East Lincoln Internal Medicine is located at 4501 S 70th St, Lincoln, NE 68516. Find other locations and directions on Healthgrades.
Providers at East Lincoln Internal Medicine specialize in Internal Medicine. Compare group practices on Healthgrades to find the best care for you...
Two providers practice at East Lincoln Internal Medicine. Click here to view them all.
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Delivering high-value, compassionate adult primary care by applying scientific knowledge and clinical expertise to the diagnosis and treatment of adult conditions across the spectrum from health to complex illness.
Across the spectrum of adult medical care, we’ve got you covered from head to toe.