patient portal fitzgibbon

by Dr. Madelyn Kuvalis 6 min read

For Patients | Fitzgibbon Hospital

21 hours ago To sign up: Click here to register or call (660) 831-3733. With the FitzChart Patient Portal, you can: request prescription renewals and appointments. securely message your Fitzgibbon provider. view your test results. view and print visit summaries and instructions. send your medical record to specialists or share with family. >> Go To The Portal

Why choose Fitzgibbon Hospital?

To sign up: Click here to register or call (660) 831-3733. With the FitzChart Patient Portal, you can: request prescription renewals and appointments. securely message your Fitzgibbon provider. view your test results. view and print visit summaries and instructions. send your medical record to specialists or share with family.

How do I contact Fitzgibbon Hospital Medical Records?

The FitzChart Patient Portal allows you to request appointments and refills, electronically. Conveniently pay your bill online through the FitzChart Patient Portal. Automated tools to help your medical team predict sepsis and other conditions to improve your safety. Seamless transition between service areas, for example from ER to Radiology to ...

How do I add Fitzgibbon Hospital to my coral health account?

Fitzgibbon Hospital wants your visit to go as smoothly as possible. Find helpful information here about amenities, insurance plans, and much more. Fitzgibbon Hospital. COVID-19; Patient Portal; Online Bill Pay; Job Openings; Giving Back. Search. Medical Services. Our Clinics; Our Services; COVID 19 Symptoms Assessment; Patients & Visitors.

What is included in the fitzchart patient portal?

Fitzgibbon Hospital is a leader in central Missouri in providing quality, compassionate care and personal attention to our patients. Our post-dismissal patient surveys, conducted at random, consistently recognize the excellence in caring and compassion shown by everyone from the physicians and nurses to laboratory staff and rehabilitative ...


Does Fitzgibbon Hospital have access to medical records?

Fitzgibbon Hospital assures you that the care you receive is kept confidential. Our physicians and staff have access to your records ONLY when it pertains to your care (this also includes access to your billing and insurance information). No one else sees your records without your authorization, a court order, a search warrant, other lawful disclosures, or for emergency health care. Also, federal regulations require that a detailed authorization from the patient must be obtained before accessing information on drug and alcohol abuse medical records and mental health records.

What is the HIM department?

Not only is HIM your resource for getting your medical records, the HIM department is responsible for organizing all your health care documents and records to make them available for your physician’s review.

What is authorization for release of information?

An “ Authorization for Release of Information ” is the form you need to request a copy of your medical records. This form tells us to whom we are authorized to release your medical information (e.g., yourself or spouse, a physician or clinic, or another hospital) and what specific records are to be released.


What to Expect at Your First Visit

  1. Consultation and evaluation by one of our nurses and physicians
  2. Having your blood drawn 30 minutes prior to your meeting with your physician
  3. Tests being performed that are needed to design your specific treatment regimen/plan
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New Patient Paperwork

  • You will be asked to fill out new patient paperwork for your first appointment. Prior to your appointment, we will send you a confirmation letter with your appointment and new patient paperwork for you to fill out at your convenience to bring with you. If time does not allow for the confirmation letter to be sent, you can download the new patient forms and fill them out before …
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Billing Questions/Insurance

  1. Fitzgibbon Hospital Patient Accounts: (660) 831-3730
  2. Physician Billing at Missouri Cancer Associates: (573) 874-7800, toll free 1-866-724-2413
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Supportive Care

  • Bell of Hope
    We celebrate with our patients at the completion of their cancer treatment, and one way is our patients can ring “The Bell of Hope.” It symbolizes the end of one journey and the beginning of the next. "Your day has come to strike the bell Your silent heart has much to tell And much to toll thi…
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Additional Information/Societies

  • American Cancer Society
    Website: Phone: (573) 443-1496 (in Columbia) Toll Free: (800) 429-7753 (in Columbia) Phone: (573) 635-4821 (in Jefferson City) Toll Free:(800) 635-9194 (in Jefferson City)
  • National Cancer Institute
    Website: 1 (800) 4-CANCER
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