9 hours ago Facility: Saddleback Medical Group, Inc. Address: 24331 El Toro Road Suite 330 Laguna WOods, CA 92637. Phone: ph (949) 581-0400 fax (949) 581-0694 >> Go To The Portal
Facility: Saddleback Medical Group, Inc. Address: 24331 El Toro Road Suite 330 Laguna WOods, CA 92637. Phone: ph (949) 581-0400 fax (949) 581-0694
Dr. Leigh Van Vranken isn’t accepting new patients right now. If you’re looking for a new primary care doctor, call 877-637-4884 and we’ll help you find the right fit. If you’re a returning patient, you can reach this provider’s office at 858-605-7180.
31.5 Miles away. Analytical Pathology Services - Festus. 1400 Highway 61 S. Crystal City, MO 63019. Phone: (636) 933-1621. Call Now.
Dr. van Vranken has indicated that they offer telehealth. Contact the office to check for eligibility for your needs.
Use the Healthgrades insurance check to verify if Dr. van Vranken accepts your insurance.
Dr. van Vranken frequently treats Emphysema, HIV Screening, and Cancer Screening. See all procedures and conditions Dr. van Vranken treats.
Dr. van Vranken's office is located at 24451 Health Center Dr, Laguna Hills, CA 92653. Find other locations and directions on Healthgrades.
Find contact information here to make an appointment.
Compare Dr. van Vranken with our nearby Family Medicine Specialists at MemorialCare.
Dr. Bruce van Vranken, MD is a Family Medicine Specialist in Laguna Hills, CA and has over 74 years of experience in the medical field. He graduated from... Read more
The Hospital and its affiliated providers are happy to provide you easy access to your medical information. The Hospital and each physician have their own portals, so please confirm which portal you are looking for.
Includes: Sharon Bassi MD, Carol Hartigan MD, Eugenio Martinez MD, James Rainville MD, John Turchetta MD
Note: There may be up to a 48-hour delay for posting some information into your online account.
Portal activations are not sent via email, only printed letter handed to you at your office visit, over the phone or by a mailed letter. If you have not received an activation letter by any of these means, please contact your office.
Proxy access can be granted for children up to age 12. No proxy access will be given for patients ages 13-17 years. Prior to the minor's 13th birthday, you will receive a notification email stating that the account will be disabled.