patient portal dr. roland desmarais

by Macie Sawayn Sr. 10 min read

Dr. Roland Desmarais, MD - Healthgrades

9 hours ago Dr. Roland Desmarais, MD is a Internal Medicine Specialist in Woonsocket, RI. He is affiliated with medical facilities Landmark Medical Center and The Miriam Hospital. ... Trending videos Doctors and patients discuss the latest medical treatments and health tips Drugs A-Z Search prescription drugs for why they’re used, side effects and more ... >> Go To The Portal

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What are Dr. Roland Desmarais, MD's top areas of care?

Dr. Desmarais frequently treats Vitamin D Deficiency, Obesity, and Bronchitis. See all procedures and conditions Dr. Desmarais treats.

Where is Dr. Roland Desmarais, MD's office located?

Dr. Desmarais' office is located at 20 Cumberland Hill Rd Unit 203, Woonsocket, RI 02895. Find other locations and directions on Healthgrades.

What languages does Dr. Roland Desmarais, MD speak?

Dr. Desmarais speaks French and English. View profile to see all.

Does Dr. Roland Desmarais, MD offer telehealth services?

Dr. Desmarais has not yet indicated whether they offer telehealth services. Please contact the office to check for availability/eligibility.

How can I make an appointment with Dr. Roland Desmarais, MD?

Find contact information here to make an appointment.

About Roland John B Desmarais MD

Roland John B Desmarais, MD is a health care provider primarily located in Woonsocket, RI. He has 39 years of experience. His specialties include Internal Medicine.

Rating Overview

The overall average patient rating of Roland John B Desmarais is Excellent. Roland John B Desmarais has been rated by 6 patients.From those 6 patients 0 of those left a comment along with their rating.The overall rating for Roland John B Desmarais is 4.7 of 5.0 stars.

More about Dr. Roland John B Desmarais

Dr. Desmarais graduated from the Universite De Strasbourg Faculte De Medecine in 1983. He works in Woonsocket, RI and specializes in Internal Medicine. Dr. Desmarais is affiliated with Landmark Medical Center.

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Dr. Desmarais graduated from the Universite De Strasbourg Faculte De Medecine in 1983. He works in Woonsocket, RI and specializes in Internal Medicine. Dr. Desmarais is affiliated with Landmark Medical Center.


Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently.


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Dr. Roland J. Desmarais is an internist in Woonsocket, Rhode Island and is affiliated with Landmark Medical Center. He received his medical degree from Louis Pasteur University Faculty of Medical Science and has been in practice for more than 20 years.


General internal medicine physicians, or internists, are primary-care doctors who perform physical exams and treat a wide spectrum of common illnesses in adult men and women. One of every four physicians in the U.S.

Insurances Accepted

Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment.


Dr. Roland Desmarais, MD is a internal medicine specialist in Woonsocket, RI. He currently practices at ROLAND J DESMARAIS MD and is affiliated with Landmark Medical Center. He accepts multiple insurance plans.

Patient Satisfaction

He and the office are great. They were recommended by my co-workers when I moved here 20 years ago. They have never let me down!

Dr. Roland Desmarais

Dr. Roland Desmarais specializes in internal medicine in Woonsocket, RI and has over 37 years of experience in the field of medicine. He graduated from his medical school with his medical degree in 1984. He is affiliated with numerous hospitals in Rhode Island and more, including Landmark Medical Center. Dr.

Primary practice location

Check Dr. Roland Desmarais's office address in Woonsocket, RI and make an appointment.

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Dr. Roland J. Desmarais MD (he/him) is an internist in Cumberland, RI. He has received an overall patient experience rating of 4.4 out of 5.

Book an Appointment with Dr. Desmarais

Dr. Desmarais has not provided a way to schedule online. However, you can chat with our Virtual Assistant to get help finding a doctor.

Insurance Accepted

Our records indicate that Dr. Desmarais accepts the following insurance providers. Please verify this information directly with Dr. Desmarais, since it may change frequently and vary by office location. He may also accept additional insurance plans not listed here.

Conditions Treated

As an internist, Dr. Desmarais may see patients with the following 35 conditions. Please always check with Dr. Desmarais directly about what conditions he treats, since he may treat additional conditions not listed here.


Doctors of internal medicine, or internists, are primary-care physicians who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, and care of adults. General internists are those who are equipped to handle a wide variety of adult illnesses.


Dr. Roland Desmarais, MD, is an Internal Medicine specialist in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. He attended and graduated from medical school in 1984, having over 37 years of diverse experience, especially in Internal Medicine. He is affiliated with many hospitals including Landmark Medical Center Inc, Miriam Hospital. Dr.

Medical Licenses

Dr. Roland Desmarais has been primarily specialized in Internal Medicine for over 37 years of experience.


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