patient portal developing minds

by Dr. Mckayla Keebler 8 min read

Center for Developing Minds – All great minds do not …

25 hours ago Patient Portal. You are not logged in. Please log in via your provider's Patient Portal. >> Go To The Portal

How do I get Started with the patient portal?

Patient Portal. You are not logged in. Please log in via your provider's Patient Portal.

Why choose Center for Developing Minds?

Patient Portal - MIND Patient Portal With Our Patient Portal You Can: View and Request Appointments Request Prescription Refills Update Your Personal Information Quickly Access Your Health Information View Your Test Results Request Your Medical Records Communicate with Our Physicians and Staff by Sending and Receiving Secure Messages

What is mending minds?

The portal was developed to provide exposure to patient related healthcare information through web to patients and responsible parties. Through the patient portal, enterprises that use CareVoyant integrated application suite will be able to authorize their patients and responsible parties (guarantors) to gain access to their information such as demographic, financial, and …

How do I get Started with a portal account?

develop a web-based application called CareVoyant Patient Portal that will work seamlessly with CareVoyant integrated application suite. The portal was developed to provide exposure to patient related healthcare information through web to patients and responsible parties. Through the patient portal, enterprises that use CareVoyant


With Our Patient Portal You Can

View and Request Appointments#N#Request Prescription Refills#N#Update Your Personal Information#N#Quickly Access Your Health Information#N#View Your Test Results#N#Request Your Medical Records#N#Communicate with Our Physicians and Staff by Sending and Receiving Secure Messages

Getting started is easy!

Simply provide your e-mail address to a staff member. You will then receive a portal invite e-mail from our office. Follow the steps to create a portal account. Once you have created a portal account, you may access the Patient Portal by clicking here.


Where’s Your Typical Patient?

  • Believe it or not, most patient software was not designed with the right users in mind. Many patient portals actually feature screens that were originally designed for clinicians. Clinician-facing systems, such as electronic health record systems (EHRs), already existed. It was the simplest (and cheapest) solution for developers to borrow an area from the existing interface an…
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Engage Patients The Right Ways

  • Once you have identified a specific set of primary patient users, it is time to determine what will engage those patients and keep them returning. What information and features will they value most? How must that information be presented initially and over time? Healthcare consumers will submit their patient data only if they are motivated to do so. Any mobile application, patient port…
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Understand & Address The Concerns of Clinicians

  • Patients are not the only users who stand to benefit from patient software. Clinicians — including physicians, nurses, and nurse practitioners — can benefit as well. As noted by K.T. Fuji and K.A. Galt, “Healthcare providers want access to a patient’s aggregated health record to enhance their own abilities to accurately and comprehensively treat and monitor the patient.” While our advice …
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Considering Additional Stakeholders

  • Patients and clinicians are unquestionably the primary users of patient portals and other patient health systems, but they are not the only stakeholders. To develop a truly effective and usable solution, you must be aware of the “hidden” actors that may also use — or be influenced by — patient software. In a healthcare setting, a number of user groups will be affected by the implem…
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