patient portal corrective care cantieri

by Elyse Schoen 6 min read

Pain Doctor | Mishawaka, IN | Corrective Care

34 hours ago If you are a new patient at Corrective Care, Welcome! Here is the information you will need to get started, including our New Patient Enrollment Form, My Care Connection, and a list of Health Plans We Accept. Please don't hesitate to call our office 574-271-8646 with any questions. >> Go To The Portal

Who do we care for at patient portal?

If you are a new patient at Corrective Care, Welcome! Here is the information you will need to get started, including our New Patient Enrollment Form, My Care Connection, and a list of Health Plans We Accept. Please don't hesitate to call our office 574-271-8646 with any questions.

What is the Tol patient portal?

CorrectCare Integrated Health Provider Portal. Welcome to the CorrectCare Integrated Health Provider Portal. Please select your location from the map below.

How secure is the patient portal?

Jul 27, 2021 · TOL Secure Patient Portal: The TOL Patient Portal (also referred to as "TRICARE Online" or "TOL") is the current secure patient portal that gives registered users access to online health care information and services at military hospitals and clinics. When you register on the TOL Patient Portal, you can: Review and download personal health information

Can the practice/clinic use the information I send to deliver care?

All Patient Portal users will receive a system generated email invitation to register for the new portal system. Users can only enroll and create an account by accessing the new enrollment email invitation they receive. CONTINUE TO PATIENT PORTAL. See our full list of health services by clicking on the link below or call 305-576-1234:


TOL Secure Patient Portal

The TOL Patient Portal (also referred to as "TRICARE Online" or "TOL") is the current secure patient portal that gives registered users access to online health care information and services at military hospitals and clinics.

MHS GENESIS Patient Portal

MHS GENESIS is the new secure patient portal for TRICARE. It will eventually deploy to all military medical and dental facilities worldwide and replace the TOL Patient Portal.

Using MHS GENESIS and TOL Together

If you’re already a registered user on the TOL Secure Patient Portal, MHS GENESIS works much the same way.

Log in to your Secure Patient Portal

If your military hospital or clinic uses TOL, click here to log in: >>TRICARE Online

We serve patients of all ages

Care Resource’s medical services are available to everyone. We care for men, women, teens, pre-teens and babies. Regardless of your legal status, ability to pay, gender, or age, count on our team to educate, guide, and care for your wellbeing.

Welcome to Patient Portal. Your medical home on the Web

With Patient Portal, you can connect with your doctor through a convenient, safe and secure environment. Select either link below to request an appointment with your Care Resource Provider.

Special Note to Patients of Dr. Albert Canas, Dr. Marlene Anne Jarin, and Dr. Shari Klinger

The health center has implemented a new Electronic Health Record (EHR) system at our Miami Beach site and is moving from eClinicalWorks & Healow to NextGen Enterprise EHR. Current eClinicalWorks and Healow users may notice that prescription refills, appointment requests, payments, and provider communications are no longer available online.


To create ant then access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, visit

What are the chief benefits of MHS GENESIS?

MHS GENESIS is the first Department of Defense-wide electronic health record to be used by all military treatment facilities. By the time that MHS GENESIS is fully implemented throughout all of the DoD, patients will be able to receive care from any military treatment facility knowing that their health records will follow them.

How is MHS GENESIS different from CAL MED's current electronic health record systems?

Like all Army military treatment facilities, CAL MED currently uses several electronic health record systems for inpatient records, outpatient records, emergency room records, and other areas of care. While care teams can view patients' records in the different systems, this requires extra time to navigate all of the records.

What will I notice about what's new with MHS GENESIS?

The primary difference that patients will notice is the Patient Portal. While receiving care at MTFs which use MHS GENESIS, patients will no longer use RelayHealth and Tricare Online except for limited functions, such as requesting new providers.

When will I be able to start using the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal?

While patients may be able to log on to the Patient Portal and explore it during the weeks leading up to the transition to MHS GENESIS, the Patient Portal will not be active until September 7, 2019.

When patients move, will their new military treatment facilities be using MHS GENESIS?

The Department of Defense has a multi-year plan for all military treatment facilities to transition to MHS GENESIS. CAL MED is in the second wave of military treatment facility to transition to MHS GENESIS.

What does USG do?

The USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS for purposes including, but not limited to, penetration testing, COMSEC monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM), law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence (CI) investigations.

Is Tricare a trademark?

TRICARE is a registered trademark of the Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency. All rights reserved. AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. Chapter 55, Medical and Dental Care; 32 CFR Part 199, Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS); and E.O. 9397 (SSN), as amended.
