19 hours ago Patient Portal. FollowMyHealth is a free health management tool that helps you manage your health care from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can schedule appointments, view test results, pay your bills, and much more! In addition, you will be able to see your health information from Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura, and Ojai ... >> Go To The Portal
Patient Portal. FollowMyHealth is a free health management tool that helps you manage your health care from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can schedule appointments, view test results, pay your bills, and much more! In addition, you will be able to see your health information from Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura, and Ojai ...
VCHCA Health-e-Connect is the newest way to stay in touch with your Ventura County Health Care Agency care team and get up-to-date medical information, all with the convenience and privacy of your own computer, tablet or smartphone at a time that fits your schedule — available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
CMH Attn: Medical Records/ROI 147 N. Brent Street Ventura, CA 93003 Fax You may fax your written request to the secure Medical Records fax at 805/948-5649. Email You may email your completed request in a PDF format to ROIrequests@cmhshealth.org Physician
Community Memorial Hospital 147 N. Brent St. Ventura, CA 93003 805/652-5011. Medical/AHP Staff; Employee Resources; Residency Programs; Nurse Residency Program; Patient Portal; Vendor Management; Compliance; Quality; No Surprises Act; Community Memorial Hospital: 805/948-5011; Ojai Valley Community Hospital: 805/646-1401
You may access portions of your medical record via FollowMyHealth. To create a new account, please use the link below.
You may email your completed request in a PDF format to ROIrequests@cmhshealth.org
You may also choose to have your physician call and request documentation necessary for an appointment ahead of time. This will ensure any necessary reports, results and/or documentation is available at the time of your visit. Medical Records Fax: 805/948-5649.
In order to ensure patient and staff safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, CMHS is restricting in-person access to the Medical Records department. Please utilize the listed options on this website to request a copy of your medical records.
After your request has been processed and is complete, we will deliver the documents in the requested format and requested mode of delivery. Please be advised that when utilizing email there is some level of risk that your requested health information could be read or otherwise accessed by a third party while in transit.
Feel free to call Medical Records at 805/948-5047 with any questions, and we will be happy to assist you.
Please contact Medical Records for the most current fee schedule. 805/948-5047
The new six-story Ocean Tower is immediately adjacent to the existing hospital on North Brent Street in Ventura. The front of the new hospital and its public entrances face Main Street, and are accessible from both Brent Street and Main Street.
The old hospital is now known as the Mountain Tower and will still be an integral part of hospital operations. The Ocean Tower and Mountain Tower are connected by several corridors, allowing for easy access to both buildings for staff, physicians, patients, and family members.