patient portal amarillo cindy hutson

by Dr. Maryjane Connelly 5 min read

Dr. Cindy Hutson Family Medicine. Amarillo TX - WebMD

19 hours ago Family Medicine Clinic. 2701 S Georgia St. Amarillo, TX, 79109. "Very informative and takes her time. Easy to talk to, does not talk over your head." January 1, 2022. "Dr. Cindy Hutson is one of the best doctors that I have ever had the opportunity to care for me. She treats me like I am her only patient and takes the time to explain the ... >> Go To The Portal

Who is Dr. Cindy Hutson?

Family Medicine Clinic. 2701 S Georgia St. Amarillo, TX, 79109. "Very informative and takes her time. Easy to talk to, does not talk over your head." January 1, 2022. "Dr. Cindy Hutson is one of the best doctors that I have ever had the opportunity to care for me. She treats me like I am her only patient and takes the time to explain the ...

How can I get immediate care from a family medicine specialist in Amarillo,TX?

Dr. Cindy Hutson and Dr. Dhana Cox have each been practicing medicine for more than 20 years. ... PATIENT PORTAL. CINDY HUTSON, DO. MEDICAL SCHOOL . University of North Texas Health Sciences Center | Fort Worth, TX ... Amarillo, Tx 79109 (806) 351-2000 P (806) 351-2060 F. Mon - Thurs, 8 am to 5 pm. PPC Follows AISD Closures.

How many family medicine centers are there in Amarillo and Canyon?

Visit for all information on Dr. Cindy I Hutson DO, Family Practitioner in Amarillo, TX, 79109. Profile, Reviews, Appointments, Insurances.

Where can I see RHN in Amarillo?

About CINDY HUTSON. Cindy Hutson is a primary care provider established in Amarillo, Texas and her medical specialization is family medicine with more than 26 years of experience. She graduated from University Of North Texas Hsc, College Of Osteopathic Med in 1996. The NPI number of Cindy Hutson is 1114941804 and was assigned on July 2006. The practitioner's …


About Dr. Cindy I Hutson DO

Dr. Cindy I Hutson, DO is a doctor primarily located in Amarillo, TX. She has 25 years of experience. Her

Rating Overview

The overall average patient rating of Cindy I Hutson is Great. Cindy I Hutson has been rated by 70 patients.From those 70 patients 25 of those left a comment along with their rating.The overall rating for Cindy I Hutson is 3.7 of 5.0 stars.


A family practitioner is a doctor who specializes in caring for people of all ages, at all stages of life. Rather than focusing on the treatment of one disease or patient population, family practitioners are often the doctors that people see for their everyday ailments, like cold and flu or respiratory infections, and health screenings.

office manager is brutal

Ruthless office manager loudly refused to book an emergency appointment for me near the holidays. Dr. Hutson cares only for the money and not the person.

One Star

I have been with Dr Hutson since 2006. She is the best Doctor I have ever had. She always takes whatever time I need to talk about my issues. She shows a genuine interest and concern in me when I’m there. Her office help is wonderful also. I love being able to call anytime I need her and she responds immediately.

satisfied patient

Dr Hutson is a caring, passionate, and thorough doctor. I trust her completely with my health and well-being. She stays on top of all tests and results and plan of action. thank you Dr Hutson

Dr. Cindy I Hutson Accepts the Following Insurance

We are sorry, it looks like we don't have insurance information. Please call Cindy I Hutson's office for more information.

Insurance Check

Accepted insurance can change. Please double-check when making an appointment.

About Me

Dr. Cindy Hutson, DO is a Family Medicine Specialist in Amarillo, TX and has over 25 years of experience in the medical field. She graduated from Univ... Read more

Affiliated Hospitals

Dr. Hutson is affiliated with the following hospital. Select the hospital below to learn more.

What is Cindy Hutson?

Cindy Hutson is a primary care provider established in Amarillo, Texas and her medical specialization is family medicine with more than 25 years of experience. She graduated from University Of North Texas Hsc, College Of Osteopathic Med in 1996. The NPI number of Cindy Hutson is 1114941804 and was assigned on July 2006. The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 207Q00000X with license number K2721 (TX). The provider is registered as an individual and her NPI record was last updated one year ago.#N#A primary care provider (PCP) like Cindy I Hutson Do sees people with common medical problems. The primary care provider might be a doctor, physician assistant, nurse practitioner or clinic that are usually involved in your long-term care. A PCP might provide preventive care, treat common medical conditions, identify urgent medical problems and refer you to specialists when necessary. Primary care is usually provided in an outpatient facility but if you are admitted to a hospital your PCP may assist in your care. The most common medical conditions seen by primary care providers are: hypertension, upper respiratory tract infections, depression or anxiety, back pain, arthritis, dermatitis, diabetes, urinary tract infections, etc#N#Cindy Hutson is enrolled in PECOS and is eligible to order or refer healthcare services for Medicare patients. The provider is eligible to order or refer: Part B Clinical Laboratory and Imaging, Durable Medical Equipment (DME), a Home Health Agency (HHA) and Power Mobility Devices#N#Cindy Hutson is registered with Medicare and accepts claims assignment, this means the provider accepts Medicare's approved amount for the cost of rendered services as full payment. Participating providers may not charge Medicare beneficiaries more than Medicare's approved amount for their services. Medicare beneficiaries still have to pay a coinsurance or copayment amount for a visit or service. According to Medicare claims data she has hospital affiliations with Baptist St Anthony's Hospital, Physicians Surgical Hospital At Quail Creek and Northwest Texas Hospital.#N#The CLIA number of Cindy I Hutson Do is 45D1048493 registered as a "physician office" facility with a CLIA Certificate for Provider-Performed Microscopy Procedures (PPMP). This CLIA certificate is issued to Cindy I Hutson Do in which a physician, midlevel practitioner or dentist that performs specific microscopy procedures during the course of a patient's visit. A limited list of provider-performed microscopy procedures is included under this certificate type, which are categorized as moderate complexity testing.

What is the CLIA number?

The CLIA Program sets standards for clinical laboratory testing and issues certificates. The NPI / CLIA crosswalk information for the NPI number 1114941804 is:

Medical Services

Our integrated network model affords patients convenient and affordable access to high quality health and medical services.

Dental Services

RHN provides a comprehensive array of family friendly, affordable dental services with modern, state-of-the-art dental operatories.

Behavioral Health

RHN’s integrated team of medical and behavioral health providers are committed to helping patients maintain happy, healthy and productive lives.

FREE Sports Physicals

RHN is now offering Sports Physicals FREE of charge on a Walk-In basis.

Regarding Masks

Due to high community spread, RHN recommends that all individuals wear masks at all times. Debido a la alta propagación en la comunidad, RHN recomienda que todas las personas usen mascaras en todo momento. [...]

RHN Dental

RHN provides a comprehensive array of family-friendly dental services. We are accepting new patients and most insurance plans. Schedule your appointment today!
