patient history and physical examination report

by Delta Koepp 8 min read

History and Physical Examination (H&P) Examples

15 hours ago History and Physical Medical Transcription Sample Report #2. DATE OF ADMISSION: MM/DD/YYYY. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient is a (XX)-year-old Hispanic female with history of severe hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cerebrovascular disease, status post CVA x4 previously, and right-sided hemiplegia. She was found down at home by her niece ... >> Go To The Portal

The History and Physical Exam, often called the "H&P" is the starting point of the patient's "story" as to why they sought medical attention or are now receiving medical attention.

Full Answer

What can history tell us about a patient's medical history?

Specific details from the history raise the probability of different diagnoses and direct further tests in a productive manner. Further diagnostic investigations—imaging, blood tests, pulmonary function studies, and even parts of the physical examination—depend on the history.

When does the physical examination begin?

The physical examination begins the moment the clinician first sees the patient, even before the introductions and beginning the medical interview. Keen observations, and the ability to pursue and interpret these observations, are the keys to skilled clinical diagnosis.

Why is it important to have a history and physical exam?

At the very least, a carefully executed history and physical lead to more intelligent and cost-effective use of diagnostic technology. Plus, a physical examination can be performed virtually anywhere, may provide important information, lends itself to serial observations, and increases patients' confidence in their physicians.

What should be included in a physical exam of a patient?

The physician should ask specifically about symptoms that suggest cardiovascular, pulmonary, musculoskeletal, and neuropsychiatric disorders. Symptoms suggestive of infection with any of the excludable communicable diseases (tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, and Hansen’s disease) should also be sought.


What is history and physical examination report?

The History and Physical Exam, often called the "H&P" is the starting point of the patient's "story" as to why they sought medical attention or are now receiving medical attention.

What should be included in a history and physical?

Contents of a History and Physical Examination (H&P) 2. The H&P shall consist of chief complaint, history of present illness, allergies and medications, relevant social and family history, past medical history, review of systems and physical examination, appropriate to the patient's age.

What is a patient history report?

All refer to a private medical record that contains systematic documentation of an individual patient's important clinical data and medical history over time. Accurate, complete medical charts enable healthcare providers to make informed and appropriate decisions about optimal patient care.

How do you write patient history?

How To Give A Good Medical History To Get Better Health CareStep 1: Include the important details of your current problem. Timing - When did your problem start? ... Step 2: Share your past medical history. ... Step 3: Include your social history. ... Step 4: Write out your questions and expectations.

What is physical examination of a patient?

Definition. Physical examination is the process of evaluating objective anatomic findings through the use of observation, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. The information obtained must be thoughtfully integrated with the patient's history and pathophysiology.

What are the components of patient history?

Basics of history takingChief concern (CC)History of present illness (HPI)Past medical history (PMH) including preexisting illnesses, medication history, and allergies.Family history (FH)Social history (SH)Review of systems (ROS)

Why is patient history important?

Patient medical history is often a crucial step in evaluating patients. Information gathered by doing a thorough medical history can have life or death consequences. In less extreme cases medical history will often direct care.

What is an examination and review of patient records?

Audit. A record means to examine and review a group of patient records for completeness and accuracy.

How do you take good patient history?

Greet the patient by name and introduce yourself. Ask, “What brings you in today?” and get information about the presenting complaint. Collect past medical and surgical history, including any allergies and any medications they're currently taking. Ask the patient about their family history.

How do you write a patient medical report?

HOW TO WRITE A MEDICAL REPORTKnow that a common type of medical report is written using SOAP method. ... Assess the patient after observing her problems and symptoms. ... Write the Plan part of the Medical report. ... Note any problems when you write the medical report.More items...

What are the steps of physical examination?

Physical examination1 Inspection.2 Palpation.3 Auscultation.4 Percussion.

Why is experience important in clinical practice?

Experience is valuable in the acquisition of clinical pattern recognition and in accumulating clinical knowledge . Although interviewing skills can be systematically learned,12acquiring the art of adept history taking and physical examination is a lifelong process that is incrementally improved by careful practice.

Why is occupational history included in social history?

Because of its relevance and importance in the evaluation of patients with known or suspected pulmonary diseases, the occupational history is included as a separate component of the social history. Travel history, also included in the social history, is helpful in diagnosing certain lung diseases.

What are the disadvantages of electronic medical records?

The disadvantages of electronic medical records include “information overload” and potential loss of privacy. Software downtime can be crippling.

Can previous illnesses recur?

Previous illnesses may recur (e.g., tuberculosis), and new diseases may complicate old ones (e.g., bronchiectasis as a sequela of necrotizing pneumonia). Information about previous illnesses, operations, intubations, and trauma involving the respiratory system may be essential to understanding the current problem.

Can fremitus be detected over the chest wall?

Occasionally, fremitus over part of the chest wall can detect the presence of airway secretions (rhonchal fremitus) or an underlying pleural friction rub (friction fremitus). In examining the heart the examining physician should always search for an apical impulse, heaves and lifts, thrills, and palpable valve closure.

What is a physical exam?

a physical examination, including an evaluation of mental status, sufficient to permit a determination of the presence and the severity of Class A and Class B conditions. The physical examination is to include: a mental status examination that includes, at a minimum, assessment of intelligence, thought, cognition (comprehension), judgment, ...

What is the medical report form?

The Medical Report Form. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), United States Public Health Service (PHS), is responsible for ensuring that aliens entering the United States do not pose a threat to the public health of this country. The visa medical examination is one means of evaluating the health of aliens applying ...

What is the purpose of a medical exam for a visa?

The purpose of the visa medical examination is to determine whether the alien has: 1) a physical or mental disorder (including a communicable disease of public health significance or drug abuse/addiction) that renders him or her ineligible for a visa (Class A condition); or 2) a physical or mental disorder that , although does not constitute a specific excludable condition, represents a departure from normal health or well-being that is significant enough to possibly interfere with the person’s ability to care for him- or herself, to attend school or work, or that may require extensive medical treatment or institutionalization in the future (Class B condition).

What is the responsibility of a panel physician?

The responsibility of the panel physician is only to conduct the examination and testing required to determine the alien’s status regarding Class A and Class B conditions and to complete the medical report form. If the examination reveals an acute illness that makes it impossible to determine the alien’s medical status regarding Class A or B conditions, the acute illness should be treated by a physician of the alien’s choice, and the visa medical examination process completed when the alien has recovered. If the alien needs further evaluation or treatment for conditions not relevant to the visa medical examination, the physician should advise the alien of this and make recommendations for appropriate diagnostic evaluation and treatment.

What is a mental exam?

a physical examination, including an evaluation of mental status, sufficient to permit a determination of the presence and the severity of Class A and Class B conditions. The physical examination is to include:#N#a mental status examination that includes, at a minimum, assessment of intelligence, thought, cognition (comprehension), judgment, affect (and mood), and behavior#N#a physical examination that includes, at a minimum, examination of the eyes, ears, nose and throat, extremities, heart, lungs, abdomen, lymph nodes, and skin#N#all diagnostic tests required to identify communicable diseases of public health significance, as well as other tests identified as necessary to confirm a suspected diagnosis of any other Class A or Class B condition. 1 a mental status examination that includes, at a minimum, assessment of intelligence, thought, cognition (comprehension), judgment, affect (and mood), and behavior 2 a physical examination that includes, at a minimum, examination of the eyes, ears, nose and throat, extremities, heart, lungs, abdomen, lymph nodes, and skin 3 all diagnostic tests required to identify communicable diseases of public health significance, as well as other tests identified as necessary to confirm a suspected diagnosis of any other Class A or Class B condition.

What section of medical report should you indicate drug abuse?

Findings of drug abuse or addiction should be indicated in the “Remarks” section of the medical report form. The panel physician should indicate the specific drug that is/was being used and the last time it was used if the patient has discontinued its use.

What is a review of hospitalizations?

a review of all institutionalizations for chronic conditions (physical or mental) a review of all illnesses or disabilities resulting in a substantial departure from a normal state of well-being or level of functioning. specific questions about psychoactive drug and alcohol use, history of harmful behavior, ...

What is medical history?

A medical history, obtained by the civil surgeon or a member of the physician’s professional staff, from the applicant (preferably) or a family member, which includes. a review of all hospitalizations. a review of all institutionalizations for chronic conditions (physical or mental) a review of all illnesses or disabilities resulting in ...

What is the medical report form?

Medical Report Form. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), United States Public Health Service (PHS), is responsible for ensuring that aliens entering the United States do not pose a threat to the public health of this country. The medical examination is one means of evaluating the health of aliens applying for admission ...

What is the purpose of a medical exam?

The purpose of the medical examination is to determine whether the alien has: 1) a physical or mental disorder (including a communicable disease of public health significance or drug abuse/addiction) that renders him or her ineligible for admission or adjustment of status (Class A condition); or 2) a physical or mental disorder that, although does not constitute a specific excludable condition, represents a departure from normal health or well-being that is significant enough to possibly interfere with the person’s ability to care for him- or herself, to attend school or work, or that may require extensive medical treatment or institutionalization in the future (Class B condition).

What is a mental exam?

A physical examination, including an evaluation of mental status, sufficient to permit a determination of the presence and the severity of Class A and Class B conditions. The physical examination is to include#N#a mental status examination that includes, at a minimum, assessment of intelligence, thought, cognition (comprehension), judgment, affect (and mood), and behavior#N#a physical examination that includes, at a minimum, examination of the eyes, ears, nose and throat, extremities, heart, lungs, abdomen, lymph nodes, and skin#N#all diagnostic tests required to identify communicable diseases of public health significance, as well as other tests identified as necessary to confirm a suspected diagnosis of any other Class A or Class B condition 1 a mental status examination that includes, at a minimum, assessment of intelligence, thought, cognition (comprehension), judgment, affect (and mood), and behavior 2 a physical examination that includes, at a minimum, examination of the eyes, ears, nose and throat, extremities, heart, lungs, abdomen, lymph nodes, and skin 3 all diagnostic tests required to identify communicable diseases of public health significance, as well as other tests identified as necessary to confirm a suspected diagnosis of any other Class A or Class B condition

What is medical examination?

The medical examination is one means of evaluating the health of aliens applying for admission or adjustment of status as permanent residents in the United States. These instructions are for the use of civil surgeons and U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials who are evaluating aliens applying for adjustment ...

What is included in a civil surgeon's medical report?

The civil surgeon must include a statement of likely degree of disability and the need for extensive medical care or institutionalization for any Class B conditions identified during the examination. Findings of drug abuse or addiction should be indicated in the “Remarks” section of the medical report form.

Who is responsible for completing and forwarding the medical report form to the DHS?

The civil surgeon remains responsible for completing and forwarding the medical report form to the DHS official. The report of the consulting physician, as received by the civil surgeon , must be included with the medical report form. Top of Page.

Who can complete a history and physical?

The medical staff must determine, based on state-specific law and regulation (Scope of Practice), the extent to which a Dentist or Podiatrist may complete a history and physical. Typically, the Dentist or Podiatrist is only authorized to perform aspects of the History and Physical that are applicable to ...

What is the intent of a medical staff?

The intent is that the medical staff defines only certain circumstances, such as certain type of outpatient surgeries or procedures such as angiograms, that require a history and physical.

Can a dentist perform a history?

Typically, the Dentist or Podiatrist is only authorized to perform aspects of the History and Physical that are applicable to either Dentistry or Podiatry. The organization can have a policy that would permit the use of a history and physical examination performed by any practitioner permitted by state law.


Scope of The Examination

Management of Medical Conditions Not Related to The Visa Medical Condition

  • The responsibility of the panel physician is only to conduct the examination and testing required to determine the alien’s status regarding Class A and Class B conditions and to complete the medical report form. If the examination reveals an acute illness that makes it impossible to determine the alien’s medical status regarding Class A or B conditions, the acute illness should …
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Referral For Further Evaluation

  • In some instances, the panel physician may be unable to make a definitive diagnosis or determine whether a disease or disorder is a Class A or a Class B condition. In such instances, the panel physician must refer the alien for a medical or mental health evaluation that will provide sufficient information to resolve the uncertainties of either diagnosis or Class A or Class B designation. Th…
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The Medical Report Form

  1. The medical report form is to be completed in English, typed, dated, and signed by the panel physician. Follow instructions of the consular officer regarding the number of copies of the medical for...
  2. The results of required tests for tuberculosis must be entered in the appropriate spaces on the medical report form. Mark the box “not done” if these tests are not required.
  1. The medical report form is to be completed in English, typed, dated, and signed by the panel physician. Follow instructions of the consular officer regarding the number of copies of the medical for...
  2. The results of required tests for tuberculosis must be entered in the appropriate spaces on the medical report form. Mark the box “not done” if these tests are not required.
  3. Findings of physical and mental disorders should be entered in the “Remarks” section of the medical report form. The panel physician must include a statement of likely degree of disability and the...
  4. Findings of drug abuse or addiction should be indicated in the “Remarks” section of the medical report form. The panel physician should indicate the specific drug that is/was being …

Scope of The Examination

  • The purpose of the medical examination is to determine whether the alien has: 1) a physical or mental disorder (including a communicable disease of public health significance or drug abuse/addiction) that renders him or her ineligible for admission or adjustment of status (Class A condition); or 2) a physical or mental disorder that, although does not constitute a specific exclu…
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Management of Medical Conditions Not Related to The Medical Exam

  • The responsibility of the civil surgeon is only to conduct the examination and testing required to determine the alien’s status regarding Class A and Class B conditions and to complete the medical report form. If the examination reveals an acute illness that makes it impossible to determine the alien’s medical status regarding Class A or B conditions, the acute illness should …
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Referral For Further Evaluation

  • In some instances, the civil surgeon may be unable to make a definitive diagnosis or to determine whether a disease or disorder is a Class A or a Class B condition. In such instances, the civil surgeon must refer the alien for a medical or mental health evaluation that will provide sufficient information to resolve the uncertainties of either diagnosis or Class A or Class B designation. Th…
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Medical Report Form

  1. The medical report form is to be completed in English, typed, dated, and signed by the civil surgeon.
  2. The results of required tests for tuberculosis and syphilis must be entered in the appropriate spaces on the medical report form.
  3. Findings of physical and mental disorders should be entered in the “Remarks” section of the …
  1. The medical report form is to be completed in English, typed, dated, and signed by the civil surgeon.
  2. The results of required tests for tuberculosis and syphilis must be entered in the appropriate spaces on the medical report form.
  3. Findings of physical and mental disorders should be entered in the “Remarks” section of the medical report form. The civil surgeon must include a statement of likely degree of disability and the ne...
  4. Findings of drug abuse or addiction should be indicated in the “Remarks” section of the medical report form. The civil surgeon should indicate the specific drug that is/was being used and the last...