patient health portal clayton state

by Vernie Armstrong 8 min read

Clayton State University - Primary Health Clinic Patient …

12 hours ago Login. Student ID. Password Reset your password. Not Registered? Register. >> Go To The Portal

What are the patient portals and how do they work?

Login. Student ID. Password Reset your password. Not Registered? Register.

Who can use the Penn State Health Portal?

Patient Portal. Our patient portals are a convenient way to securely view your personal health information and interact with Penn State Health. They play a key role in your heath care - …

How do I request patient access to mysamaritanhealth?

Sign into our patient portal to access your health records and keep up with your appointments. ... Proxy form. Download the proxy below to help love ones with their patient portal and medical …

How do I sign up for the Health Information Management Portal?

Step-by-step instructions. Find your Medical Record Number (MRN) You can start the self-enroll process online here. NOTE: Self-enrollment is only available for patients 14 years or older. …


Patient Health Portal

We've made it easy to access your medical records through our online Patient Health Portal.

How to find us

The Primary Health Clinic is located on the first floor inside Laker Village apartment in building 1000. Enter at the sign that says “University Health Center.”

Vaccines Required by Clayton State University

2 MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) or Proof of Immunity (not required if born before 1957)

Laboratory Testing for Immunization

Blood titers can be drawn to show immunity for Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella and Hepatitis B for a fee (see below).

Certificates of Immunization

A licensed healthcare provider must complete the form; Office Stamp, Name, Date, and Signature are required. Other forms of health records will be accepted from healthcare providers if all information is documented clearly and in English. Documentation may be mailed, faxed, delivered to University Health Services, or emailed to

Tuberculosis Screening

All incoming students must complete a tuberculosis screening form. Tuberculosis testing may be required based upon results of screening.

My Penn State Health

A patient will use this portal, if you have been hospitalized at Milton S. Hershey Medical Center or St. Joseph Medical Center. Most patients who attend a Penn State Health Medical Group in Dauphin and Cumberland counties will use this portal. Please call your outpatient clinic to verify.


Patients of Holy Spirit Medical Center, or any of their outpatient clinics, will use MyChart as their patient portal. View participating clinics.

IQ Health

Patients who live in Berks County, and who have attended a Penn State Health outpatient clinic in this area, will use this portal. View participating clinics.

Care Space (Andrews Patel)

Patients of Andrews Patel will use Care Space as their patient portal.

Your Health File (All About Children)

Patients of All About Children will use Your Health File as their patient portal.

Follow My Health Berks Cardiology

Patients of Berks Cardiology will use Follow My Health as their patient portal.

healow (PCCMA)

Patients of Penn State Health Medical Group – Pulmonary (PCCMA) will use healow as their patient portal.

First Time?

Sign into our patient portal to access your health records and keep up with your appointments.

Already Registered?

If you are registered please click on the log in below. Be aware you may have an account already registered by our staff.

Proxy form

Download the proxy below to help love ones with their patient portal and medical record information.

Secure, convenient access to your medical records

My Penn State Health is a secure website where you can conveniently manage your health care information related to your visits with Penn State Health providers.

Sign up

You can create your account online using the Self-Enroll process. Or you may sign up with the office staff during any visit to the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center or one of our Medical Group locations.

In case of emergencies

Do not use My Health in the event of an emergency. For medical emergencies, please call 9-1-1 or your physician's office immediately.

FAQs: My Health Account Set-up and Access Restrictions

NOTE: Self-enrollment is only available for patients 14 years or older.

My Health Features

Yes, messages sent and received via My Health automatically become part of your medical record.

Designed with feedback from our patients

MyBaystate is our redesigned digital health experience, created based on patient surveys and focus groups. The result is an experience that gets patients the information they need faster and with fewer clicks.

Download the App

MyBaystate is available 24/7 on computers and mobile devices—as well as through a brand-new mobile app. Download the app from the Apple App Store, Google Play, or on the Baystate Health App Store where you’ll find other helpful tools like WayToGo, which helps you find your way inside our hospitals.

No-Contact Appointments and More

With MyBaystate, you can manage your health information in one convenient, secure place—without leaving your home.

Records Request and Advanced Care Plans

You can easily request a copy of your medical records or share them from MyBaystate anytime you want. With our new forms library, you can access several helpful digital and printable forms such as Advanced Care Plans and Healthcare Proxy.

COVID-19 Resources

During the COVID-19 pandemic, MyBaystate offers many important resources at the tips of your fingers.

Ready to Get Started?

Download the app to manage all of your health information in one secure place.

Navigating MySamaritanHealth portals

If you haven’t received login information for, please start by filling out the patient access request form. Then fax to 315-785-4645 (Hospital Portal Only)

New York State Donate Life Registry

The need for organ, eye and tissue donors is great. In the United States, there are more than 120,000 people that need organ transplants. Each year, thousands of people die because a donor can’t be found for them. You can help. You have the power to Donate Life. Click here to learn more.


Vaccines Required by Clayton State University

  • 2 MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) or Proof of Immunity (not required if born before 1957) Dated proof of Chicken Pox disease or 2 Varicella (not required if born in the U.S. before 1980) Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis (Tdap) within the last 10 (ten) years or tetanus (Td) booster if greater than ten years since Tdap Students 18 years old or younger are ...
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Laboratory Testing For Immunization

  • Blood titers can be drawn to show immunity for Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella and Hepatitis B for a fee (see below).
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Certificates of Immunization

  • A licensed healthcare provider must complete the form; Office Stamp, Name, Date, and Signature are required. Other forms of health records will be accepted from healthcare providers if all information is documented clearly and in English. Documentation may be mailed, faxed, delivered to University Health Services, or emailed to Documentation may also be enter…
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Tuberculosis Screening

  • All incoming students must complete a tuberculosis screening form. Tuberculosis testing may be required based upon results of screening.
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Links to Forms