patient blood pressure report

by Kaycee Lang 4 min read

Blood pressure chart: What your reading means - Mayo Clinic

34 hours ago Blood pressure is recorded as two numbers, the systolic pressure (the pressure when the heart beats) over the diastolic pressure (the pressure when the heart relaxes between beats). We record this with the systolic … >> Go To The Portal

Is 122 over 74 a good blood pressure reading?

Your blood pressure reading of 122/74 indicates a Normal blood pressure. The requirements are met with a systolic (upper) value under 130 mmHg and a diastolic (lower) value of under 85 mmHg. The normal blood pressure is a good requirement to avoid damaging of vessels and organs. With a normal blood pressure you can increase your life expectancy.

What is the highest BP ever recorded?

What is the highest blood pressure ever recorded? The highest pressure recorded in an individual was 370/360 from this study. Influence of breathing technique on arterial blood pressure during heavy weight lifting.

How bad is 140/90 blood pressure?

It is a little high. Hypertension is considered to be present when a person's systolic blood pressure is consistently 140 mmHg or greater, and/or their diastolic blood pressure is consistently 90 mmHg or greater. While elevated blood pressure alone is not an illness, it often requires treatment due to its effects on many organs.

How to document blood pressure?

  • Assist in device use. A significant portion of the patient training consists of teaching how to properly use the BP monitor.
  • Help the patient prepare to measure BP. ...
  • Guide the patient to correct posture. ...
  • Let the patient know how often to measure. ...


How do you report blood pressure?

We record this with the systolic pressure first (on the top) and the diastolic pressure second (below). For example, if the systolic pressure is 120 mmHg (millimetres of mercury) and the diastolic pressure is 80 mmHg, we would describe the blood pressure as '120 over 80', written 120/80.

What is normal BP chart?

What is high blood pressure (hypertension)?Blood Pressure LevelsNormalsystolic: less than 120 mm Hg diastolic: less than 80 mm HgAt Risk (prehypertension)systolic: 120–139 mm Hg diastolic: 80–89 mm HgHigh Blood Pressure (hypertension)systolic: 140 mm Hg or higher diastolic: 90 mm Hg or higher1 more row

What is normal blood pressure by age?

Normal Blood Pressure By AgeAgeSBPMale51-55125.556-60129.561-65143.5Female21-25115.514 more rows

What is high bp range?

They're both measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg). As a general guide: high blood pressure is considered to be 140/90mmHg or higher (or 150/90mmHg or higher if you're over the age of 80) ideal blood pressure is usually considered to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg.

Is 100 60 bp normal or low?

A normal blood pressure for an adult is defined as 90 to 119 systolic over 60 to 79 diastolic. The range between 120 to 139 systolic and 80 to 89 diastolic is called pre-hypertension, and readings above that indicate hypertension, or high blood pressure.

What is low BP range?

Low blood pressure is a reading of less than 90/60mmHg. It does not always cause symptoms, but you may need treatment if it does.

What should I do if my BP is 140 90?

Normal pressure is 120/80 or lower. Your blood pressure is considered high (stage 1) if it reads 130/80. Stage 2 high blood pressure is 140/90 or higher. If you get a blood pressure reading of 180/110 or higher more than once, seek medical treatment right away.

What is this BP?

Blood pressure is the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your arteries. Each time your heart beats, it pumps blood into the arteries. Your blood pressure is highest when your heart beats, pumping the blood.

Why measure blood pressure?

Measure your blood pressure regularly to help your health care team diagnose any health problems early. You and your health care team can take steps to control your blood pressure if it is too high.

What is it called when you have a high blood pressure reading?

Nervousness about having your blood pressure taken. This is called “white coat syndrome. ”. As many as 1 in 3 people who have a high blood pressure reading at the doctor’s office may have normal blood pressure readings outside of it. 1. What you ate, drank, or did before your reading.

How long before blood pressure is taken should you drink?

Use this checklist: Don’t eat or drink anything 30 minutes before you take your blood pressure. Empty your bladder before your reading.

How to make blood pressure go up?

How you are sitting. Crossing your legs and letting your arm droop at your side rather than rest on a table at chest height can make your blood pressure go up. 2. It’s important to get an accurate blood pressure reading so that you have a clearer picture of your risk for heart disease and stroke.

Can you talk while measuring blood pressure?

Make sure the blood pressure cuff is snug but not too tight. The cuff should be against your bare skin, not over clothing. Do not talk while your blood pressure is being measured. If you are keeping track of your blood pressure at home, use these additional tips.

Do you need a stethoscope for blood pressure?

If using a digital or automatic blood pressure cuff, the health care professional will not need to use a stethoscope. The gauge uses a unit of measurement called millimeters of mercury (mmHg) to measure the pressure in your blood vessels. If you have high blood pressure, talk to your health care team about steps to take to control your blood ...

What factors affect blood pressure reading?

These factors include: blood pressure cuff is too small or is placed over clothing. the patient has recently exercised.

What is the blood pressure of the heart?

Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of the arteries. Blood pressure is recorded as two numbers, the systolicpressure (the pressure when the heart beats) over the diastolic pressure (the pressure when the heart relaxes between beats). We record this with the systolic pressure first (on the top)and the diastolic pressure second ...

Why do we need to measure blood pressure?

All patients must be assessed for fitness before they undergo surgery. As part of this assessment, it important to measure and record the patient's blood pressure. There are two reasons for this: 1 It provides an initial recording (a ‘baseline’). If the blood pressure falls suddenly below this baseline after surgery, we are alerted to the fact that the patient may be experiencing complications. 2 It allows us to confirm that the patient is fit enough to undergo surgery. A high blood pressure reading, or indeed a very low blood pressure reading, could suggest that the patient has other medical problems, e.g. an undiagnosed heart condition. He or she may need further medical tests and possibly medication to stabilise the blood pressure before undergoing surgery.

Where to place stethoscope on arm?

Rest the patient's arm on a surface that is level with their arm. Place the stethoscope over the brachial artery ( in the bend of the elbow) and listen to the pulse (Figure ​(Figure22).

What is the 7th report?

The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. This report reviews the role of blood pressure in cardiovascular disease, as well as clinical guidelines for detecting, evaluating, and treating high blood pressure.

How common is high blood pressure?

High blood pressure is very common, affecting about 30 percent of adults in the United States. In 2013, high blood pressure was the main or a contributing cause of death for more than 360,000 people in the United States. Substantial clinical evidence shows that controlling high blood pressure results in a significant reduction in heart attacks ...

What is a Blood Pressure Log?

The blood pressure chart or log will aid you in the process of maintaining healthy blood pressure. It will tell you whether your readings are healthy or not.

Free Printable Daily Blood Pressure Log Sheets

Now you know the elements of blood pressure logs and why they are so important.


That’s everything you need to know about maintaining a blood pressure log! If you log your data and readings over time as prescribed in the doctor’s note, the blood pressure log is bound to show some positive changes.

What is the pulse section of a blood pressure chart?

Pulse: used to record beats over a minute, pulse is an important part of the blood pressure log. Systolic: This section contains all of your systolic blood pressure readings. Diastolic: This section contains all of your diastolic blood pressure readings.

What is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure?

Blood pressure is classified into two different categories which are systolic and diastolic. The systolic blood pressure refers to the pressure in your blood vessels when your heart beats. The diastolic blood pressure refers to the pressure in your blood vessels when your heart rests between beats.

What is a blood pressure chart?

A type of blood pressure log sheet, blood pressure chart contains separate columns for your blood pressure. Additionally, the chart features a number of spaces where you can list down symptoms with details in case you’ve been feeling unwell lately. You can take a look at blood pressure chart template to find out more about it. Talking about templates, you can find a number of medical form templates online including a medical release form template. We now move onto the second type of blood pressure log on our list.

What are the two aspects of blood pressure?

1 comment. There are two aspects of blood pressure measurement: the systolic and diastolic pressure. When it comes to blood pressure, children and adults have a normal limit. In case your blood pressure does not fall in the normal limit, you may require treatment for high or low blood pressure.

How to keep blood pressure under control?

These include: Exercising regularly. Reducing weight.

Why is my blood pressure abnormal?

The major reasons for abnormal blood pressure are stress and an unhealthy lifestyle . By increasing or decreasing our blood pressure, stress and an unhealthy lifestyle cause severe health problems in us. A fragile condition, blood pressure needs to be monitored regularly.

Is a blood pressure log easy to use?

Although the blood pressure log is easy to use and maintain, there are some useful tips that can help you to ensure the optimal use of the blood pressure log sheet. Following are three tips to use the blood pressure log:
