pa code chapter 28 patient care report

by Alvena Stroman II 8 min read

28 Pa. Code § 1021.41 - EMS patient care reports

8 hours ago EMS patient care reports. 28 Pa. Code § 1021.41. EMS patient care reports. § 1021.41. EMS patient care reports. (a) EMS agencies shall collect, maintain and electronically report complete, accurate and reliable patient data and other information as solicited on the EMS PCR form for calls for assistance in the format prescribed by the Department. An EMS agency shall file the … >> Go To The Portal

What are the chapter numbers for the EMS system?

Administration of the EMS System Chapter 1023. Personnel Chapter 1025. Education Chapter 1027. EMS Agencies Chapter 1029. Medical Command Facilities and Receiving Facilities Chapter 1031.

What are the different chapter numbers in the medical records act?

Chapter 561. Pharmaceutical Services Chapter 563. Medical Records Chapter 565. Laboratory and Radiology Services Chapter 567. Environmental Services Chapter 569. Fire and Safety Services Chapter 571. Construction Standards Chapter 573.

Is this material from the official Pennsylvania Code full text database?

This material has been drawn directly from the official Pennsylvania Code full text database. Due to the limitations of HTML or differences in display capabilities of different browsers, this version may differ slightly from the official printed version.

What are the chapters in the health care services malpractice Act?

Chapter 5. Clinical Laboratories Chapter 6. Drugs Which May Be Used by Certain Optometrists Chapter 7. Primary Health Centers under the Health Care Services Malpractice Act Chapter 8.


When is a veterinarian required to report a case?

A veterinarian is required to report a case, as specified in § 27.4 (relating to reporting cases), only if the veterinarian treats or examines an animal which the veterinarian suspects of having a disease set forth in § 27.35 (a) (relating to reporting cases of disease in animals).

How long does it take to report cancer?

(a) A hospital, clinical laboratory, or other health care facility providing screening, diagnostic or therapeutic services for cancer to cancer patients shall report each case of cancer to the Department in a format prescribed by the Cancer Registry, Bureau of Health Statistics and Research, within 180 days of the patient’s discharge, if an inpatient or, if an outpatient, within 180 days following diagnosis or initiation of treatment.

Who may receive the Department's written approval to subcontract certain of its duties to other entities?

(a) A regional EMS council may receive the Department’s written approval to subcontract certain of its duties to other entities as deemed necessary and appropriate for the proper execution of the contract or grant with the Department.

What is emergency medical dispatch?

Emergency medical dispatch protocols —A system or program that enables patients to be assessed and treated by telephone by utilizing currently accepted emergency medical dispatch standards.

What is the purpose of the trauma subchapter?

The purpose of this subchapter is to integrate trauma centers into the Statewide EMS system by providing access to trauma centers and for the effective and appropriate utilization of resources .

What is section 8112?

This subchapter implements sections 8112 and 8153 of the act (relating to contracts and grants; and support of emergency medical services), which set forth the standards and criteria governing the award and administration of contracts and grants under the act that are funded by EMSOF funds.

What is the purpose of the EMS subpart?

The purpose of this subpart is to facilitate improvement of the Statewide EMS system into a comprehensive and flexible system through coordination of the regional EMS systems, to synchronize the Statewide and regional systems with EMS systems in neighboring states and to otherwise implement the Department’s responsibilities under the act consistent with the Department’s rulemaking authority.

What is medical command?

Medical command physician —A physician who is certified by the Department to give medical command to EMS providers. Medical coordination —A system which involves the medical community in all phases of the regional EMS system and consists of the following elements: (i) Designation of a regional EMS medical director.

How often should nursing policies be reviewed?

(a) Written administrative and nursing care policies shall be reviewed at least annually and revised as necessary. They shall be dated to indicate the time of the most recent review.

What is the role of the director of nursing services?

(a) The director of nursing services or his designee shall design and implement an education program to orient new employes and to keep the nursing staff up-to-date on new and expanding programs, techniques, equipment, and concepts of care. The program shall be planned, scheduled, documented by a written outline of its contents, and evaluated at least annually.

Why should a nursing committee be formally organized?

Nursing committees should be formally organized within the nursing department to facilitate the establishment and attainment of the goals and objectives of the nursing service. The purpose and function of each standing committee shall be defined in the nursing service organizational plan.

What is the PA code for a pharmacist?

This section cited in 28 Pa. Code § 551.3 (relating to definitions); 49 Pa. Code § 18.158 (relating to prescribing and dispensing drugs); and 49 Pa. Code § 43a.9 (relating to schedule of civil penalties—pharmacists and pharmacies ).

Who must notify the Department of Health of distressed drugs?

All persons knowingly having in their possession regardless of ownership , distressed drugs, devices or cosmetics, shall notify the Department of Health in order that such items may be inspected to determine their fitness for use or consumption before they are sold or distributed.

What is a 25.32?

The provisions of this § 25.32 issued under section 35 of the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act (35 P. S. § 780-135); and section 2102(g) of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. § 532(g)).

How long does it take for an emergency prescription to be written?

Within 72 hours after authorizing an emergency oral prescription, the prescribing practitioner shall have a written prescription for the emergency quantity prescribed delivered to the dispensing pharmacist. In addition to conforming to the requirements of these regulations, and the act, the prescription shall have written on its face ‘‘Authorization for Emergency Dispensing’’ and the date of the oral order. Upon receipt the dispensing pharmacist shall attach this prescription to the oral emergency prescription which had earlier been reduced to writing.

What is section 25.1?

S. § 532); and sections 6 and 35 of the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act (35 P. S. § § 780-106 and 780-135).

When was 25.58 issued?

The provisions of this § 25.58 issued and amended under section 2102(g) of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. § 532(g)); and section 5 of the act of November 24, 1976 (P. L. 1163, No. 259) (35 P. S. § 960.5).

Can a pharmacist dispense a controlled substance?

A pharmacist may dispense to the ultimate user a controlled substance listed in Schedule II which is a prescription drug as determined under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act,
