23 hours ago Ozarks Healthcare's Main Entrance located at 1100 Kentucky Ave. is now open. Beginning March 28, the City of West Plains and Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) began road construction near Kentucky Ave. City and MoDOT officials say the construction will reroute traffic near Ozarks Healthcare’s main campus for approximately three months. >> Go To The Portal
If you have questions concerning the billing process, your biller can be contacted in Ozarks Healthcare Patient Accounts located on Eighth Street across from the hospital or by calling extension 6701.
If you have questions concerning the billing process, your biller can be contacted in Ozarks Healthcare Patient Accounts located on Eighth Street across from the hospital or by calling extension 6701.
Ozarks Healthcare is committed to providing excellent health care in a manner that is affordable to all of our patients.
If you have commercial insurance, Ozarks Healthcare will file your bill with your insurance company. Some insurance companies must give approval prior to receiving services. You or your physician's office may need to obtain that approval. If you need help acquiring approval from your insurance provider, Ozarks Healthcare will work with you, your physician, and your insurance company.
to answer questions concerning billing, payment options, or charity care. Financial counselors are located in the Parkway Center, Suite 17, Financial Services Department. They may be contacted by calling 417-257-6701.
To ensure that quality medical care is available to all of our patients, Ozarks Healthcare has a financial assistance program to assist the uninsured or underinsured. You may receive assistance up to 100 percent based on your income and assets.
Yes. You will receive an email from CPSI Patient Portal in order to register your User ID and Password. You will then be directed to Ozarks Healthcare's Online Bill Pay site. Content for the second accordion.
This service provides efficient, secure access to your balance information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
This service allows you to view outstanding balances that are patient due.
You are capable of making full or partial payments to multiple accounts.
The Payment Plan utilizes a secure website to safely and efficiently transmit payment information.
Payments can only be made on the visit (s) that has been completed through all insurance processes. If insurance is pending, you will not be able to see the visit (s).