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MedBridge Inc. (“MedBridge”) is committed to protecting Your privacy when You visit the MedBridge website located at the URL www.medbridgeeducation.com, the MedBridge mobile application, and other websites owned by MedBridge, including personalized white label websites (collectively, the “MedBridge Website”, as defined below).
By voluntarily creating a User Profile on the MedBridge website, You agree to the MedBridge Terms of Use, and consent to MedBridge’s collection of Personal Information. To establish Your User Profile, MedBridge collects Your name and email address, and in some cases your clinical discipline.
As You use MedBridge, certain information may also be passively collected and stored on our or our service providers’ server logs, including Your Internet protocol address, browser type, and operating system. When you enter the MedBridge website, You are required to consent to our use of Cookies in line with this Privacy Policy.
We use a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of Your personal information when You place an order or access Your personal information: (i) A secure server; (ii) All sensitive/credit information is transmitted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology and then entered into our Payment gateway providers database accessible only to those authorized who are required to keep the information confidential; (iii) All data stored on the MedBridge Website server (s) is stored in a database “behind” a secure firewall; (iv) There is no permissible access to the database outside of the hosted environment; and (v) After a transaction, Your credit card information will not be stored on our servers..