28 hours ago Leave this field empty if you're human: MAIN LOCATION . 333 S. Madison St. Muncie, IN 47305. Phone: (765) 286-7000 Fax: (765) 213-2769 Email: info@opendoorhs.org >> Go To The Portal
Leave this field empty if you're human: MAIN LOCATION . 333 S. Madison St. Muncie, IN 47305. Phone: (765) 286-7000 Fax: (765) 213-2769 Email: info@opendoorhs.org
Aug 13, 2020 · A patient portal is a website for your personal health care. The online tool helps you to keep track of your health care provider visits, test results, billing, prescriptions, and so …
Oct 13, 2020 · There are two options for setting up a patient portal. The first option is a functional Patient Portal, which is included with OpenEMR (The Native Patient Portal). The second option …
User name. Password. Forgot Password? Portal Admin Login
There are two options for setting up a patient portal. The first option is a functional Patient Portal, which is included with OpenEMR (The Native Patient Portal ). The second option is using the CMS patient portal, which utilizes a set of APIs included within OpenEMR. The second option uses a WordPress installation as the patient interface, providing a rich platform for web site development and secure isolation from OpenEMR without requiring a third party service. (The WordPress portal is under reconstruction)
To authorize a patient to use portals, need to set the following demographic entry to 'YES': Demographics->Choices->'Allow Patient Portal'. To allow emailing of the portal login credentials to the patient also need to set an email address in the patient demographics and need to set the following demographic entry to 'YES': Demographics->Choices->'Allow Email'.
Important aspects of the CMS Portal are: Security. A compromise of the public portal is not a compromise of OpenEMR. No need to trust and pay for an outside service for portal hosting and management. Anyone who can set up and maintain a WordPress web site can operate their own portal.
Also with User Role Editor, click "Add Capability" and create a capability with ID "manage_portal". This specific capability should be assigned to the user that OpenEMR will use for connecting to the portal (see "Configuring OpenEMR" below).
Patient portal login credentials for patients can be created/reset in the patient summary screen at the 'Create/Reset Onsite Portal Credentials' button (button is located at the top of the summary screen).
When a patient logs into the portal for the first time (or after credentials are reset), the patient will be forced to set another password.
Some data types require a choice from a list, however the values are hard-coded in OpenEMR and do not have a corresponding list there. These data types and their value choices are:
To provide online access, simply double click the row. Patient Facing URL: The patient portal web address. Click Open to open the URL in your web browser. Provide Online Access: Click to automatically generate a user name and password. Online Username: Defaults to the patient's first name plus a random number. It can be manually changed.
Open the Patient Portal window. The current user name will show and the current password will show as asterisks.
Invites are only sent to patients who have not accessed the portal yet and who have an entered name, address, and date of birth. The invitation will include a one-time use password and user name the patient can use to access the portal. This service is optional.
Patients can also change their own password and user name in the portal.
One-time use passwords generated by Open Dental will be valid until the patient changes their password, or until a different password is generated in Open Dental (manually or via a sheet or invitation).