3 hours ago Ohio County Family & Specialty Care Patient Portal Outpatient provider practices which offer this service include: all Ohio County Family Care locations, Quick Care, Pain Care, Specialty Care, Fordsville Area Medical Clinic and Butler County Family Care. This portal allows patients to view their medical records, request refills from their ... >> Go To The Portal
Ohio County Family & Specialty Care Patient Portal Outpatient provider practices which offer this service include: all Ohio County Family Care locations, Quick Care, Pain Care, Specialty Care, Fordsville Area Medical Clinic and Butler County Family Care. This portal allows patients to view their medical records, request refills from their ...
To further enhance your access to care, patients of the Ohio County Family, Specialty, & Surgical Care offices can utilize the online patient portal. This link allows patients to view their medical records, request medication refills, schedule appointments, make payments, and communicate via secure messaging with their provider.
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At Ohio County Healthcare, we value your opinions on our services. A patient satisfaction survey will be distributed by a staff member during your visit that covers all aspects of your healthcare experience. All responses are held in confidence and you do not have to sign your name unless you choose to do so. Your feedback is important part of our on-going quality improvement efforts. This is also an opportunity to recognize a staff member that has performs exceptionally well .
All Ohio County Family, Specialty, & Surgical Care are equipped with electronic medical record (EMR) to record your patient information . The EMR is a digital chart where the patient’s medical history, diagnoses, medications, immunization dates, and allergies are stored. This electronic chart can be accessed by all providers within the Ohio County Family, Specialty and Surgical Care offices to better coordinate your care.
By utilizing this simple tool, you will be able to access a variety of your health information safely and securely. Our Patient Portal allows you to make requests (for medical records, prescription refills, and specialist referrals), correspond with your doctor (send them a message and book an appointment), view your lab results, update your personal information, and view a summary of your visits..
Your doctor's office will provide you with a username and password to give you Patient Portal access. You can also get access by calling our Customer Service Department at (614) 423-6916 or toll-free at (844) 245-5538. The first time you log in, you will need to review the consent forms and click on next, then check the box, and click on agree.
In an effort to prevent the spread of disease, we are working to offer virtual Telehealth visits instead of in-person visits for certain situations. You can participate in virtual Telehealth appointments if you have portal access and have a smart phone or computer with a camera. Learn About Telehealth Visits
In order to save time at your first appointment, we highly encourage you to fill out the relevant forms beforehand and bring them with you to your appointment. For our new and existing patients, we have provided Central Ohio Primary Care Patient forms for you to download. Download Patient Forms
If you have forgotten your username or password, please follow the link below to recover your account.
On the Hospital Based Patient Portal you can find the following information:
On the Clinic Based Patient Portal you can find the following information: