obeid patient health portal

by Kamren Skiles IV 6 min read

Homepage - Obid Allergy, Respiratory & Internal Medicine …

32 hours ago Patient's Birthday Patient ID . Send me my Patient ID Report a Problem ... >> Go To The Portal

Does the patient portal login page meet WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)?

Click here for a text version of the patient portal login page which meets WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) My Patient Portal makes it easy to access your medical information including your medical history, medications, and treatment records from recent visits.

Where can I download the patient portal app?

You can also download our patient portal app on the App Store for both Android and IPhone, MEDITECH MHealth. Click here for a text version of the patient portal login page which meets WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)

Can I use Internet Explorer in the patient portal?

Our portal no longer supports Internet Explorer. Please use Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge when accessing your patient portal. You can also download our patient portal app on the App Store for both Android and IPhone, MEDITECH MHealth.

Who is hind Obid?

Hind Obid, M.D. Practicing in Panama City, Fla., since 1986, serving Bay County. Trained in Chicago, Ill., at Rush-Presbyterian Hospital 1981-1984,... Marwan Obid, M.D. Pulmonary and Internal Medicine "And " Hind Obid, M.D. Allergy and Immunologists


Double-check your portal selection

There are several portals on the Please Select Your Portal page. Please check to make sure you have selected the correct portal.

For Physician Practice Portal Users

Although the Physician Practice Portal (Medent Portal) login pages look the same, they are unique to each practice. Once you have selected the Physician Practice Portal, you will be given a list of practices and their corresponding physicians. Please ensure that you have selected the appropriate link on this portal page.

Check your login information

Double-check to make sure you have the right username and password combination and ensure that your caps lock key is off. If you do not have these details, please select the sign up button instead, or contact your provider for details.

Reset your login information

Physician Practice Portal can reset their login username or password. Simply click on the video icon on the portal page, and you will be given a video download to walk you through the simple process.

Using Chrome (Endless processing during login)?

Intermittently, some Chrome users can have troubles logging in related to a recent update by Google Chrome. If while attempting to login if you see the prompt “processing,” but it never logs you in, please try the following:

Still having trouble?

If you have followed the steps above, but are still having trouble logging in, please contact the appropriate practice using the contact information listed below:
