13 hours ago Or you may call (406) 265-5408 or (406) 265-7831 to speak with a scheduler. Select the preferred time. Confirm contact information. The Patient Portal sends the request to the provider’s … >> Go To The Portal
If you are unable to confirm the information requested, you may complete the Online Request Form or call the Northern Regional Hospital Health Information Department at (336) 719-7300. A member of our team will contact you to confirm your enrollment within 72 hours of your request.
The Patient Portal allows easily accessible: secure online access to your Electronic Health Record anytime and anywhere you have internet access; whether it’s on your desktop, laptop, or phone. Need assistance? You are now able to request a new appointment, or cancel and reschedule an existing appointment in our Patient Portal.
Or you may call (406) 265-5408 or (406) 265-7831 to speak with a scheduler. Select the preferred time. Confirm contact information. The Patient Portal sends the request to the provider’s office.