north whiteville urgent care - patient portal email

by Mrs. Adell Carroll 5 min read

North Whiteville Urgent Care in Whiteville, NC - WebMD

18 hours ago North Whiteville Urgent Care and Family Practice is a family practice that is located just off highway 74/76 as you enter Whiteville, NC. Our mission is to provide excellent care to the residents of Whiteville and surrounding areas. ... To join our family, check out our patient portal to request an appointment. We also accept walk-ins or you ... >> Go To The Portal


North Whiteville Urgent Care & Family Practice Pa is a primary care provider established in Whiteville, North Carolina specializing in family medicine. The NPI number of North Whiteville Urgent Care & Family Practice Pa is 1639352032 and was assigned on December 2007.

CLIA Information

The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) of 1988 applies to facilities or sites that test human specimens for health assessment or to diagnose, prevent, or treat disease. The CLIA Program sets standards for clinical laboratory testing and issues certificates. The NPI / CLIA crosswalk information for the NPI number 1639352032 is:

Group Taxonomy

193400000X SINGLE SPECIALTY GROUP - This provdier is a business group of one or more individual practitioners, all of who practice with the same area of specialization.

Additional Identifiers

Additional identifier (s) currently or formerly used as an identifier for the provider. The codes may include UPIN, NSC, OSCAR, DEA, Medicaid State or PIN identification numbers.

Other Providers at the same location

The following 6 providers are registered at the same or nearby location.

NPI Footnotes

What is the National Provider Indentifier (NPI)? The NPI is 10-position all-numeric identification number assigned by the NPPES to uniquely identify a health care provider.