nitesh vachhani, md patient portal

by Mr. Merl Ebert 5 min read

Nitesh Vachhani, MD - Houston Methodist Hospital

17 hours ago Who is Dr. Nitesh B. Vachhani? Dr. Nitesh B. Vachhani MD (he/him) is a gastroenterologist who is licensed to provide online care in Texas. He has received an overall patient experience rating of 4.7 out of 5. Where is Dr. Vachhani? He is currently working at Satori Counseling Center and Oakbend Medical Center to provide care. Public records ... >> Go To The Portal

Where can I find Dr Nitesh Vachhani?

Dr. Nitesh Vachhani is available at the following locations: Dr. Hector D. Allende Dr. Julian Armstrong Dr. Ravi Botla Dr. Thomas N. Dewar Dr. Stephen Lacey Dr. Carol E. Mallette Dr. Juan Martinez Dr. Bhavani Moparty Dr. Carlos A. Neghme

Who is Dr Vachhani?

Sugar Land TX Is this you? Dr. Vachhani treats all general gastrointestinal and liver diseases, and his special interests are inflammatory bowel disease and liver disease. He is also experienced in endoscopic procedures, including colon cancer screening.

How is Nitesh bupatrai Vachhani rated by patients?

Nitesh Bupatrai Vachhani has been rated by 50 patients.From those 50 patients 16 of those left a comment along with their rating.The overall rating for Nitesh Bupatrai Vachhani is 4.0 of 5.0 stars. As always, I received exceptional care from Dr. Vichhani. He is consistently a good listener and communicator.

Why choose Dr Vachhani for colon cancer screening?

He is also experienced in endoscopic procedures, including colon cancer screening. Raised in Houston, Dr. Vachhani speaks Spanish, Hindi and Gujarati to better communicate with his patients. Based on patient feedback. Read the reviews



Dr. Nitesh B. Vachhani is a gastroenterologist in Sugar Land, Texas and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital and CHI St. Luke's Sugar Land Hospital.


Gastroenterologists diagnose and treat digestive disorders, such as stomach pain, ulcers, reflux, constipation and Crohn's disease.

Patient Experience

Provides clear information and answers questions in a way patients understand.

Insurances Accepted

Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment.

Education & Experience

University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio Joe and Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine


Dr. Vachhani treats all general gastrointestinal and liver diseases, and his special interests are inflammatory bowel disease and liver disease. He is also experienced in endoscopic procedures, including colon cancer screening. Raised in Houston, Dr. Vachhani speaks Spanish, Hindi and Gujarati to better communicate with his patients.


Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently.

What is Dr. Vachhani's specialty?

Dr. Vachhani treats all general gastrointestinal and liver diseases, and his special interests are inflammatory bowel disease and liver disease. He is also experienced in endoscopic procedures, including colon cancer screening. Raised in Houston, Dr. Vachhani speaks Spanish, Hindi and Gujarati to better communicate with his patients.

What is the specialty of gastroenterology?

Gastroenterology. A gastroenterologist is a specialist in diagnosis and treatment of conditions involving the digestive/gastrointestinal (GI) tract. These doctors are experts on how food moves through the digestive system and is chemically broken down, with nutrients being absorbed and waste excreted. You might see this kind of doctor ...

What is an internist?

An internist is a physician who focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that affect the adult population —both acute and chronic.These doctors are often who adults see as their primary physicians because they treat a broad range of illnesses that do not require surgical or specialist interventions.

Where is Dr. Nitesh B. Vachhani?

Dr. Nitesh B Vachhani, MD is a doctor primarily located in Sugar Land, TX, with other offices in Richmond, TX and Sugar Land, TX. He has 18 years of experience. His

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The Vitals website is provided for your informational use only. Nothing contained or offered by, on or through Vitals should be construed as medical advice or relied upon for medical diagnosis or treatment. Vitals does not recommend or endorse any particular healthcare provider whose information or ratings appear on this website. We encourage you to read our full Terms of Service.
