new mexico cancer center patient portal

by Mr. Gaston Dooley V 5 min read

New Mexico Cancer Center - NMCC

24 hours ago New Mexico Oncology Hematology Consultants has replaced SeeYourChart with a new patient portal, CareSpace. With a CareSpace account, you can access your health information securely. If you have not registered for CareSpace call New Mexico Cancer Center for instructions on how to register. Phone: (505) 842-8171 >> Go To The Portal

How do I contact New Mexico Cancer Center carespace?

New Mexico Oncology Hematology Consultants has replaced SeeYourChart with a new patient portal, CareSpace. With a CareSpace account, you can access your health information securely. If you have not registered for CareSpace call New Mexico Cancer Center for instructions on how to register. Phone: (505) 842-8171

Is there a patient portal in New Mexico?

An example of a proton therapy facility. Proton therapy uses accelerated particles to attack certain kinds of cancers in a highly targeted way. New Mexico Cancer Center is recruiting Medical Oncologists, Rheumatologists and Pulmonary Physicians. Contact Dr. …

Why choose New Mexico Cancer Center?

New Mexico Cancer Center We have transitioned to a new patient portal. Your appointment data and health records will no longer be updated on this portal, though you are still welcome to continue to use the community and educational resources. For questions – …

Is proton therapy coming to New Mexico?

New Mexico Cancer Center provides you with a New Patient Coordinator to help you make your appointment, answers your questions, and start the process of working with your insurance company. If your physician made your referral, our New Patient Coordinator will call you. If you have not been contacted, or wish to call us, please call: (505) 828-3796


How to contact Oncology Medical Home?

This is one of the most important parts of our Oncology Medical Home. As soon as you feel something may be wrong, call us at 505-842-8171. Your call will immediately be transferred to one of our trained oncology triage nurses, who will ask you a series of questions designed to help us determine the best course of action for your care. If they determine that you may need emergency hospital care, they will arrange for you to go to the hospital. But our goal is to keep you out of the hospital and get you the right treatment as quickly as possible. Most patients who call will receive an immediate appointment at the Cancer Center, where any necessary lab and imaging test will be done, you will be seen by one of our doctors or advanced practice clinicians, and started on any necessary treatment.

Why is it important to have a doctor visit?

It’s important that you give the doctor the information he or she needs and that you understand what your doctor is recommending. The following checklist will help you and your doctor get the most out of the visit.

How to get rid of a swollen ear?

Follow the doctor’s instructions. Take the full course of medication and be sure you follow the prescribed diet. Remember, that you and your family are an integral part of your health care team. Keep your doctor informed of any change in your condition as he/she requested.

Appointments and Hours

Only one phone number is ever needed to call us. Outside of regular office hours, the main System-Wide Switchboard number will automatically forward to our answering service, for all of our clinic sites. Or, during the hours listed below, you can call directly.

Calling for the First Time

When you make your first call to New Mexico Cancer Center (NMCC), you will speak with a New Patient Coordinator, who will:

Same Day Care

As your Oncology Medical Home, one of our highest priorities is keeping you healthy and out of the hospital. If you are feeling ill, don't wait: please call us right away. We will strive to get you seen at NMCC almost immediately, do the necessary examinations and tests, and start appropriate intervention and therapy as quickly as possible.

When You Arrive

When you come into our office, please check in at the front desk. Our receptionist will verify your address, phone number, current primary care physician and current insurance information. Please present all your medical insurance cards at each visit.

Next Visit Planning

Patient care coordinators who work with your doctor will schedule your next appointment. They will also schedule any required tests or hospitalizations. Our nurses can help you schedule other appointments, such as chemotherapy or labs.
