naval hospital patient portal

by Vena Raynor MD 7 min read

MHS GENESIS - Patient Portal - TRICARE

15 hours ago The MHS GENESIS Patient Portal is a secure website for 24/7 access to your health information, including managing appointments and exchanging messages with your care team. Along with … >> Go To The Portal

How do I find a patient portal for military hospitals?

Visit their website here: >>Military Hospitals and Clinics Once there, click “Patient Portal” in the top right-hand corner of the homepage. You’ll be directed to the correct portal, either TOL or MHS GENESIS.

What is the Tol patient portal?

The TOL Patient Portal (also referred to as "TRICARE Online" or "TOL") is the current secure patient portal that gives registered users access to online health care information and services at military hospitals and clinics. Schedule, change, view, or cancel appointments at your military hospital or clinic

What is the secure patient portal?

The Secure Patient Portal is a secure system designed to help you manage your individual or family health care online. Using these online systems, you can: TRICARE is in the process of switching from our current patient portal, TOL Patient Portal, to MHS GENESIS. See below for information on how to find your secure patient portal.

How do I make an appointment at Naval Hospital Jacksonville?

Appointments & Referrals Make an appointment at TRICARE's Online Patient Portal at or by phone: Naval Hospital Jacksonville: (904) 542-4677 or (800) 529-4677 If you get a referral to a specialist at our hospital, please call (904) 542-4677, option 6.


How do I access Tricare patient portal?

If you don't already have a TRICARE Online account, you can log onto using your DS Logon Premium Account. If don't have a DS Logon Premium Account or if you have questions about DS Logon, visit the milConnect Website or call 1-800-538-9552.

What is the MHS Genesis patient portal?

MHS GENESIS Patient PortalThe MHS GENESIS Patient Portal is a secure website for 24/7 access to your health information, including managing appointments and exchanging messages with your care team. The new patient portal is launching at sites as MHS GENESIS deploys, replacing the TRICARE Online Secure Patient Portal.

How do you check a patient in MHS Genesis?

Need to look up your health record, request a prescription refill, check a lab result, schedule an appointment, or send a message to your health care team? Log into the MHS GENESIS Patient PortalLog into the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal A DS Logon Account is required.

Does Tricare patient portal have an app?

You can download it from the app store on your iPhone or Android device.

What are the five main features of the new healthcare portal?

To help you get started, here are five key features that the best patient portal solutions have to offer:Excellent user experience. ... Branding flexibility. ... Flexible financing options. ... Loyalty rewards and incentives. ... Integration with existing systems.

What is replacing Tricare online?

MHS GENESIS Patient PortalMHS GENESIS Patient Portal MHS GENESIS is the new secure patient portal for TRICARE. It will eventually deploy to all military medical and dental facilities worldwide and replace the TOL Patient Portal.

How far back does MEPS check medical records?

seven yearsThe new system is called the Prescription Medication Reporting System (PMRS) and is used to pull seven years of prescription histories for all civilian recruits going to MEPS.

Can you access Tricare online from home?

Once you add the TOL site to your web browser's trusted sites for access, you will be able to access the site from your home/personal computer. If you still cannot access TOL from your home/personal computer, please contact TOL Customer Service at 1 (800) 600 9332.

Is MHS Genesis down?

Status update: MHS GENESIS is back online and running.

Does TRICARE for Life expire?

Using TRICARE For Life with Other Health Insurance and Overseas. If you have Other Health Insurance (OHI), such as a supplement or an employer health plan, you can use TRICARE For Life as long as you have Part A and B coverage.

Does TRICARE have dental?

TRICARE covers adjunctive dental care. as part of the "medical" benefit. Dental coverage for diagnostic and preventive services, restorative services, orthodontics, oral surgery, endodontics and other non-medical services are provided under two different dental plans: TRICARE Active Duty Dental Program.

How do I access my TRICARE mobile online? ... TOL PP Mobile can be accessed with any mobile device including smart phones by following these steps: ... HOW TO ACCESS WHAT ARE MY CAPABILITIES?Open your mobile device web browser. ... Prescription Refill. ... Health Record. ... REMINDER!

What is MHS Genesis?

MHS GENESIS is the single, continuous record of care that will support the provision and coordination of care for 9.5 million beneficiaries worldwide. It's the new electronic health record for the Military Health System (MHS).

What is Genesis at MEPS?

This year, the Pentagon officially launched Military Health System (MHS) Genesis, a new electronic health record system for the military that is the result of years of pilot programs, testing, and congressional mandates.

Is MHS Genesis Cerner?

MHS GENESIS is built on the same Cerner Oracle Millennium platform, which is intended to allow the seamless sharing of patient data and medical records between agencies as current service members become veterans and obtain health care through the Veterans Health Administration.

How far back does MEPS check medical records?

seven yearsThe new system is called the Prescription Medication Reporting System (PMRS) and is used to pull seven years of prescription histories for all civilian recruits going to MEPS.

What is HEDIS in healthcare?

We report the same Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) used by many civilian health care practices to monitor quality of care provided in the MHS. Before posting HEDIS data, a National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) certified auditor reviews and approves the measure process and data.

Why are catheters left in place?

It is left in place to collect urine while a patient is immobile or incontinent. Catheters can become a way for germs to enter the body and cause infections in the urinary tract. These infections are called catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs). They can cause additional illness.

What are sentinel events?

Sentinel Events are those that result in harm or death to a patient. They require immediate reporting, response, and investigation. This measure is a facility specific one that shows you what sentinel events occurred in individual hospitals or clinics. Your military hospital or clinic may not be on this list. Some don’t provide services that can result in a Sentinel Event. Others may not have enough data to report in a way that protects patient privacy. Data are updated in April of each year and cover the previous calendar year.

Why do we track the number of infections developed by patients in the hospital?

We track the number of infections developed by patients in the hospital because of central-line devices. We look at the number of infections compared to the number of expected infections based on the number of patients who had central lines during the time frame being measured. For more information please visit the Center for Disease Control website at

How many weeks is a normal pregnancy?

A normal pregnancy is 40 weeks . Research has shown that babies who are 'full term' (39-41 weeks of pregnancy) are less likely to have complications and require Neonatal Intensive Care support.

What is a central line?

A central line is a narrow tube inserted by a doctor into a large vein of a patient’s neck or chest. This is so the patient can receive fluids or medication, or so that blood can be collected for medical tests. Central lines can become a way for germs to enter the body and cause infections in the blood.

How often do hospitals have to undergo accreditation?

We require our clinics and hospitals to undergo on-site surveys by nationally-recognized accreditation organizations every three years.

What is a DCRR?

Each clinic and branch clinic have designated Department Customer Relations Representatives (DCRR). DCRR photographs and contact information are prominently displayed within the clinical space. The DCRR is the patient's point of contact if a patient has a concern that cannot be resolved during the patient's initial contact with a staff member. DCRRs are to make every effort to resolve the concern at the department level. Patient concerns unable to be resolved within the department are forwarded to the Customer Relations Office for resolution at the appropriate command level.

What is WIC in DEERS?

WIC. The Official WIC program is available to low to moderate income pregnant women, recently delivered women, breastfeeding women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutrition risk. Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.

What is the Patient and Family Advisory Council?

The Patient and Family Advisory Council serves as the leadership body that develops and implements the strategic plan in support of the Command's mission and the CO's vision concerning Patients and Family.

What is the phone number for the Health Benefits Office?

The Health Benefits Office is located on the 1st Floor next to Immunizations, and is open Monday - Friday from 7:30 am to 4 pm. (850) 505-6916 or (850) 505-6915.

What is the phone number for Main Hospital?

We have a Chapel at the hospital that is available 24/7 as a reflective space for meditation or prayer. Main Hospital, 3rd Floor, (850) 505-6481 . For emergencies, please call (850) 554-5754 24/7.

What is the number for the MHS nurse advice line?

NURSE ADVICE LINE (NAL): 1-800-874-2273, Option: 1. MHS Nurse Advice Line Beneficiary Portal. MHS Nurse Advice Line. Note: Please be aware that when a patient reverts to a military treatment facility not currently using MHS GENESIS, they must convert back to using the TRICARE Online Patient Portal.

How to make an appointment with MHS?

To make an appointment, log in to MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. (scheduling on MHS GENESIS coming soon). Use Patient Portal to send a message to your provider or call the Central Appointment Desk at: 707-423-3000.

How to check on a prescription refill?

Call your Medical Home Team and provide name of medications and dosage along with your name, sponsor's last 4 SSN and a good contact number in case there are any questions. Once you place your request, allow at least 24 hours and call (360) 475-4217 to check the status of your refill.

How to contact NPRC?

IMPORTANT: If you are requesting medical records that are older than 5 years, please contact the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) instead at 314-801-0800. Network Providers. 910-450-3092.

How to get a copy of DD2870?

1. Complete DD2870 Medical Records Request (blocks 1-17). Provide complete mailing address and contact information. Include a copy of a state or federal picture ID. Form must be accurate any omissions of Information will cause delays or denial of request.

What is the mission of Patient Administration?

It is the mission of Patient Administration to provide valuable customer focused patient services; enhance operational readiness ; and provide high quality administrative support to our Marines, Sailors and their families within the Camp Lejeune area of responsibility.

Do you have to wear a mask in NMCCL?

Please be advised: patients and visitors over the age of 2 must wear a face mask at all times in NMCCL facilities .

What happens if you move back to a non-MHS location?

If you move back to a non-MHS GENESIS location, you’ll resume use of the TOL Secure Patient Portal for all secure actions (appointing, viewing health data, prescription refills, secure messaging).

What is MHS Genesis?

MHS GENESIS is the new secure patient portal for TRICARE. It will eventually deploy to all military medical and dental facilities worldwide and replace the TOL Patient Portal.

What is a TOL portal?

The TOL Patient Portal (also referred to as "TRICARE Online" or "TOL") is the current secure patient portal that gives registered users access to online health care information and services at military hospitals and clinics.

What is a secure patient portal?

The Secure Patient Portal is a secure system designed to help you manage your individual or family health care online. Using these online systems, you can:

Can you see your health records in MHS?

As soon as your record is created, you’ll be able to see your health data in MHS GENESIS.
