napa county patient care report

by Dr. Henderson Ruecker 7 min read

Health Records | Napa County, CA

4 hours ago Napa County Health and Human Services currently does not charge clients for copies of medical records. Review in Person. You can review your records in person, but by appointment only. Please contact Medical Records at 707-253-6163. Receiving Your Records. If you provide us with your current mailing address we can mail you your records. >> Go To The Portal

Requirements for Communicable Disease Reporting

If you are one of the occupations below, and you know of a case or suspect a case of a communicable disease, you are required to report it to the local health department. For more information see California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 17,Section 2500 (PDF).

Who is Required to Report a Communicable Disease?

If you are one of the occupations below, and you know of a case or suspect a case of a communicable disease, you are required to report it to the local health department. For more information see California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 17,Section 2500 (PDF).

What is the Napa County Library?

The Napa County Library continues to be a pillar of community engagement. In 2019, with the help of a California State Library grant and a local donor, the Library launched its very first “bike branch”—a specially designed bicycle and trailer that staff pedal to community events to share everything from books to arts and crafts and more. The bike branch with its unique design and colorful drawings is a great conversation starter and provides opportunities to inform people of the many services and programs available through the Library.

How many affordable housing units are there in Napa County?

Napa County celebrated the creation of 148 affordable housing units in 2019, with still more to come. The following projects would not have been possible without the collaboration of our public and private partners, and their dedication to bringing more workforce housing to Napa County:

What county is affected by PG&E power shutdown?

Napa County was one of the most impacted jurisdictions by PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS), enduring seven separate PSPS events in 2019 that left local residents and businesses without electricity for days at a time.

How many people did the HHSA reach out to?

During the five PSPS events involving Napa County in October and November, HHSA officials reached out to more than 1,500 individuals through phone calls and by going door-to-door with help from Napa County Sheriff’s Deputies and members of local Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT).

What is geofencing in Napa County?

Napa County in December 2019 conducted a “geofencing” communications test using the Nixle and WEA (Wireless Emergency Alert) systems as part of ongoing disaster preparedness. Test messages were sent to cell phones in and near the Aetna Springs, Pope Valley, and Angwin areas to gauge the reach of wireless signals in remote areas. Messages were also sent through the NOAA Weather Radio Network to test the effectiveness of weather radios for transmitting emergency communications. The tests produced important data for analysis by our Office of Emergency Services.

What is the WPC program in Napa County?

For the past four years, we have participated in the Whole Person Care (WPC) Pilot Program—a coordination of health, mental health and social services to help vulnerable Medi-Cal beneficiaries. Napa County’s program focuses on Medi-Cal clients experiencing, or at risk of becoming, homeless who have a history of poor health.

When is the Napa County Emergency Preparedness Fair 2020?

The 2nd Annual Community Open House and Emergency Preparedness Fair will take place on May 12, 2020.

What is Napa pilot?

Napa’s pilot is very housing focused with an emphasis of connecting WPC clients to housing as quickly as possible to serve as a platform for health. Therefore, service interventions are housing focused and most health interventions sit in fee for services and through partnering. There is a need for targeted coordination for meeting complex health need that clients face as they await permanent housing. However, the pilot has realized some real successes with care coordination and has goals for more comprehensive care planning and interventions in PY3. Successes: care coordination collaborative (referenced above) that has been • Established designing referral pathways and coordinating care services for vulnerable clients in the community, including WPC clients.

What is PDSA in WPC?

PDSA is a required component of the WPC program. The WPC PDSA Report template will be used for each PDSA that the LE is conducting. Summary and status reports are required components of your Mid-Year and Annual reports. Please attach all required PDSA documents and completed template demonstrating your progress in relation to the infrastructure, services, and other strategies as described in the approved WPC LE application and WPC STCs.Note: For the Mid-Year Report, submit information from January – June 30. For the Annual Report, submit information inclusive of all PDSAs that started, are ongoing, or were completed during the Program Year.
