25 hours ago MyPennHighlands is the new patient portal for PHH patients who receive care at Penn Highlands Brookville, Penn Highlands Clearfield, A Campus of Penn Highlands DuBois, Penn Highlands DuBois and Penn Highlands Elk. Patients who receive care at Penn Highlands Huntingdon can access their patient portal here. >> Go To The Portal
MyPennHighlands is the new patient portal for PHH patients who receive care at Penn Highlands Brookville, Penn Highlands Clearfield, A Campus of Penn Highlands DuBois, Penn Highlands DuBois and Penn Highlands Elk. Patients who receive care at Penn Highlands Huntingdon can access their patient portal here.
Penn Highlands Elk Patient Portal Effective January 3, 2022, the former Penn Highlands Elk “My eHealth” patient portal will no longer be available for use. If you need your health records from the “My eHealth” patient portal after January 3, 2022, please contact Penn Highlands ELK Medical Records at 814-788-8597.
Penn Highlands Medical Group---- OR ----Make a payment to Penn Highlands Physician Network. All you need is your "Bill Pay Code" and amount due from your statement. * Required fields are marked with an asterisk. ... Home | Physician Lookup | Become a Patient ...
My eHealth Portal For technical questions about your account, please call support at 877-621-8014. Questions about your health record? Please contact the Penn Highlands IT Help Desk at 814-375-3070. Log-in to The My eHealth Patient Portal by visiting www.phhealthcare.org /myehealthportal
Patients at Penn Highlands Brookville, Penn Highlands Clearfield, Penn Highlands DuBois and Penn Highlands Elk can still access your older health records on the Penn Highlands My eHealth Patient Portal while you are transitioning to the new portal MyPennHighlands. Click here to login My eHealth Patient Portal
PH Elk Patients wanting to access records prior to March 1, 2018, please click on the button below.
To access records and information from your Doctor’s Office Visit, please click on the button below.
To access records and information from a Hospital Stay, Emergency Room Visit, Outpatient Radiology and Outpatient Laboratory services, please click on the button below.
To access records and information from your Doctor’s Office Visit, please click on the button below.