my patient portal brigham and women's

by Sonya Emmerich 5 min read

Patient Gateway Access - Brigham and Women's Hospital

5 hours ago Visit Patient Gateway. Become a Brigham and Women’s Harbor Medical Primary Care Patient. Call our new patient line at (781) 952-1303, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pm, for new primary care and specialty care office visits. One of our experienced staff will help you find the doctor that is right for you and your family. >> Go To The Portal

How do I set up my personal Brigham patient Gateway account?

Setting up your personal Mass General Brigham Patient Gateway account is simple. A request form asks you to provide basic information: your name, gender, birth date, telephone number, email address, home address, and your Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital health care provider (s).

What is the MyHealth patient portal?

The MyHealth Patient Portal is a website that offers personalized and secure online access to portions of your medical record. It enables you to securely use the internet to help manage and receive information about your health. MyHealth only displays patient information that occurred on or after October 30, 2016.

Can I access my health information from a non-Mass General Brigham provider?

You may be able to access your health information from a non-Mass General Brigham provider if he or she is using the same electronic health record vendor (known as Epic). You will receive notification through Patient Gateway when your provider adopts the new functionality that allows you to request your medical records online.

Which hospitals are using mass General Brigham patient gateway?

Currently, most primary care physicians and many specialists at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI), and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) are using Mass General Brigham Patient Gateway.


Patient Gateway Updates

The Patient Gateway website and mobile app has a new look and feel. You will continue to have access to all currently available features — and can expect the following new features:

Care Everywhere

Link your Mass General Brigham Health Records from organizations outside Mass General Brigham.

Release of Information - A New Way to Request Your Medical Records

You will receive notification through Patient Gateway when your provider adopts the new functionality that allows you to request your medical records online. As always, you will continue to be able to request your records by filling out a form provided by your hospital or provider.

How to access patient portal?

Patient Gateway is a secure and convenient online tool that allows patients to: 1 Communicate with your doctors 2 Schedule appointments 3 Request prescription renewals 4 Receive test results 5 Request insurance referrals 6 View your health record information 7 Update your mailing address and other demographic data

What is the phone number for Brigham and Women's Harbor?

Become a Brigham and Women’s Harbor Medical Primary Care Patient. Call our new patient line at (781) 952-1303, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pm, for new primary care and specialty care office visits.

You are welcome here

Here at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, your ability to get health care services will not be affected by skin color, language, religion, immigration status, gender identity, or sexual orientation.


هنا، في مستشفى Brigham and Women’s Hospital، لن تتأثر قدرتك على الحصول على خدمات الرعاية الصحية بلون بشرتك أو لغتك أو دينك أو حالة الهجرة الخاصة بك أو بهويتك الجنسية أو بتوجهك الجنسي.


U našoj bolnici Brigham and Women’s Hospital, zdravstvene usluge ćemo Vam pružiti bez obzira na boju kože, jezik kojim govorite, vjersku pripadnost, imigracijski status, spolni identitet ili seksualno opredjeljenje.


Au Brigham and Women’s Hospital, votre capacité à bénéficier de services de santé ne sera pas affectée par la couleur de votre peau, la langue que vous parlez, votre religion, votre statut à l'égard de l'immigration, votre identité de genre, ou votre orientation sexuelle.

Haitian Creole

Isit la nan Brigham and Women’s Hospital, nou pa pral jije koulè po, lang, relijyon, sitiyasyon ak imigrasyon, ak ki sèks ou idantifye tèt ou, oswa oryantasyon seksyèl ou pou deside si n ap ba ou sèvis swen sante ou pa.

Portuguese (Brazil)

Aqui no Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a cor da sua pele, o idioma que você fala, a sua religião, o seu status de imigração, a sua identidade de gênero e a sua orientação sexual não afetarão a forma como prestaremos serviços médicos a você.


В Brigham and Women’s Hospital вы сможете получить медицинскую помощь вне зависимости от цвета кожи, языка, вероисповедания, иммиграционного статуса, гендерной принадлежности и сексуальной ориентации.

Request an Appointment

Request an appointment online or chat with one of our Patient Coordinators.

Brigham Executive Health Program

Making it easy for business leaders to continue performing and feeling well.

What is the number to call for MyHealth?

If you have difficulty using the MyHealth Patient Portal, we can help! Call the MyHealth Patient Portal Help Line at 1.877.621.8014.

What is the HealtheLife app?

Download the “HealtheLife” app for a better experience on mobile devices. If you use the HealtheLife app, you will receive notifications about your health record, upcoming appointments and other important information directly to your mobile device.
