16 hours ago Register at your provider's office – At your next appointment, ask to set up a MyChart account and they can help you register. Register by phone - Simply call the Bon Secours MyChart help desk at 866-385-7060. Please note, COVID-19 Vaccine scheduling is not available through the MyChart Help Desk. Sign up for MyChart Important Reminders: >> Go To The Portal
Register at your provider's office – At your next appointment, ask to set up a MyChart account and they can help you register. Register by phone - Simply call the Bon Secours MyChart help desk at 866-385-7060. Please note, COVID-19 Vaccine scheduling is not available through the MyChart Help Desk. Sign up for MyChart Important Reminders:
Bon Secours MyChart is accessed through a secure, password-protected web site. The security of any data you submit via MyChart is very important to us. This site uses encryption technology, and we regularly review our security practices to help ensure that your data is maintained securely. Password rules are in place to help ensure password ...
Welcome to your Patient Portal. Get started by verifying your access code, which you can find in the email, text, or print-out your provider gave you. Access Code. Already have an account? Sign in . help Questions? View our Patient Help Center . All data is securely encrypted. ...
Bon Secours is committed to protecting the privacy of health information we create or receive about you. Health information that identifies you includes your medical record and other information relating to your care or payment for care. Learn More Request Medical Records
MyChart gives you direct online access to portions of the electronic medical record (EMR) where your doctor stores your health information. Your lab results, appointment information, medications, immunizations and more are all securely stored for quick retrieval — all for free.
Learn about the different ways to pay your bill, and answers to common questions.
The Bon Secours Financial Assistance Program helps uninsured patients who do not qualify for government-sponsored health insurance and cannot afford to pay for their medical care.
We understand that it is important to know how much you will be responsible for paying for your medical care. Because each patient and situation is unique, the cost of care is not always the same.
Throughout Bon Secours, it’s our policy to care for patients regardless of race, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, religious beliefs, age, sexual orientation or the ability to pay. We believe in acknowledging each patient’s rights, clarifying patient responsibilities and creating a community of care among our professional health care staff.
Bon Secours is committed to protecting the privacy of health information we create or receive about you. Health information that identifies you includes your medical record and other information relating to your care or payment for care.
To request a copy of your medical records, download the Release of Information form and fax or mail it to the appropriate facility.