moffitt patient portal how to send pictures

by Niko Kuphal 6 min read

| Moffitt

32 hours ago If a patient or their referring physician needs their Moffitt medical records to be sent out, they would contact ROI (Release of Information) at 813-745-3991. Note: Patients can also access their records anytime through the Patient Portal. >> Go To The Portal

How do I contact the patient services specialist at Moffitt?

If a patient or their referring physician needs their Moffitt medical records to be sent out, they would contact ROI (Release of Information) at 813-745-3991. Note: Patients can also access their records anytime through the Patient Portal.

How do I access moffittnet?

NEW PATIENTS To request a new patient appointment, please fill out the online form or call 1-888-663-3488. RETURNING PATIENTS Since you are an established Moffitt patient, please call us directly to schedule your follow-up appointment at 1-888-663-3488.

How do I get my medical records from Moffitt?

How do I make an appointment at Moffitt Cancer Center?


What do I need before I enroll in the patient portal?

You must be a registered patient with Moffitt Cancer Center and have your Moffitt Medical Record Number. Access to an email account is required. You can sign up for a free email account at a number of websites including,, or

What if I am having other technical problems with the patient portal?

Please call 813-745-8111 or use the technical support form to request assistance with the MyMoffitt Patient Portal.

How do I request copies of my medical records?

Patients can request copies of their medical records by completing an Authorization for Use or Disclosure of Protected Health Information form electronically through the MyMoffitt Patient Portal, by downloading and completing the form from, or making a request in person.

What is CernerHealth and IQHealth?

CernerHealth and IQHealth are systems from Cerner used to provide secure access and securely manage your electronic medical record.

How to request medical records by fax?

To request individual medical records by fax, send your request on your facility’s cover sheet to 813-449-8001. Indicate the date/time you want the records. Provide patient name, DOB, records needed and dates of service.

How to contact Health Information Management?

For any questions, call Health Information Management (HIM)/Release of Information-Medical Records at 813-745-3991. Please allow 24 hours for processing your request.


Obtain Patient Medical Records

Share Patient Imaging

  • Electronic records sharing is now available at Moffitt with most our radiology centers and hospitals. For more information on direct-sharing, or any other imaging questions, please call our PACS Library at 813-745-8651. To send patient imaging via disc, please save in DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine) format and ship via overnight or priority mail to: Moffi…
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Radiation Dosimetry

  • Follow the above-listed directions for obtaining medical records and indicate "dosimetry report" needed. For questions, call 813-745-3991.
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Pathology Consultation Service

  • A review by a Moffitt pathology expert regarding a tissue sample (anatomic pathology) or bone marrow smears (hematologic pathology) can be obtained for your patient as a separate paid service. Visit Pathology Servicesto obtain a Consultation Request form and find more details, fax requests can be sent to 813-449-6680. For questions, please call our Pathology Department at 8…
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