medical report on a patient with stage 4 cancer

by Dulce Hoeger 5 min read

Ten Months: One Patient's Story of Stage IV Cancer

8 hours ago  · Abstract. Originally presented as part of the 20th Anniversary of Palliative Care at Massachusetts General Hospital, this narrative is one patient's story of stage IV cancer. In an unfamiliar, dimly lit hospital hallway, I waited for my doctor's phone call. I had always been so healthy that I could not imagine the news would be bad. >> Go To The Portal

How long does a patient with Stage 4 Cancer Live?

Many patients who are diagnosed with stage four cancer will not live one year. Others may survive five years, or more, depending on where the primary cancer is located and where it has spread. A person with stage four cancer can live a productive life.

How to deal with Stage 4 cancer?

You might try to:

  • Take it easy. Set aside time in your day to rest. ...
  • Conserve your energy. Save your energy for your most important activities. ...
  • Maintain your energy. Drinking lots of fluids and eating well can help keep your energy reserves up. ...
  • Get moving. ...
  • Consider integrative medicine options. ...
  • Ask your doctor about supplements. ...

What is the average stage four cancer life expectancy?

There is no average stage four cancer life expectancy which is relevant amongst all types of cancer. Some cancers, such as pancreatic cancer, have a very short expected survival rate while others, such as testicular cancer, may have a high survival rate. Many patients who are diagnosed with stage four cancer will not live one year.

What are treatments for Stage 4 cancer?

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What happens when you find out you have Stage 4 cancer?

Cancer diagnosed as stage 4 will have spread to an organ or a part of the body away from the original tumor. For this to happen: Cancer cells break away from the tumor.

How long can a Stage 4 cancer live?

Stage 4 cancer cells have metastasized, spreading to distant areas in the body. Stage 4 is the final stage of mesothelioma and considered terminal. The average life expectancy for stage 4 mesothelioma is less than 12 months. Watch: Learn what to expect after receiving a stage 4 mesothelioma diagnosis.

What are the last stages of Stage 4 cancer?

Signs of approaching deathWorsening weakness and exhaustion.A need to sleep much of the time, often spending most of the day in bed or resting.Weight loss and muscle thinning or loss.Minimal or no appetite and difficulty eating or swallowing fluids.Decreased ability to talk and concentrate.More items...

Is Stage 4 cancer a death sentence?

All these cases reflect that Stage 4 cancer is not a death sentence and a normal life can be achieved with personalized cancer treatment just like any other chronic illness.

Is Stage 4 always terminal?

Stage 4 cancer is not always terminal. It is usually advanced and requires more aggressive treatment. Terminal cancer refers to cancer that is not curable and eventually results in death. Some may refer to it as end stage cancer.

Is Stage 4 cancer serious?

Stage 4 cancer, also known as metastatic cancer, is a serious disease that requires immediate expert care. Patients who have been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer may consider getting a second opinion to confirm the diagnosis and explore treatment options.

Does a cancer patient know when they are dying?

It might take hours or days. The dying person will feel weak and sleep a lot. When death is very near, you might notice some physical changes such as changes in breathing, loss of bladder and bowel control and unconsciousness. It can be emotionally very difficult to watch someone go through these physical changes.

How do you know when a cancer patient is near death?

Signs that death has occurredBreathing stops.Blood pressure cannot be heard.Pulse stops.Eyes stop moving and may stay open.Pupils of the eyes stay large, even in bright light.Control of bowels or bladder may be lost as the muscles relax.

How do doctors know how long you have left to live?

There are numerous measures – such as medical tests, physical exams and the patient's history – that can also be used to produce a statistical likelihood of surviving a specific length of time.

Can Stage 4 cancer be cured with chemotherapy?

Although systemic drugs are the main treatment for stage IV breast cancer, local and regional treatments such as surgery, radiation therapy, or regional chemotherapy are sometimes used as well. These can help treat breast cancer in a specific part of the body, but they are very unlikely to get rid of all of the cancer.

What is the life expectancy of someone with metastatic cancer?

A patient with widespread metastasis or with metastasis to the lymph nodes has a life expectancy of less than six weeks. A patient with metastasis to the brain has a more variable life expectancy (one to 16 months) depending on the number and location of lesions and the specifics of treatment.

Can you feel cancer spreading?

Some common signs of metastatic cancer include: pain and fractures, when cancer has spread to the bone. headache, seizures, or dizziness, when cancer has spread to the brain. shortness of breath, when cancer has spread to the lung.

Why is the N classification important?

The N classification runs from 0 to 3. Lymph nodes are important for cancer prognosis, because spread there makes it easier for the cancer to move on to other parts of the body.

What is the TNM system?

TNM Classification. Doctors use a classification system developed by the American Joint Committee on Cancer, called the TNM system, to assess a patient’s cancer stage. 2 While the actual breakdown of letters and numbers differs depending on cancer location, the stages have the same three components:

What does stage 4 mean in cancer?

A stage 4 cancer diagnosis means that cancer has metastasized. Metastasis is the spread of cancer cells beyond the original tumor to other organs and the body’s lymph nodes. 1. Lymph nodes are small tissues spread throughout the body that filter and hold white blood cells, the body’s immune cells.

How long does cancer last?

Doctors usually talk about survival in a five-year time frame, but you’ll also hear one-year, two-year, and 10-year survival rates .

How long do people with stage 4 thyroid cancer live?

For example, nearly 89% of people with stage 4 thyroid cancer live for at least five years, with many living 10 years or more.

What are the symptoms of stage 4 cancer?

Stage 4 cancer also can cause more general symptoms, such as extreme fatigue and lack of energy. Some people become so tired and weak they have trouble doing normal things and may even need help with tasks such as getting dressed.

How long does it take to get a survival rate from SEER?

For most types of cancer, SEER lists uses five years to express survival rates. 8

What is the most common cancer in men?

Prostate cancer is the most common#N#Trusted Source#N#form of cancer among men in the U.S. It affects the prostate, a small gland in the pelvis. If cancer spreads to distant body parts, the American Cancer Society give the 5-year survival rate as 31%.

How to determine what stage of cancer is?

Doctors take different factors into account to determine what stage a cancer is at. Common factors include: 1 how large the primary tumor is and its location in the body 2 whether the tumor has spread to the lymph nodes 3 how far cancer has spread to other parts of the body, a process called metastasis

How many cases of colorectal cancer will be there in 2020?

Colorectal cancer affects the colon or rectal areas and is generally treatable in its early stages. There were around 104,610 new cases of colorectal cancer in the U.S. in 2020. The American Cancer Society say the 5-year survival rate for colorectal cancer that has spread to distant parts of the body is 14%.

How do doctors describe a person's outlook?

Doctors usually describe a person’s outlook using the 5-year survival rate. These are calculated based on data from thousands of other people with a similar cancer at a similar stage.

How long does it take to live with breast cancer?

The American Cancer Society estimate that the 5-year survival rate for people with breast cancer that has spread to distant areas of the body is 28%.

How long does lung cancer last?

According to the American Cancer Society, the average 5-year survival rate for people diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread to distant parts of the body is 6%. For small cell lung cancer, there is a 3% 5-year survival rate under the same scenario.

What is cancer in biology?

Miguel Angel Partido Garcia/Getty Images. Cancer is a group of diseases that cause rapid cell growth. Cancerous cells grow and reproduce uncontrollably in certain parts of the body. As a cancerous tumor grows, the cells can spread to other areas of the body.

What is stage 4 cancer?

Stage 4 cancer is sometimes referred to as metastatic cancer, because it often means the cancer has spread from its origin to distant parts of the body. This stage may be diagnosed years after the initial cancer diagnosis and/or after the primary cancer has been treated or removed.

What does TNM stand for in cancer?

Doctors may also use the TNM system to help determine the extent of certain cancers in each stage. The TNM system stands for: T (tumor), or the size of the original tumor. N (node), or whether the cancer is present in the lymph nodes.

Where is stage 4 melanoma found?

Metastasized melanoma may be found in the bones, brain, liver or lungs. Most cancers are staged using some form of the TNM system.

Why are liquid cancers different from other cancers?

Liquid cancers, or blood cancers, such as leukemia, lymphoma or multiple myeloma, are staged differently than most other cancers because they may not always form solid tumors. Liquid cancers may be staged by a variety of factors, including: Stage 4 cancer is determined in the five most common cancers this way:

Where does breast cancer spread?

The cancer has spread beyond the breast, underarm and internal mammary lymph nodes to other parts of the body near to or distant from the breast. Metastatic breast cancer most often spreads to the bones, brain, lungs and/or liver.

How is stage 4 lung cancer treated?

Treatment of stage 4 lung cancer: In general, stage 4 lung cancer is also treated with systemic drug therapies.

Where does metastatic lung cancer spread?

The cancer has spread beyond the lungs or from one lung to the other. Metastatic lung cancer most often spreads to the adrenal glands, bones, brain and/or liver.

What is stage 2 lymph nodes?

Stage II. Tumors in this stage measure 2-5 cm but are still localized since they have not invaded other tissues or spread to distant sites. Local lymph nodes may be affected. They are considered to be locally advanced tumors.

What is the classification system of cancer?

The TNM classification system of cancer describes the tumor size (T) and degree of invasion, the involvement of regional lymph nodes (N) and the presence of spread or metastasis (M) to distant parts of the body. Different degrees of tumor size or invasion, involvement of lymph nodes and spread to other organs are further specified in numbers to describe in more detail the stage of malignancy. For instance, a tumor described as T1 is much smaller and confined than a tumor that is described as T4.

What is cancer staging?

Cancer survival rate refers to the percentage of patients afflicted with a certain form of cancer who survive the disease for a specified amount of time.

How long do you live with stage 4 cancer?

The five-year survival rate for patients in this stage may depend on different factors such as the type of cancer he has, his overall general health, the type of treatment used and the patient's will power to overcome the disease. As mentioned above, the five-year survival rate is expressed as the percentage of patients who will probably live up to 5 years after diagnosis of the disease based on research on patients with the same type and stage of cancer. A 60% 5-year survival rate therefore indicates that it is estimated that 60 out of every 100 patients will live for 5 years after diagnosis while the rest (40 of 100) will probably die. This is just an estimate and not an exact number, since many factors influence the progress of one's disease. The following is a summary of the 5-year survival rates of different types of stage 4 cancer based on research:

How does cancer stage affect survival?

Cancer stage has a lot of influence on survival rate, since higher survival rates are usually associated with earlier stages of the disease. To describe one's cancer stage physicians use the TNM Staging System which uses criteria that are similar for different types of cancer except malignancies in the brain and blood.

What is the prognosis of stage IV cancer?

This concern, also medically known as the prognosis, depends on many factors, including availability of treatment and one's general health condition. Knowing what stage one's cancer is mostly determines his probability of surviving based on research. Cancer staging therefore helps the doctor to advise the patient about his condition and what forms of treatment are suitable, and to predict his survival rate in the next few years.

How many stages of cancer are there?

Stages of Cancer. Most types of cancer are classified into four stages, with an additional Stage 0 to distinguish those forms that may later lead to cancer ("pre-cancer" stage). To understand the discussion of the stages of cancer in more detail, we shall refer to this diagram which illustrates the progression of the disease: Stage 0.

How do doctors treat cancer?

At this point, a doctor may success an alternative to traditional cancer treatments, including: 1 A clinical trial: Researchers may provide experimental treatments for the cancer, all of which may present higher risks than traditional treatments. 2 Palliative care: Doctors may suggest stopping treatment and working to relieve the symptoms of the cancer for the remainder of life. 3 Entering hospice: This type of palliative care focuses on end-of-life preparation.

What happens if you get asbestos in your lungs?

If you get asbestos in your lungs, fibers can get stuck in your lung tissue and can remain there for a long period of time . Asbestos can cause scarring, inflammation, and several types of serious lung problems, including pleural effusions, pleural plaques, asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma. What Is Asbestos? According to the National Heart, ...

What is the difference between clinical trial and palliative care?

A clinical trial: Researchers may provide experimental treatments for the cancer, all of which may present higher risks than traditional treatments. Palliative care: Doctors may suggest stopping treatment and working to relieve the symptoms of the cancer for the remainder of life.

How do you know if you have lung cancer?

Common early signs of lung cancer include the following, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS): Cough that will not go away Coughing up blood Chest pains Hoarseness and pain when speaking Significant weight loss Fatigue or weakness Frequent infections Several recurring onsets of wheezing This is a non-exhaustive list of symptoms that may indicate ...

What happens if you have stage 4 lung cancer?

If you have stage 4 lung cancer and another party exposed you to the toxins that led to your diagnosis of cancer, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your medical costs, pain, and suffering.

What is clinical trial?

A clinical trial: Researchers may provide experimental treatments for the cancer, all of which may present higher risks than traditional treatments.

What type of palliative care focuses on end-of-life preparation?

Entering hospice: This type of palliative care focuses on end-of-life preparation.

What happens to the patient during stage 4 cancer?

During stage four cancer, there are usually no other medical interventions. If cancer has progressed and physicians are unable to stop it from spreading (metastatic cancer), the focus of care changes. Patients may choose to stop chemotherapy and other treatments, while caregivers focus on reducing the severity of symptoms. And on making the patient comfortable and relaxed through hospice care.

What is stage 1 cancer?

A diagnosis of cancer in stage one is in situ . That means in one place, or cancer that has been detected in one part of the body but has not metastasized (spread to other areas). Cancer detected in stage one is considered very curable.

What is a cancer cell taken from a lymph node near the groin?

For example, a cancer cell taken from a lymph node near the groin may be a cervical cancer sample . The cancer cells will always reveal the location of the body where the tumor began.

What type of cancer starts in the lymph nodes?

Two types of cancer, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, and Hodgkin Lymphoma, actually start in the lymph nodes. And a rare type of cancer called Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. Lymph node testing of cancer cells can reveal what organ or part of the body cancer originated.

How does cancer affect the nervous system?

As cancer advances, it damages the central nervous system. That is the network of nerves and neurons that transmit information between the brain and the body. When the CNS is working properly, the brain sends messages to major muscles. That’s how your muscles move under the command of your brain.

Where are cancer cells found in the body?

Larger tumors or tissues with cancer have developed. Cancer cells in stage three can be found in the lymph nodes of the body. The lymph nodes are a filtration system within your body. The lymph fluid feeds oxygen and nutrients to all cells in the body. Sometimes that fluid can also carry cancer cells to different parts of the body.

Can you tell if you have cancer at a stage 1 or 2?

Symptoms of cancer may not be noticeable in the earliest phase or stage one cancer. But usually, by the time cancer has progressed to a stage two level, the symptoms are apparent and hard to ignore.

Stage 4 Cancer Symptoms

The symptoms of metastatic cancer depend on the type of cancer.1In some cases, there are no symptoms at all. Most of the time, a cancer that reaches stage 4 will affect not only the part of the body where it originated, but the areas it has spread to as well. Stage 4 cancer also can cause more general symptoms, such as extre…
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  • Cancer diagnosed as stage 4 will have spread to an organ or a part of the body away from the original tumor. For this to happen: 1. Cancer cells break away from the tumor. They find their way into the bloodstream or, less often, the lymphatic system—a network that helps transport white blood cells and clear harmful substances from your system. 2. Cells are carried in the blood or ly…
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  • Oncologistsare doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating cancer. Many of the same tests and procedures used to diagnose earlier stage cancers can be used to diagnose stage 4 cancer.
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  • Stage 4 cancer is the most advanced stage of cancer based on what is known as the TNM system.2Each letter refers to specific features of a cancer: 1. Trefers to the size of the tumor and whether it has spread to nearby tissue or organs. The T rating ranges from 0 to 4. 2. Nrefers to whether the cancer has spread to lymph nodes, the extent of which ...
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  • Stage 4 cancer usually can't be cured. In addition, because it will have spread throughout the body, it is unlikely it can be completely removed. The goal of treatment is to prolong survival and improve quality of life. An oncologist will treat the cancer depending on its type, where it has spread, and other factors. Some of the options include surgery, medication, and
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Palliative Care

  • The goal of palliative care for stage 4 cancer is to improve quality of life. It is provided by a team of healthcare providers and social workers who work with seriously ill patients. It is not hospice or end-of-life care. Rather, palliative care is designed to relieve pain, ease stress, and help a person with advanced cancer feel as comfortable as possible. Radiation therapy used to shrink a tumor …
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  • Once you're diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, you will always have stage 4 cancer. That may not mean that you'll always be sick or that the cancer will kill you. In most cases, how stage 4 cancer is likely to progress (its prognosis) depends on the type of cancer. Some advanced cancers are very aggressive and fast-growing. Some may have fewer treatment options than others. The outl…
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  • Stage 4 cancer, sometimes called advanced cancer or late-stage cancer, is cancer that has metastasized (spread) to other parts of the body from the original site. This happens when cancer cells break away from the primary tumor and enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system. Symptoms of stage 4 cancer mainly depend on which organs are affected, though there may be …
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A Word from Verywell

  • Survival rates for some cancers are low, but they are improving. For instance, compared to breast cancer average life expectancy statistics of the 1980s, those after 2010 nearly doubled.11 With next-generation targeted therapies and immunotherapies, those gains are likely to continue.
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