12 hours ago Symptoms that qualify for a diagnosis of vestibular migraine include various types of vertigo as well as head motion-induced dizziness with nausea. Symptoms must be … >> Go To The Portal
from nerve cells. As well as injectable treatments that help prevent migraine, there are also two injectable treatment options approved for the acute treatment of migraine. These treatments, sumatriptan (Imitrex) and dihydroergotamine (DHE), can treat migraine episodes as they occur.
“Migraine, typically, is going to be a throbbing pain,” Dr. Csere says. “It can be unilateral, typically associated with either nausea and or light and sound sensitivity and is worsened with activity or movement.” Remember, a stress migraine and a tension headache aren’t the same—and they feel very different.
A migraine usually lasts from four to 72 hours if untreated.
Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is a 37-amino acid peptide found primarily in the C and Aδ sensory fibers arising from the dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia, as well as the central nervous system. CGRP was found to play important roles in cardiovascular, digestive, and sensory functions. Although the vasodilatory properties of CGRP are well documented, its somatosensory function regarding modulation of neuronal sensitization and of enhanced pain has received considerable attention recently. Growing evidence indicates that CGRP plays a key role in the development of peripheral sensitization and the associated enhanced pain. CGRP is implicated in the development of neurogenic inflammation and it is upregulated in conditions of inflammatory and neuropathic pain. It is most likely that CGRP facilitates nociceptive transmission and contributes to the development and maintenance of a sensitized, hyper-responsive state not only of the primary afferent sensory neurons, but also of the second-order pain transmission neurons within the CNS, thus contributing to central sensitization as well. The maintenance of a sensitized neuronal condition is believed to be an important factor underlying migraine. Recent successful clinical studies have shown that blocking the function of CGRP can alleviate migraine. However, the mechanisms through which CGRP may contribute to migraine are still not fully understood. We reviewed the role of CGRP in primary afferents, the dorsal root ganglion, and in the trigeminal system as well as its role in peripheral and central sensitization and its potential contribution to pain processing and to migraine.
Despite being one of the most common disabling primary headaches, migraine continues to be under-diagnosed and under-treated. A migraine challenges not only the patient suffering from the migraine, but also physicians; especially in recognizing candidates for prophylaxis and selecting the appropriate preventive medication. Recently, there have been major advances in the diagnosis and treatment of migraine, with different guidelines of migraine management across the world. Here, we review migraine’s abortive and prophylactic medications, based on their pharmacologic category, citing their recommended doses, efficacy, and side effects. Additionally, we highlight the prophylactic treatment of specific patient populations and present suggested treatment approaches in view of recent international treatment guidelines that consider factors other than drug efficacy when choosing the optimal preventive therapy. Finally, we introduce drugs in different stages of development, which have novel mechanisms of action or have new therapeutic targets. © 2016, Saudi Arabian Armed Forces Hospital. All rights reserved.
The uptake of guidelines for the management of headache in primary care was assessed using surrogate measures in patients with headache referred to secondary care (number of prior general practitioner attendances and medications prescribed). The results suggest that headache guidelines are seldom, if ever, applied in this geographical location.
therapy provide the potential to markedl y reduce the impact of migraine. Migraine is an episod ic
Subacute angle closure glaucoma (SACG) may lead to chronic angle closure glaucoma and irreversible vision loss. Headaches may be the sole presenting symptom. This study characterizes the medical course and symptoms of patients with SACG in whom headache was the major symptom. This retrospective observational study consisted of 30 consecutive patients, suffering from headaches and diagnosed with SACG, collected from the Glaucoma Service at the Ophthalmology Department of Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, Israel, a tertiary care referral facility. The primary study outcomes were reasons for referral, number of specialists visited and number of imaging studies performed before diagnosing SACG and headache characteristics. The majority of the patients experienced headaches once or twice a week. Four patients suffered a classic SACG pain involving the eye and frontal or hemicranial area. The mean time from onset of headaches to diagnosis was 2.6 years. The main reason for referral to the glaucoma clinic was consultation (53 %), and SACG was suspected by the referring physicians in two patients. Seventy-three percent of the patients were referred to at least three physicians in various medical specialties prior to referral to the glaucoma clinic. Patients usually do not volunteer history regarding headaches and clinicians often do not associate headaches with SACG in the absence of ocular symptoms. SACG should be included in the differential diagnosis in individuals older than 40 years presenting with late onset of headaches. Such patients should be referred to an ophthalmologist.
Sudden head movement might bring on the pain aga in briefly.
Migraine is a complex neurological condition, which can affect the whole body and can result in many symptoms as nausea, vomiting, photophobia (Increased sensitivity to light), phonobhobia (Increased sensitivity to sound) and osmophobia (Increased sensitivity to smell).
Migraine is a recurrent throbbing or pulsing headache with moderate to severe pain intensity. The pain is often one side of the head with nausea and weakness symptoms. Around 12 percent of Americans, 9 percent of Asians experiences migraine and the prevalence is highest among South Koreans (22.3%).
The occurrence of temporary disability due to migraine attack creates a significant impact to the migraine patients' work and activities lead to impairment in productivity and quality of life of the patients [1]. ... Migraine is a recurrent throbbing or pulsing headache with moderate to severe pain intensity.
BACKGROUND Headache is one of the most common presenting complaints in patients attending primary care centers and the majority of them have primary headache syndromes. Depressive disorders are among the leading causes of disability globally and can further complicate the clinical manifestation if coupled with other comorbidities. Therefore, the primary objective of our study was to determine the prevalence of depression in migraine patients presenting at a tertiary care hospital to better understand the leading causes of the disease. METHODS A cross-sectional study was carried out between December 2019 and June 2020 (six months) including 66 migraine patients between 18 and 45 years of age presenting to the neurology outpatient clinics at a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. Non-probability convenience-based sampling technique was used to calculate the sample size, and the data was collected via face-to-face interviews. The first section of the questionnaire consisted of socio-demographic factors such as age, gender, educational, occupational, and marital status in addition to the clinical characteristics such as the duration of the disease and the frequency of migraine attacks. The second section assessed the depressive symptoms of the participants using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and any patient with a score of five or more was considered as suffering from a depressive disorder. All statistical analysis was conducted using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0. RESULTS Out of a total of 66 participants, almost two-third (n=43, 65.2%) were males, while nearly one-third (n=23, 34.9%) were females. The average age of the patients was 27.59±5.37 years. The frequency of depression was observed in approximately three-quarters (n=49, 74.2%) of the migraine patients in our study. The prevalence of depression was only significantly associated with disease duration (p=0.027) and the number of migraine attacks (p=0.015). CONCLUSION In conclusion, the prevalence of depression was found to be significantly high among migraine patients, therefore migraine might be related to depression. Depression should not be ignored while evaluating migraine subjects for good prognosis and management of the disease.
3) Triptans induced migraine progression in those with high frequency of migraine at baseline (10-14 days per month), but not overall.
In addition to drug therapy, adequate rest, balanced diet, yoga and meditation will help patients to get rid of migraine severity. A multi-dimensional approach is essential for better control over migraine symptoms. ... [14] Chronic migraines occur in approximately 1.4 to 2.2% of the population. [15] .
The prevalence of depression was only significantly associated with disease duration (p=0.027) and the number of migraine attacks (p=0.015). CONCLUSION In conclusion, the prevalence of depression was found to be significantly high among migraine patients, therefore migraine might be related to depression.
“’Triggers” are specific factors that may increase your risk of having a migraine attack. The migraine sufferer has inherited a sensitive nervous system that under certain circumstances can lead to migraine.
Migraines can often be preceded by symptoms (called prodrome symptoms) that can serve as early warning signs. These symptoms typically occur 6-24 hours prior to headache and may include:
The MIDAS (Migraine Disability Assessment) questionnaire was put together to help you measure the impact your headaches have on your life. The information on this questionnaire is also helpful for your primary care provider to determine the level of pain and disability caused by your headaches and to find the best treatment for you.
Acupuncture/Acupressure: Using fine metal needles or mechanical pressure, the acupuncturist manipulates energy called Chi (also spelled Qi) to help the individual return to a balanced state. Individuals can also practice Tai Chi or Qi Gong to balance Chi.
Diaries can be a useful tool to identify triggers, to keep track of your headaches, and to help your health care provider better understand your headaches. The headache diary also helps monitor changes in headache frequency and severity. An on-line
Because of its stress-relieving benefits, regular exercise has the potential to reduce the frequency of migraines. However, for some people with recurring migraines, exercise can provoke an attack. To avoid or limit the severity of exercise-induced headaches, the National Headache foundation recommends:
Food triggers do not necessarily contribute to migraines in all individuals, and particular foods may trigger attacks in certain people only on occasion. Be your own expert by keeping a journal of foods you have eaten before a migraine attack and see whether the removal or reduction of certain foods from your diet improves your headaches.
Diagnosis and management of migraine in ten steps
1Danish Headache Center, Department of Neurology, Rigshospitalet Glostrup, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Migraine is a disabling primary headache disorder that directly affects more than one billion people worldwide. Despite its widespread prevalence, migraine remains under-diagnosed and under-treated. To support clinical decision-making, we convened a European panel of experts to develop a ten-step approach to the diagnosis and management of migraine. Each step was established by expert consensus and supported by a review of current literature, and the Consensus Statement is endorsed by the European Headache Federation and the European Academy of Neurology. In this Consensus Statement, we introduce typical clinical features, diagnostic criteria and differential diagnoses of migraine. We then emphasize the value of patient centricity and patient education to ensure treatment adherence and satisfaction with care provision. Further, we outline best practices for acute and preventive treatment of migraine in various patient populations, including adults, children and adolescents, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and older people. In addition, we provide recommendations for evaluating treatment response and managing treatment failure. Lastly, we discuss the management of complications and comorbidities as well as the importance of planning long-term follow-up.
According to the Global Burden of Disease Study, migraine is the second most prevalent neurological disorder worldwide and is responsible for more disability than all other neurological disorders combined2,3.
A patient medical report is a comprehensive document that contains the medical history and the details of a patient when they are in the hospital. It can also be given as a person consults a doctor or a health care provider. It is a proof of the treatment that a patient gets and of the condition that the patient has. It has the complete diagnosis on the patient, clearly stating the disease that should be treated. Through a patient medical report, anyone can analyze the health condition of a person. It sometimes contain a patient chart where the demographic profile of the patient is introduced. All types of medical records need a medical report. Patient medical records are simple data about the patient while a patient medical report is more elaborate and comprehensive. Though the importance of medical records and the purpose of medical records are almost the same with a patient medical report, the patient medical report is more beneficial. It has a complete summary of the diagnosis on the patient and have some recommendations for the health of the patient.
One thing that a doctor should have documented in the patient medical report is the medical diagnosis that he has found in the patient. Whatever disease that a patient has should be clearly stated in the medical report. The name of the disease should be clearly written and some explanations about the current condition of the patient.
It is also needed because sometimes the laboratory and the test results are the proof of the sickness of the patient. For example, if the patient has a blood cancer, it can be seen with the blood tests. If the patient has a brain tumor, it can be seen through a brain CT scan. A CT scan for the body can also tell whether we have a fracture or not.
The treatments or medications should also be documented because it can provide a good information about the medical history of a patient. Put the names of the medicines and tell how often did the patient takes it. You can also document its effect and tell whether it is effective for them.
If it is signed by a health care professional, then it is a legal document. It is permissible in any court of law. It is an evidence that the patient is under your care. Thus, it can be used in court as an essential proof. So, keep a patient medical report because you may need it in the future.
The health care providers have the access to the patient medical report. They keep the medical report as a history of medical records. Also, patients’ access to the patient medical report is a must. It is their right to see their medical report. It is against the law not to show them their medical report. It can be a proof if there is any doctor withholding treatments. So, to avoid conflict, the patient medical report should be shown to the patients. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) has been passed in the Congress of United States. Passed in 1996, it specifies who can have an access to all the health information. You can research for that law, so you can have the exact details to who can have an access to a patient medical report. It is better because you can have a legal source. It can tell you all the things that you need to know about it.