medical marijana patient portal

by Sid Little 5 min read

Medical Marijuana - Arizona Department of Health Services

27 hours ago Skip to Navigation Use the following recommended settings if you are experiencing difficulties with JAWS Screen Reader: 1. Go to Settings Center and change: 2 . Web/HTML/PDFs>Navigation>Text Block Length and Lines Per Page set both to: 80. 3. Web/HTML/PDFs>Navigation>Document Presentation Mode set it to Screen Layout >> Go To The Portal

How do I register as a medical marijuana patient?

Skip to Navigation Use the following recommended settings if you are experiencing difficulties with JAWS Screen Reader: 1. Go to Settings Center and change: 2 . Web/HTML/PDFs>Navigation>Text Block Length and Lines Per Page set both to: 80. 3. Web/HTML/PDFs>Navigation>Document Presentation Mode set it to Screen Layout

What does the medical marijuana program mean for You?

Adult Patients. I am a newly certified patient and I would like to create an account and register in the Medical Use of Marijuana Online System for the first time. I am an existing patient who registered via a paper application and I would like to create an account to access the Medical use of Marijuana Online System. I am an existing patient ...

How do I get medical marijuana in Pennsylvania?

Patient Reviews Patient Portal Med Marijuana Book Visit Tele-Visit web builder OUR LOCATIONS We offer a number of locations across North and Central New Jersey for our patients' convenience. Following the initial evaluation, follow-up visits can be accomplished from the comfort of your home with the magic of tele-medicine!

What happens at the doctor's office for medical marijuana?

Missouri Marijuana Equivalency Units (MMEs) #203. PDF Document. Medical Marijuana in Missouri Patient Information Booklet #205. PDF Document. *Physical copies of both MME cards (#203) and Patient Information Booklets (#205) can be ordered, from the department’s warehouse. Be aware there is a limit on the number of copies that may be ordered.


What is a medical marijuana certification?

The certification confirms that you have one of the 23 serious medical conditions, and that medical marijuana may benefit you. You need this certification to get your medical marijuana ID card.

How old do you have to be to be a caregiver?

The law defines a "caregiver" as an individual 21 years of age or older, unless otherwise authorized by the department, who is: Designated by a patient; A parent, legal guardian or spouse of a patient that is under the age of 18; or. Designated to be a caregiver by a parent, legal guardian or spouse.

Can a caregiver deliver medical marijuana in Pennsylvania?

Caregivers also are Pennsylvania residents and are designated by patients to deliver medical marijuana to them, obtained at a Pennsylvania dispensary. Caregivers register for an ID card and must complete a background check.

What is considered a serious medical condition?

A "serious medical condition" under the law is any one of the following: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; Anxiety disorders; Autism; Cancer, including remission therapy; Crohn's disease;

Can a patient be a caregiver for a minor?

All caregivers must complete a background check. If you are a caregiver for a minor but not the patient's parent, legal guardian or spouse, you should be designated as a third-party caregiver by the patient or patient's legal guardian or spouse.

Can an adult patient use a medical marijuana card as a caregiver?

Additionally, any adult patient who is registered and gets a medical marijuana ID card is also able to designate a caregiver by sharing their patient ID number with the caregiver before the caregiver registers.

When is the PA medical marijuana law going to be extended?

Extension of Medical Marijuana Temporary Regulations Notice - April 2, 2020. 2020 Act 10 - PA General Assembly. Under the law, Pennsylvania residents who have a serious medical condition as certified by an approved physician are considered medical marijuana patients.

How many cultivation licenses are there for a patient?

Each qualifying patient may only have one cultivation license, either held by the qualifying patient or held by their designated primary caregiver. Only a parent or guardian who holds a primary caregiver identification card may obtain a cultivation license for a qualifying patient under the age of 18.

Is marijuana legal in Missouri?

The Department is alerting licensed patients that only Department-licens ed dispensaries are legally authorized to sell medical marijuana in the state of Missouri. The Department is committed to ensuring safe access for medical marijuana patients through medical marijuana sales at Department-licensed dispensaries and would like to remind patients and caregivers that products purchased outside of those available at dispensaries are not lawfully purchased and have not been tested to ensure they meet the required safety standards. A list of Department licensed dispensaries is available here. This list is updated regularly. Questions about Department-licensed facilities can be sent to

When did Pennsylvania start the medical marijuana program?

The Pennsylvania Department of Health is in the process of implementing the state’s Medical Marijuana Program, signed into law on April 17, 2016. When fully implemented, the Medical Marijuana Program will provide access to medical marijuana for patients with a serious medical condition through a safe ...

When was PA's medical marijuana program implemented?

The Pennsylvania Department of Health is in the process of implementing the state’s Medical Marijuana Program, signed into law on April 17, 2016. When fully implemented, the Medical Marijuana Program will provide access to medical marijuana for patients with a serious medical condition through a safe ...

Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program

In August 2013, Illinois became the 20th state to authorize a program for the cultivation and dispensing of cannabis for medical purposes. The Medical Cannabis Registry Program is a statewide program that allows patients access to medical marijuana who meet one of the qualifying conditions.

Referral Sources

Monthly Medical Cannabis Patient Program data can be found on the Statewide Medical Cannabis Pilot Program website.

Contact Information

IDPH does not offer onsite assistance, but we are able to answer your questions or process your requests via email.
