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You can have any prescriptions filled on-site at our Highway 280 clinic. We will contact you with lab results when they’re ready. To view notes from your visit or lab results online, sign up for our patient portal. If you’d like to stay with MedHelp and establish with a primary care doctor, call your preferred location to set up an initial visit.
MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party ...
Online Bill Pay - MedHelp Online Bill Pay To pay your bill online, enter your QuickPay Code, Statement ID, or Access Code into the field below and click "Make a Payment". Existing Patients can log in to the Patient Portal to review their statement and pay online. Where can I find my Quick Pay Code? Your Quick Pay Code is found on your statement.
We’re glad you’ve chosen MedHelp for your healthcare needs. Whether you need urgent care or are looking for a primary care doctor, we’re here for you.
No appointment is needed for urgent care visits. We see patients on a first-come, first-served basis. The average wait for urgent care patients is only about 20 minutes.
Call your MedHelp location for an appointment with your preferred provider. If you’re not sure who to see, we can help you choose a primary care doctor that’s convenient for you and your schedule.
Decrease your time in the waiting room by filling out forms before your visit. You can download a .pdf form to print and fill out at home, or receive digital forms to submit on your smartphone by letting us know when you schedule your appointment.
Connect with others just like you to get advice and share your experiences. Hundreds of conditions are covered.
To keep MedHelp as accurate and trustworthy as possible, our site is moderated by a team of community managers, moderators, and leaders with decades of experience to help ensure you enjoy our site.
Consult with one of our providers from the convenience and comfort of your own home, available 8am - 4pm, Monday through Saturday.
For nearly forty years, MedHelp has provided compassionate, experienced medical care to patients in Birmingham. Our clinics are an affordable alternative to costly and time-consuming ER visits.
Consult with one of our providers from the convenience and comfort of your own home, available 8am - 4pm, Monday through Saturday.
When you’re in need of urgent care, you need a doctor near you who you can trust who can care for you right away.