meaningful use of patient portal

by Ludwig Prosacco MD 3 min read

Meaningful Use and the Patient Portal: Patient enrollment ...

11 hours ago The portal allowed patients to make appointments and e-mail providers, request prescription renewals, and review major medical record content (ie, problem lists of diagnoses, medications, laboratory and radiology results, immunizations, and instructions from in-person visits). >> Go To The Portal

meaningful use that are expected to focus on self-management and shared management of health care. A patient portal can be used to assist in self-management tasks, through tools for interactive monitoring and coaching. A portal also can enable patients to collect data about their health and treatment, and to share that data with their providers.

Meet Meaningful Use Requirements
The portal must be engaging and user- friendly, and must support patient-centered outcomes. The portal also must be integrated into clinical encounters so the care team uses it to convey information, communicate with patients, and support self-care and decision-making as indicated.

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How do you benefit from your patient portal?

The portal allowed patients to make appointments and e-mail providers, request prescription renewals, and review major medical record content (ie, problem lists of diagnoses, medications, laboratory and radiology results, immunizations, and instructions from in-person visits).

How to get your patients to use your patient portal?

Abstract. Many physicians are adopting patient portals in response to governmental incentives for meaningful use (MU), but the stage 2 requirements for portal use may be particularly challenging for newer electronic health record (EHR) users. This study examined enrollment, use based on MU requirements, and satisfaction in a recently adopting fee-for-service …

What are the benefits of a patient portal?

Oct 31, 2016 · The NextMD patient portal was rolled out in August 2010 and serves three core functions: 1) Providing patients with an electronic clinical summary, 2) Providing timely access to lab results, and 3) Providing secure messaging with clinical and office staff. Key areas of Patient Portal implementation include overviews and findings related to: Adoption

What is the value of a patient portal?

Abstract. Purpose: To design and evaluate the usage of an adolescent patient portal specifically adapted for adolescent health care needs that also satisfied institutional meaningful use guidelines regarding electronic health records. Methods: Key stakeholders at one academic health care center adopted an online portal and opted to designate a patient portal specifically for …


What are the benefits of using a patient portal?

The Benefits of a Patient Portal You can access all of your personal health information from all of your providers in one place. If you have a team of providers, or see specialists regularly, they can all post results and reminders in a portal. Providers can see what other treatments and advice you are getting.Aug 13, 2020

Does a patient portal satisfy meaningful use?

Satisfaction with patient portal Respondents generally reported satisfaction with the functioning of the portal (Appendix Figure 1). More than 96% of survey respondents were either very satisfied (66.5%) or satisfied (30.0%) with the patient portal overall (3% were dissatisfied and 1.5% were very dissatisfied).Feb 21, 2014

What are the benefits and challenges of using patient portals?

What are the benefits of patient portals?Patient portals are efficient. ... Patient portals improve communication. ... They store health information in one place. ... Patient portals satisfy meaningful use standards. ... They improve data accuracy. ... Patient portals make refilling prescriptions easy. ... They're available whenever you need them.More items...•Jul 15, 2019

How do patient portals contribute to patient centered care?

Further, portals help providers educate their patients and prepare them for future care encounters. When patients have access to their health data, they are better informed, and have the potential to generate deep and meaningful conversations regarding patient wellness during doctor's appointments.May 13, 2016

What is meaningful use?

'Meaningful Use' is the general term for the Center of Medicare and Medicaid's (CMS's) electronic health record (EHR) incentive programs that provide financial benefits to healthcare providers who use appropriate EHR technologies in meaningful ways; ways that benefit patients and providers alike.

Do patient portals improve outcomes?

Patient portal interventions lead to improvements in a wide range of psychobehavioral outcomes, such as health knowledge, self-efficacy, decision making, medication adherence, and preventive service use.

What is the meaningful use mandate part of?

With the introduction of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), the Medicare EHR Incentive Program, commonly referred to as meaningful use, was transitioned to become one of the four components of the new Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), which itself is part of MACRA.Oct 22, 2019

What is the goal of hie?

Electronic health information exchange (HIE) allows doctors, nurses, pharmacists, other health care providers and patients to appropriately access and securely share a patient's vital medical information electronically—improving the speed, quality, safety and cost of patient care.Jul 24, 2020

What are the advantages of patient portals to the patient and to the healthcare facility quizlet?

The patient portal supports two-way communication, which allows the patient to work with physicians between patient visits, request appointments, and receive reminders. These reminders can be for appointments, need for follow-up, and more.

How do you improve patient portals?

Here are some ways to encourage patient enrollment:Include information about the patient portal on your organization's website.Provide patients with an enrollment link before the initial visit to create a new account.Encourage team members to mention the patient portal when patients call to schedule appointments.More items...•Jun 25, 2020

Who uses patient portals?

Overwhelmingly, patients use the portal to view their lab results (85 percent). Sixty-two percent of patients are also using the tool for more clinical tasks, such as scheduling appointments, completing paperwork, and refilling prescriptions.Apr 16, 2018

Do patients like patient portals?

Eight studies reported that patients or their caregivers want more portal education, training, or support. Two studies found that their participants want human connection as they learn about the portal and how to use it, as well as when they encounter issues.Jan 25, 2021

Why are patient portals important?

Patient portals can enhance adolescent health care quality and adolescents readily use a confidential portal. Implementation of meaningful use requirements should be checked against adolescent health care needs to maximize confidentiality and promote health communication.

What is the purpose of adolescent portal?

Purpose: To design and evaluate the usage of an adolescent patient portal specifically adapted for adolescent health care needs that also satisfied institutional meaningful use guidelines regarding electronic health records.

What are the steps that providers should take to improve patient engagement?

Some key actions that providers should take to improve patient engagement is to implement proactive and engaging features as well as promote and expedite portal use.

What are the key issues that concern providers?

One of the key issues that concerns providers is the difficulty of increasing patient engagement and the use of patient portals. Having patients be more aware and have more control over their own health is necessary to ensure better patient outcomes and quality of care.

Why do caregivers use patient portals?

While most caregivers adopt patient portals just because MU requires it, portals can bring value across clinical and financial dimensions. For many providers, Meaningful Use was the trigger to adopt patient portals, the main function of which is to give patients timely access to their health information. However, there is more to that.

How do portals help providers?

Instead, they need to see and harness the other benefits portals provide. Portals can yield actual value for providers by boosting clinical and financial outcomes. They have the potential to drive patient engagement, patient satisfaction, loyalty, retention, and health outcomes. This is how it can be done.

Why is it important to make portals work?

3. Make Portals Work Both Ways. To boost adherence to treatment plans, self-management, and health literacy, patients need to receive feedback from their providers.

What is EHR incentive?

The Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs encourage patient involvement in their health care. Online access to health information allows patients to make informed decisions about their care and share their most recent clinical information with other health care providers and personal caregivers.

Can a provider withhold information from a patient's website?

However, the provider may withhold any information from online disclosure if he or she believes that providing such information may result in significant harm.

Can a patient opt out of health information?

A: A patient can choose not to access their health information, or “opt-out.” Patients cannot be removed from the denominator for opting out of receiving access. If a patient opts out, a provider may count them in the numerator if they have been given all the information necessary to opt back in without requiring any follow up action from the provider, including, but not limited to, a user ID and password, information on the patient website, and how to create an account.

Can a group practice share credit?

A: Yes. Eligible professionals in group practices are able to share credit to meet the patient electronic access threshold if they each saw the patient during the EHR reporting period and they are using the same certified EHR technology. The patient can only be counted in the numerator by all of these eligible professionals if the patient views, downloads, or transmits their health information online. See the FAQ.

Does CMS require growth charts?

However, because this certification capability is not required, eligible professionals and hospitals do not need to generate and make growth charts available in order to meet the objective.
