8 hours ago Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital. 500 Martha Jefferson Drive. Charlottesville, VA 22911 434-654-7000 See more result ›› >> Go To The Portal
Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital. 500 Martha Jefferson Drive. Charlottesville, VA 22911 434-654-7000 See more result ››
Sentara MyChart and Sentara Martha Jefferson patient portals are different products. Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital and Sentara Martha Jefferson Medical Group are transitioning to a …
Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital. 500 Martha Jefferson Drive. Charlottesville, VA 22911 434-654-7000
Jan 20, 2021 · MyJeffersonHealth gives you free, online access to your Jefferson Health medical record whenever you want it. Through a secure, internet connection, you can: View your health information while you're in the hospital, with MyJeffersonHealth Bedside, a 24/7 tool that provides you with safe and secure access to your medical record, treatment plan, tests results and more.
Why should I have to create an additional account?Sentara MyChart and Sentara Martha Jefferson patient portals are different products. Sentara Mart...
Why does this process involve asking personal questions?To ensure your identity, we use a third party vendor called Experian Identity Validation Se...
Where is my health information located? 1. Healthcare information for services received prior to September 30, 2016 may be requested through Medica...
How do I get my doctor’s name in the list for messaging?Once an appointment is made after October 1, 2016, with your Sentara Martha Jefferson Medic...
Many times patients require assistance to manage care and navigate the healthcare system. In these cases, it is necessary to retain a proxy who will access their information and securely communicate with their physician’s office. This communication is handled through a MyJeffersonHealth account.
Drop off your proxy consent form to your provider's office at your next scheduled visit, or at one of the following locations: