marin natural medicine patient portal

by Eleonore Reilly II 9 min read

Marin Natural Medicine Clinic

34 hours ago Marin Natural Medicine Clinic is an Integrative Naturopathic and Chinese Medicine practice dedicated to high-quality healthcare and professional patient services. Contact: 415.945.3213 Join Our Mailing List >> Go To The Portal

Functional assessment for the complete picture

The functional assessment approach we take to analyzing digestive function provides us with actionable information on how your body is actually digesting food and absorbing nutrients. We assess the inflammation status in your GI tract, identifying both good and bad bacteria, yeast/fungi and parasites.

Associations with other conditions

Due to the importance of the GI tract in proper immune response, many conditions of immune dysfunction are treated by restoring healthy digestive function. Auto-immune conditions, allergies, skin disorders and some mental/emotional issues can be addressed by analyzing digestive function and restoring GI health.