36 hours ago Our patients, employees and family are our top priority at Long Island Spine Specialists, P.C. We ask you to not visit any of our locations if you have symptoms such as fever, sneezing, coughing and possible shortness of breath. Please cancel your appointment and re-schedule once you are feeling better and are no longer suffering with symptoms. >> Go To The Portal
Our patients, employees and family are our top priority at Long Island Spine Specialists, P.C. We ask you to not visit any of our locations if you have symptoms such as fever, sneezing, coughing and possible shortness of breath. Please cancel your appointment and re-schedule once you are feeling better and are no longer suffering with symptoms.
You must register with NextMD before you can access the patient portal. Please use your token to open your NextMD account. If you did not receive a token or are having difficulties, please email nextmdsupport@lispine.com or call (631) 498-5632 ext 158. PATIENT PORTAL login PATIENT PORTAL first-time user.
Thank you very much for contacting Long Island Spine Specialists, P.C. To best serve your individual needs, please choose from the following options: New Patient Existing Patient Refer a Patient (631) 498-5632. Participating (in-network) with United Healthcare & Oxford Health Plans, Blue Cross Blue Shield Plans and New York State Health Plan ...
If you are unable to keep your appointment, kindly notify us at (631) 498-5632, press 4, or email appointments@lispine.com so we may accommodate another patient. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the office. We look forward to seeing you. Sincerely, Long Island Spine Specialists, P.C.
This page will provide you with all the necessary forms, as well as important information regarding your first visit. Please be sure to read and complete all applicable documents.
All prior medical information including x-rays, scans, MRIs and any accompanying medical reports. (Please bring copies of MRIs and scans on CD.)
Section 1557 of the ACA (Affordable Care Act) This notice describes the privacy practices of Long Island Spine Specialists, PC and how Long Island Spine Specialists may use and disclose your protected health information (PHI). Long Island Spine Specialists, P.C.
Disc herniation - protrusion of the tissue that acts as a cushion between vertebrae. Sciatica - nerve pain in the lower back, extending to the hip, buttocks, and leg) Spinal stenosis - narrowing of the spinal canal that puts pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots.
Mei Wang, DAc, LAc, MPH., a native of China, received her Medical Degree from Tianjin Medical University in 1992. Her training also includes... Sharona Razinia, L.Ac. Sharona Razinia, L.Ac., believes in treating the body as a “whole”. Sharona is a licensed acupuncturist in the state of New York. She...
833-774-6333. Numbness, pain or tingling into a leg or arm, especially when it extends below a knee or elbow, could imply a disc problem, and should be seen by a spine specialist within 2 days.
The spine center helps those with back pain and neck pain explore non-surgical treatment options. If spine surgery is necessary, because of a herniated disc or spinal fracture, the spine surgeons emphasize minimally invasive spine techniques and instrumentation that greatly reduces the length of the incision, lessens time in ...
Lifting or sports activities can strain muscles, ligaments & tendons, causing painful spasms. Extreme pain can require a spine specialist. Home remedies include anti-inflammatories like Advil/Nuprin, rest, ice and some simple stretching exercises.
Pain in the low back, along with a fever, could be a kidney infection. You should see a spine specialist immediately. Back or neck pain that doesn’t radiate pain or numbness into a leg or arm can be caused by a variety of problems, including a strain of the muscles or ligaments in the back or neck.
Home remedies include anti-inflammatories like aspirin, Advil or Nuprin, rest, ice and some simple back/neck exercises.
Any traumatic fall or car accident could have fractured bones in your spine, or herniated a disc. You should see a spine specialist promptly who may perform X-rays to assess you. Neck pain with headache/nausea is an EMERGENCY symptom. See a doctor in 24 hours.
Physiatrists treat patients of all ages. Physiatrists take a pragmatic view, focusing on improving function rather than perfecting imaging scans. Physiatrists are eager to work in collaboration with other professionals, such as physical and/or occupational therapists, to get the job done.
Knee Pain. Any of the above may be caused by a congenital malformation, osteoarthritis, a muscle strain or other injury, or one of several disease conditions. Once our doctors diagnose the underlying cause of your pain, we will address it in the most effective, efficient way possible.
Knee Pain. Any of the above may be caused by a congenital malformation, osteoarthritis, a muscle strain or other injury, or one of several disease conditions. Once our doctors diagnose the underlying cause of your pain, we will address it in the most effective, efficient way possible.