lenoxhillradiology.com patient portal

by Mr. Junior Johns I 4 min read

Patient Portal | Lenox Hill Radiology - RadNet

35 hours ago lenoxhillradiology.com patient portal. by Mr. Junior Johns I Published 10 months ago Updated 1 month ago 10 min read. Prepare for an Exam Get exam preparation instructions so you’re ready for your appointment. ... patient portal dr. grogg 3. the patient had a 3.8 cm testicular laceration repair from a baseball injury. report code ... >> Go To The Portal

What is the message from Medicare?

What is included in a hospital bill?

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Lenox Hill Hospital | Northwell Health

Lenox Hill Hospital | Northwell Health

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Minimizing Radiation

We take patient safety seriously & strive to use only the radiation necessary.

Online Scheduling

No time to call for an appointment? Just complete our Online Scheduling Form and we’ll call you within one business day.

Lenox Hill Radiology Connect

Connect, our provider portal, gives our referring physicians convenient and quick access to patient study results. Connect provides secure access to your patients’ reports and images and real-time updates on exam status. Reports and images are available to you as soon as they are signed.

An Overview of Connect

Connect allows you to see all your patients’ studies and quickly access reports and images.


Locate any patients seen by a RadNet imaging center. View your patients’ entire exam history to access the report and images you want.

View Reports

View reports directly within the portal, as soon as they are completed and signed.

View Images

View full DICOM images directly within your browser. Use convenient window-leveling, measuring, and scrolling controls.

Download Reports

Download and print the patient report so that you can include it in the patients’ EMR record.

Good Reasons to Use Lenox Hill Radiology Connect

Delivers access to reports and images quickly and effortlessly for you and your staff, with “real time” information.

Brain Health Awareness

Using diagnostic imaging, brain disorders can be better diagnosed, managed, and treated.

Spend less on Your Radiology Exam

Before scheduling a radiology exam at an expensive hospital-owned center, it is important to know you have options.

For Patients

Commonly asked questions about imaging studies, insurance coverage and our centers.

For Providers

Information for referring physicians about our services, radiologists and exclusive web portals.

What is the message from Medicare?

If you are a Medicare patient, be sure you are given “An Important Message from Medicare” by the hospital’s discharge planner or caseworker. This details your rights to remain in the hospital for care and provides information on whom to contact to appeal a discharge decision.

What is included in a hospital bill?

Your hospital bill covers the cost of your room, meals, 24-hour nursing care, laboratory work, tests, medication, therapy and the services of hospital employees. You will receive a separate bill from your physicians for their professional services.

What is the message from Medicare?

If you are a Medicare patient, be sure you are given “An Important Message from Medicare” by the hospital’s discharge planner or caseworker. This details your rights to remain in the hospital for care and provides information on whom to contact to appeal a discharge decision.

What is included in a hospital bill?

Your hospital bill covers the cost of your room, meals, 24-hour nursing care, laboratory work, tests, medication, therapy and the services of hospital employees. You will receive a separate bill from your physicians for their professional services.
