lake imagiong patient portal

by Megane Fisher 7 min read

Patient Information | Lake Medical Imaging - The Villages, …

36 hours ago Lake Images Patient App &Online Results Portal Lake Images is new technology available to patients attending a Lake Imaging clinic for radiology testing. It enables you as the patient, secure access to your personal medical images following your scan, via your smartphone or device. >> Go To The Portal

What is the lake images patient app?

Lake Images Patient App &Online Results Portal Lake Images is new technology available to patients attending a Lake Imaging clinic for radiology testing. It enables you as the patient, secure access to your personal medical images following your scan, via your smartphone or device.

Why choose Lake medical imaging?

Full Users Guide. To set up your Physician Portal/PACS account, or for answers to any questions about our services, please contact our Physician Liaison staff at (352)787-5858 or by emailing your request to: Jennifer Fortuno, Marketing Supervisor, at,

How do I Activate my Private Account with Lake imaging?

Request appointments . View and manage your medical records. Exchange secure messages with our staff. Access forms before you arrive at our office

How can I access my patients’ reports and images?

Jun 15, 2019 · Patient Portal. Lake Regional patients now access their health information using two portals: a clinic portal and a hospital portal. Clinic. HEALTHConnect. ... Lab and imaging results from hospital stays/ED visits; Clinic visits from May 1, 2017, through June 14, 2019; Log in …


What is Lake Images?

Lake Images is new technology available to patients attending a Lake Imaging clinic for radiology testing. It enables you as the patient, secure ac...

How does Lake Images work?

After attending your appointment at a Lake Imaging clinic, you will receive an SMS text message or email with information that will enable you to a...

How to set-up your Lake Images account

1. Account Activation Process During your appointment, the reception staff will ask you for your mobile number (or email address if preferred). On...

Can I save my images?

Images can be saved from the Lake Images APP, and web portal by clicking the ‘Export’ option on the study tile.

Can I share my images electronically?

Yes, you can easily share your images by selecting the ‘Share’ icon in the Lake Images APP or web portal. You can also choose how long you would li...

How much storage will the images use?

No additional storage is required to view images. Viewing your images is similar to viewing a standard web page.

How secure is my information?

All Lake Imaging patient information is stored at a highly secure Australian Tier IV Data Centre. Lake Images is GDPR (General Data Protection Regu...

I am unable to see my images?

Your images may not be processed yet. It could take up to 7 days for your images to reach your account. Otherwise, your doctor may have requested t...

I didn’t receive an SMS text or email?

Your images may not be finalised or ready for viewing. If you do not receive an SMS or email 24 hours after your examination, please contact our t...

What is a Patient Portal?

A patient portal is an online application that allows patients to manage their healthcare easily and securely. Portals can be accessed at the patient’s convenience, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At CHRISTUS Health we have specific patient portals for where you've received care from us.


YourCHRISTUS is an easy, secure way to manage your health at your convenience. Patients eligible for YourCHRISTUS must have received care at select CHRISTUS facilities. Select a location below to login to YourCHRISTUS. You can also create a Proxy Account to view the health care records of minor children or adults for whom you are the caregiver.


MyChart is an online application that may be accessed from your computer, tablet or phone, whichever is most convenient for you.
